Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 82 - "The ex lover of Kaiba’s girl, Ella Campbell, speaks out

Even though I acted like I was fully confident in front of Joey and Kristy, which Kristy wouldn’t go to the media about our fight, that was a complete act. I was terrified that Kristy would, the confidence was just an act in hopes that my confidence would intimidate her as much as my punches did. I lived the next week or so in complete fear of opening up a magazine and seeing an article about the fight that Kristy and I had.

I was horrified to wake up on Saturday morning to my fear coming true, but not because of Kristy.


I awoke on the Saturday morning feeling refreshed. I got 8 hours sleep for once, and it was nice to awake at my own pace.

I made my way down the stairs, and into the kitchen to see Mokuba sloppily eating some cereal and just a cup of coffee in front of Seto, who was reading some sort of magazine.

As soon as my presence was known, Seto looked up from the magazine.

“Mokuba, can you please leave the room for a moment?” Seto asked him, and I found this request a little odd and out of the ordinary.

“But Seto!” Mokuba whined.

“NOW!” Seto yelled at Mokuba, who sort of whimpered and ran off from Seto’s yelling, which was very out of character.

I sort of meekly sat in a chair opposite him. It was obvious he was very furious, and the way things were going it looked as if his fury was directed at me.

He slid me the magazine he was reading across the table, without a word spoken. I looked at the cover; it was a woman’s article. However one of the featured articles on the front caught my eye.

I flicked to page 19, and saw the article that filled the entire page.

The ex lover of Kaiba’s girl, Ella Campbell, speaks out.

We get the juicy goss from Thomas Gates, the ex lover of Seto Kaiba’s new girlfriend. He doesn’t let back on any details.

Thomas tells us that Ella was a (quote) ‘Controlling, manipulative bitch who used her looks to get anything from any guy she wants’ we asked if Gates believed that’s how Campbell landed a guy like Seto Kaiba. Gates replied with a yes.

Gates revealed that Campbell is very suicidal and an attention seeker, and was disliked by a lot of people because of it.

We got quotes from family members of his; saying that they all disliked Campbell and thought she was a ‘dumb bimbo’

Gates had many negative things to say about Campbell, many of which we can’t publish here. We asked if he had anything positive to say about her, which he replied ‘her looks and her bra size’

Gates also claimed that Campbell cheated on him during their relationship, which led to their relationship’s demise.

Gates closed his statement stating that he hopes that Kaiba would see Campbell for what she truly is – an unintelligent mean girl who had no good qualities about her. He said he hoped Kaiba wasn’t shallow, and if he were shallow then it would show if he stayed with Campbell.

Hmm, is he just being a jealous ex lover or is there truth behind his words? We’ll have to await from statements from Campbell and Kaiba.

I dropped the article in shock and rage. I was absolutely outraged. I don’t care if Seto is angry with me; I’ve done nothing wrong I’m the victim.

I looked up at him, and he sat back, his arms crossed, staring at me.

“What do you want to talk about?" I snapped, wanting to get this over and done with.

“What are your thoughts?” Seto asked me.

“I think he sold a false story to a magazine to make a few extra bucks. He’s a welfare cheat, he’s one of those people that are stealing from the taxpayers, if there were less people like him the people who really do need welfare would be able to claim more.” I bitterly spat.

“Did you really cheat on him?” Seto asked.

“I nearly left him, for someone who I thought was better. I realised this person was not better, so I didn’t leave him. I never actually cheated on him though. Our relationship broke up because HE cheated with my BEST FRIEND!” I ranted, banging my fists on the table.

“I see, so he’s committed slander?” Seto asked.

“He sure has! You don’t see me running off to the magazines telling everyone about the restraining order I have against him!” I argued, but then covered my mouth quickly.

“You have a restraining order against him?” Seto asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

I sighed, and stayed silent for about 30 seconds, forming the right words in my head. I had to tell Seto everything now.

“I have a restraining order against him because he used to hit me. Remember that bracelet that said ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ that you turned into a necklace that I’m still wearing to this day? That’s why I wore it, to give me courage to break up with him. I went to the police and all that, and I got a restraining order. His abuse towards me got taken to trial, and he got a suspended sentence, meaning he’s not in jail, but if he does ONE wrong thing then he’s instantly in the slammer.” I sighed.

It didn’t pain me to say this; I had long ago gotten over my past and looked towards the future. I just must have seemed like such a small, little sissy girl to Seto.

Seto had a look of pain and despair on his face. He instantly got up from his kitchen chair, and came over to me to engulf me into a hug. He kissed my forehead and kept muttering over and over ‘I love you’

“I love you too Seto.” I replied.

“Hmm, Ella. Why don’t you go do some homework or something? Seto will make everything all better.” Seto smiled, referring to himself in the third person.

I nodded and walked away. It was obvious Seto was enraged, but it was not towards me as I thought it was. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of Seto Kaiba’s rage. My ex boyfriend is really going to get it.


The next morning was similar to the first. I didn’t go out yesterday, too ashamed to from the article and not wanting to deal with potential paparazzi shooting me questions.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw a few magazines in front of me. I read the headlines from them all; they seemed to cover the same story from yesterday but seemed to be in my favour. I picked up the most popular magazine of them all and flicked to the article.

The real truth behind Ella Campbell – The girl who stole Kaiba’s heart

After an article published from one of our competitors from Ella Campbell’s (Seto Kaiba’s girlfriend) ex boyfriend, we received a number of calls from people who knew Campbell back in her old town of Los Angeles

“No way was Ella a girl who used her looks to manipulate boys, she was very modest about the way she looked” A girl identified as ‘Sarah’ informed us.

“Ella had a lot of boys running after her, often rich and successful guys but she’d never give them a second look. Seto Kaiba is lucky to have her,” Another girl named ‘Liz’ stated.

Even a few of Ella’s teachers gave their input

“Ella was a very shy girl in class, but was very bright and enthusiastic towards her schooling. I had to shake my head at some of the comments made by her ex boyfriend, they’re definitely so far from the truth it’s ridiculous” a woman who called herself ‘Mrs. Green’ quoted to us.

One of Ella’s friends who asked to remain unknown told us the reason this ex boyfriend and Ella broke up was because the ex boyfriend cheated on Ella with her (then) best friend, breaking Ella’s heart and shattering her self confidence for a while.

With the help of yet another unknown source we began to dig up facts about Thomas Gates, the ex boyfriend of Ella’s who gave the interview.

We found out that not only is he not very good looking as well as unemployed, we dug up some police and court records about him and found out he has a suspended sentence for domestic violence against Campbell, and Campbell filed a restraining order against him.

No comments have been made by Campbell or Kaiba, but let us say that we’re 100% Team Ella!

“Were you behind this?” I asked Seto.

“I may have made a few phone calls to the media as well as your old friends about the issue.” Seto smirked, and I ran up to him and jumped onto his lap.

“Thank you!” I squealed, giving him hugs and kisses “Thank you so much!”

“No worries. Now enjoy your breakfast, knowing that slime ball isn’t affecting you anymore.” Seto said coldly, and I knew the coldness was directed to my ex boyfriend.

I resumed my seat at the table.

I was overjoyed. Not only did my ex boyfriend get the revenge he was clearly asking for, or that the whole world now knew he was a girl bashing loser who would never find a girlfriend again, I knew that by him coming up and saying those things and getting shot down, he could never try to re enter my life again and take me down. He had tried, and failed.

I happily munched on my fruit knowing this.
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Ha. Sorry this wasn't out earlier, i'll spare you all the details but it involves my ex boyfriend texting me a certain text, me calling the cops on him and the cops banging on his door at 3am. Kind of funny considering the nature of this part, right? It's a coincidence, too.