Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 8 - "I'm SO SICK of people telling me that!"

12.00pm came a short while after Kaiba left. I had gotten changed into a blue and white dress that hugged my hourglass figure perfectly – a belt was tightly fastened around my waist and the dress hugged my chest and hips, as well as nicely showing off my butt.

I wore the same white headband I wore on my first day of school, while wearing pastel coloured make-up.

All in all, I was pretty happy with my appearance.

I sprayed myself with a bit of Chanel no.5. As Marilyn Monroe said ‘it’s all I wear to bed’ and it really does bring a guy to his knees. I spent ages saving up to be able to afford a bottle, and I was sure as hell going to use it.

I heard a honk from the driveway and I grabbed my bag and flew out the door.

Joey got out of the car to give me a hug, while Tea and Yugi were in the backseat.

“Wow, I’ve almost lost my breath, you look beautiful.” Joey said, flabbergasted.

“Thank you.” I said, and I noticed him breathing in my scent.

He attacked me with a rough kiss, and I could tell he was getting turned on.

Tea honked the horn angrily.

“Oh come on you two! This is ridiculous.” She shouted, and I blushed and jumped into the passenger seat.

“Damn, you look hot girl.” I said to Tea, seeing how different she when she wasn’t in her school uniform.

“Could say the same to you, you’re going to have every guy on his knees” Tea said, and Joey swerved, making us all lose balance.

“If any guy touches her, he’ll have me ta deal with!” Joey shouted, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Yugi watching me as I rolled my eyes.

“Well I’ve already had one guy eat putty out of my hands today, and it wasn’t Joey.” I smirked. I was going to watch Joey squirm.

“Who?” he demanded.

“Long story. I’ll tell you when we get to Duke’s shop, so I can tell everyone at the same time.” I replied.

“Can you tell us who it is then?” Joey asked.

“Ok, it was Kaiba.” I told him.

“WHAT WAS KAIBA DOIN’?” Joey yelled, and we all screamed as he lost control of the car again.

“Joey, you have to calm down. Ella, stay quiet until we get there.” Yugi reasoned.

“Fine.” Joey and I replied, and the rest of the ride was silent.

Once we arrived at Duke’s shop, we jumped out of the car straight away.

“Ella, can I talk to you for a minute?” Yugi asked me.

Tea and Joey shot him odd looks, but Joey made no comments. I guess the only other guy I was allowed to talk to was his best friend. Sometimes he’d make comments if I spoke to Tristan!

Yugi and I walked away from the group, and we ended up in a park, on a bench.

It was the first time I’d had a real good look of him today. He seemed, different. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“I can see that Joey’s jealousy is really bugging you.” Yugi told me.

“Yeah, it is.” I sighed.

“He’s my best friend, and it takes a lot of courage for me to tell you this, but maybe you should reconsider your relationship with him? Or at least have a word to him? You don’t want to be miserable your whole relationship.” Yugi explained.

“I know all of this. Trust me, I know.” I frowned.

“Have you experienced this in the past?” Yugi asked.

“Yes, I have.” I replied.

“Do you care to explain? If you don’t want to, I understand. But I won’t tell Joey – or anyone for that matter.” Yugi said.

“Yeah, it would be good to have someone to talk to. But please understand, if I tell you all of this, you’re the person I’m coming to from now on when I have a problem. Ok?” I asked him “There’s no going back. You’ll be the person who knows about my past and I don’t want to have to explain it all again to someone else”

He smiled and nodded.

“My ex...he’s the only boyfriend I’ve ever had. I’ve dated guys – like how I’m dating Joey now, but nothing ever progressed. My ex seemed like a nice guy, and he was at first. But suddenly he kept saying things to hurt me. He’d always compare me to other girls; always tell me how much he wanted other girls. ‘Oh, see that chick across the road? Damn she’s hot. I’d screw her so hard she’d be in hospital screaming my name’ stuff like that.” I started.

“That’s horrible!” Yugi interrupted.

“I know. I really woke up to it when my slutty so called best friend pulled her top down for everyone to see and he ignored me to go flirt with her. Aaaanyway I tell him I’m not going to put up with that stuff, so he stops it. Alls good I suppose, but then he starts on his jealousy.” I said.

“Guess he had nothing better to do now his horrible act was over, right?” Yugi asked.

“Right. I had a lot of guys chasing me at the time, and he felt so insecure. He was older than me, ugly and fat. So he’d always manipulate my mind into ceasing all contact with any guy that wasn’t him. “ I stated.

“Typical.” Yugi spat.

“Ya. Well he found out I nearly left him for this other guy, and all hell broke lose. To cut it short his anger got the best of him so he began shoving me into walls, throwing me onto oncoming traffic, slapped me, hit me, would pretend to smash glass bottles within centre metres of my head. Horrible stuff like that.”

Yugi gasped loudly.

“So what ended up happening? You left him, right?” Yugi asked.

“Wrong. I was an idiot. Well, naïve at least. He was seeking professional help at that time and was always apologetic and would be like ‘yadda yadda yadda things will get better, I’m getting help, it’s my condition not me.” I replied.

“So how did you get away?” Yugi asked.

“Well, fortunately for me, slutty best friend and boyfriend went to the same party I went to, got drunk, and ended up into bed together. Yeah, I got cheated on, but she got the worst reputation in town, he went psycho, I went to the cops, and he got a suspended sentence. Sure he’s not in jail, because of his ‘condition’ but if he does that shit to another poor unsuspecting girl, he’s toast.” I smirked.

“What happened to the friendship?” Yugi asked.

“Oh, it died. She murdered it. Even Tea, the friendship girl would probably admit that friendship deserved to die. You treat your friends with respect, and you’d do anything for a friend. If you want to steal your best friend’s boyfriend then you’re not a true friend.” I said, and then realized what was happening.

I was rambling, and I was talking about the past. I vowed to let go of the past once I moved to Domino.

“Um, so yeah. I’m glad I got cheated on, because it broke the spell he had on me. He only wanted me to be a trophy girlfriend, I originally wanted him because I liked his personality, even if he wasn’t very good looking.” I explained.

“You must have a very kind heart if you really thought that way, and stayed with him just to help him.” Yugi stated.

“Maybe. Idiocy too though.” I said.

“Well, I can assure you that Joey would never go that far, he wouldn’t cheat and he wouldn’t hit you. But you’ve been tormented and scarred; you really should have a talk with him. You don’t need to go through what you told me, but just tell him it’s making you uncomfortable.” Yugi said, grabbing my hands.

I kind of flinched at this; this was out of character for him. He quickly let go.

With all the bad memories flooding back, I let go of a few tears. It’s so silly; this was all in the past. But I had so much trust in those two, I made them my everything and I was left with nothing.

“Hey, don’t cry, you’re too pretty for that.” Yugi said, wiping my tears.

Once again, I kind of flinched. This was the sensitive guy’s way of flirting. I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, like I was with a stranger. After knowing Yugi all week, even if he was sensitive I don’t think he’d come on as strongly as this. And he wouldn’t come onto me at all! And I don’t think he’d go behind Joey’s back to have this conversation.

“You have a strong presence. I can feel this. You have the ability to move on and make new friends so easily, despite being hurt so greatly in the past. Your strength will be rewarded, I promise.” Yugi said.

“Why do you seem so different? Even before this conversation it seemed you’re...different. Your words and actions aren’t those you would normally do. It just seems out of character, that’s all.” I described.

“You will find out in good time.” Yugi replied.

“Argh!” I shouted in frustration, stamping my foot.

“What’s wrong?” Yugi chuckled.

“I’m SO SICK of people telling me that! First Kaiba and now you!” I said.

“You’ll find out later today. But now, we are to look at Duke’s shop. The sooner we do, the sooner you will find out what’s going on.” Yugi said, and I got up straight away.

“Well, let’s go then.” I said.