Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 81 - "Never judge a book by it's cover, Joey"

“Hello Joseph.” I heard her smirk.

“Let’s cut to the chase Kristy. What did I hear from that phone call earlier?” Joey asked, and I could see he was holding himself back from getting mad.

“Oh that? It was a guy with a bigger dick than yours who could obviously make a girl like me scream. Don’t worry I didn’t mean to call you to gloat, it was an accidental call.” Kristy said to Joey, using a very bitchy tone.

“What does dick size have to do with this?!” Joey demanded.

“Look Joey, I’ll be honest here. You’re average I guess, but your size doesn’t fulfill my needs.” Kristy said, and I could tell that this comment really got to Joey from the look on his face.

I wasn’t going to sit in the car and watch my friend’s feelings getting shattered by slut of the year.

I flew out of the car, and onto Kristy’s doorstep.

“You’re right. Joey’s penis size wouldn’t satisfy your needs. You’re such a slut you’re so stretched, it’s like a hotdog down a hallway” I spat at her, and Joey snickered.

“Oh here comes the woman of the hour, Ella Campbell!” Kristy said sarcastically.

“What does that even mean? You’re an idiot.” I sneered, and I expected to anger her, but not anger her as much as I did.

She pulled her fist back, and she got me in the leg. I moved away fast enough for her to miss my stomach or face, but I got whacked really hard in the leg.

Joey gasped, and quickly intervened to stop Kristy from hitting me again. I ducked under his arms, and decided to enter the fight.

For all of elementary school, and most of junior high people were scared of me, and never tried to cross me, I was a true fighter, and if you pissed me off I really knew how to knock you out. I was no bully or thug, I only ever entered fights if someone hit me first, or someone REALLY angered me. This comes under one of those times.

Sure, I hadn’t dusted off my knuckles since junior high, I cleaned up my act and moved to live with my father and became a lot classier, but I still knew how to fight, and I could always just claim self defense. It’s my word over hers.

So I ducked under Joey, and took Kristy by surprise by knocking her in the jaw.

Joey backed off, surprised by a violent side of me he had never seen before.

“E-Ella.” He stuttered, he seemed incapable of saying anything else.

Kristy let out a low hiss, and grabbed her jaw in pain.

“Well, well, well. Mrs. Seto Kaiba isn’t as innocent as she lets on. I’d like the media to see this, I can see the headlines though.” Kristy smirked.

“Ella! Don’t hit her again! She can do more damage to your reputation than you can do of hers – hers is tarnished. Yours is clean!” Joey shouted at me.

I ignored him. While it seemed like I had everything to lose – really, what did I? If Kristy beat me up, and went to the media bragging about it, they’d just put it down that she’s a trashy Rintama High girl who beat up the ‘poor innocent Ella Campbell’ and some pictures of me being beaten up would go alongside the articles.

Kristy took a swing and this time I was able to move faster. I knew how girls like her worked. She was small so she couldn’t pack a very big punch. So she was a little like a boxer, she’d constantly miss all your hits, and wait until you were tired out from trying to hit her until she would strike.

And I was correct, every punch to her stomach and face I missed. She’d easily duck under me, or jump to the side.

She began to taunt me with words, as part of her plan to tire me out. If she greatly angered me now, I’d hit harder, which would exhaust me quicker.

I had to suppress a smirk though. She thought she was messing with my head, when really; I was the one who was playing with my prey.

I got kind of sick of Kristy’s smirk, and wanted to finish this off so I could go back to school and not have to miss out on any more classes.

I yawned, and she glared at me, angered that I was showing signs of being ‘bored’ in a fight I was apparently losing.

I decided to hit the critical blow that would tip the odds in my favour. I went for a rapid punch towards her head, and of course she dodged the punch. What she didn’t anticipate for, was me to stick my leg out, her being hit very hard by my thigh and falling for the ground.

Now, it wasn’t very heroic to hit someone when they’re down. But this is Kristy we’re talking about. She’d do a lot worse to me when I’m down.

I kicked her a few times, not very hard, but enough to at least cause a little pain and some shock.

I punched her a few times in the stomach too (I avoided her face, as much as I hate her I don’t actually want to dislocate her jaw or break her nose, I just want her to fear me so she’ll leave everyone I know alone) until she cried for it to stop. I ceased immediately.

“Feel free to tell the media that Seto Kaiba’s girlfriend beat you up. But imagine what the whole world would think that a pissweak Domino High girl beat up an alleged tough Rintama High girl. Yeah, think about that.” I said, kicking her in the side.

She groaned in pain and got herself up and she began heading into her house when I called out to her.

“Kristy, just make sure you never contact any of my friends again.” I growled to her, turning my back on her and walking to Joey’s car.

Joey quickly followed me, and he jumped into his car. He stayed silent until we drove off.

“Who are you and what have you done with Ella Campbell?” Joey asked, sounding proud of my efforts.

“Never judge a book by its cover, Joey. I may be a good girl now, but I wasn’t always. That is the first fight I’ve been in since I was about 14, and I guess I’m not proud of what I did, but Kristy had to be put in her place.” I shrugged.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Joey asked.

“Family and friends. When you grow up in the slums of a place, you pick up skills. You know that.” I said to Joey, who nodded.

“So by the time we get to school it’ll be the end of lunchtime. You skipped school to kick girl’s ass, but you’re still getting to school on time.” Joey grinned, and I grinned back.

“Uh, Joey. I know you think what I did was pretty cool, but can we keep it between us?” I asked him.

Joey agreed, and we pulled into the school, nervously racking our brains out for an excuse of what we just got up to.

I was so happy. That horrible Kristy would now be out of our lives forever.
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I like this chapter. It shows a different side to Ella.