Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 78 - "This is great news"

I was riding to school with Seto the following morning. I was so angry with my Dad; I had decided to stay the night with Seto. If I was being dragged back to L.A. I didn’t care of his ‘no boyfriend on school nights’ rules. If I only had a short amount of time left with Seto, I was going to spend as much time as possible with him.

Apparently after I stormed out of my Dad’s office, Seto went in and tried to reason with Dad. Seto said he presented some really good arguments, that left Dad speechless as Seto strode out; therefore Seto was remaining fairly optimistic.

I on the other hand, was not. My father was stubborn, and there was no way of changing his mind once it was made up. Before I cut off contact with my mother, the sort of thing that Dad is doing now was one of her biggest complaints.

When the limo pulled up at school, I saw Kathryn waiting at the gate. I told Seto I’d see him later and gave him a kiss and a hug, and I approached Kathryn.

“Who are you waiting for?” I asked her.

“You, silly. Come on, we have something to do.” Kathryn said, and began steering me into the school.

“What do we have to do?” I asked Kathryn.

“You used to play hockey, right?” Kathryn asked me.

“Yeah, in like middle school. I only went to a few training sessions, I was sick on the day of one of the games and was banned from ever playing any sport at that school ever again.” I replied.

“Good enough for me!” Kathryn brightly stated as we arrived at the Physical Education office.

“No way. NOOO WAY!” I shouted at Kathryn.

I was NOT joining the school hockey team.

“Yes way! Come on Ella. Please join. We only need a few more people and we need them by lunch or the team gets cancelled. Please?” Kathryn asked, trying to sound sweet.

“When’s the game?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Tomorrow.” Kathryn mumbled.

“Yeah, NO WAY! We all have an important English test after school. I won’t be able to do an English test if I’m sore from hockey!” I complained.

“We go against all the other schools in the area, it’s so fun. We get to go against Rintama High School.” Kathryn stated, trying to persuade me to join up.

“I do not care about Rintama High School. I don’t care if they’re the ‘bad school’ in the area. I only hate Kristy, not the school itself.” I explained to Kathryn.

“Kristy is on the hockey team,” Kathryn informed me, whilst smirking.

“Gee Kathryn, why didn’t you tell me earlier?! Where do I sign up?!” I said in an excited tone, being persuaded by that little information.


After school I went to Kaiba Corp. with Seto, even though I wasn’t meant to be working today. Dad had requested to see both Seto and I. I wasn’t that nervous, as I said I don’t care if I’ve pissed him off. If I have to move back to L.A. in a month, I’m going to make the most of now.

We walked down the Accounting floor, and eventually made our way to my Dad’s office. This time we knocked, instead of just barging in.

After Dad gave us permission to enter, we did.

“So, Mr. Kaiba. What do you suggest should happen if Ella were to continue to live here if I go back to L.A.?” Dad asked Seto.

“She could live with me. It’s not like she’d be with me the entire time. I work late, and when I get home I have a lot of homework to do. Same with Ella, she has a fair amount of homework and studying. I’d only see her for a short time each night, so you don’t have to think she’s too young to be living with me, if we’re barely going to see each other.” Seto explained.

“I see. Then why do you want her to live with you?” Dad asked.

“I want Ella to do well in school so she can continue working here. She shows great potential, and could take this company a long way. If she were to move back to L.A. in the middle of the school year, her grades could take a real beating. It’s not about our relationship. Even if Ella did move back to L.A. we could still continue our relationship, I could fly out to L.A. every now and again.” Seto informed Dad.

“Okay. You’ve bought me. Only because I want Ella to do well. I thought about it last night and I thought about the points you just bought up too. I’m going back to L.A. earlier than expected. I booked my flight last night and it’s 2 weeks away. That means Ella; you have two weeks to move your things to Kaiba’s mansion. I’m selling off the house in Japan, and moving back into the old house in L.A. since the tenants moved out not too long ago.” Dad decided.

“Thank you!” I squealed.

“I’ll see you when I get home. Because of my decision, the usual rules still apply. No boyfriends on school nights while you’re still living under my roof.” Dad told me.

“Okay.” I said, and backed out of his office, Seto on my heels.

“Oh my god!” I squealed to Seto, once we were in the elevator and out of ears shot of my Dad.

“This is great news.” Seto said, embracing me into his arms and kissing the top of my head.

I sighed. Everything was going right again. Not only would I be staying in Domino with my friends and the man I love, I would be seeing him everyday. I also would have more freedom, now that I would have no parent influence residing here in Domino. Sure I’d miss my father, but what 17 year old girl wouldn’t want to live in a city with their rich boyfriend and no parents around?