Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 83 - "I might like you better if we slept together"

I bit my lip as I nervously approached a roundabout, gripping the steering wheel tightly. This was the toughest roundabout in Domino to drive past; it had 3 lanes, and had a ridiculous piece of ‘art’ aka random scrap metal in the middle that obstructed view.

If I got through this roundabout safely, I would pass my driving test and would receive my license.

But I was extra nervous at this roundabout. It’s hard enough being 3 lanes with a blocked view and all that, but learning to drive back in the US where you drive on the right hand side and not the left made things difficult.

My fears however were unwarranted. I approached the roundabout when there was a gap in traffic, so I luckily could go through straight without having to worry about giving way to my right.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I parked the car safely in the parking spot provided at the testing centre.

“Well Ella, congratulations you just passed your driving test. If you follow me inside, we’ll do everything we have to do so you can get your license.” The driving instructor smiled.


I sighed happily once I pulled onto the road. I had just taken the last bus ride I’ll have to take in a long time. I bought a car straight after my test, so I could drive home. I had been saving up for a car since I first moved here, and because Seto spoiled me it was now easier to save money.

It was a deep green Suzuki swift, about 10 years old, and cost me 450,000 yen, which is just less than 5000 USD.

I was now driving around, contemplating who to surprise first. Should I surprise Duke, Joey or Seto?

I decided I shouldn’t hassle Seto just because I got a car, and Duke was probably with Joey at the moment (Since he hadn’t been speaking to Kathryn he had been getting closer to Joey and Tristan) so I could kill two birds with one stone.

I pulled over to the curb and got my phone out. I got Joey’s number from my address book and rang him.

“Yello?” Joey asked.

“Hey Joey, are you with Duke?” I asked him.

“Yeah, everyone is here at Yugi’s, I invited you yesterday but you complained you had homework to do. Do you want me to come pick you up or something?” Joey asked.

“Thanks Joey but that will not be necessary.” I smirked.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you soon?” Joey asked.

“You sure will.” I replied, and hung up the phone.

I pulled out from where I had parked and began my way driving to Yugi’s.

I popped in a burned CD and starting driving to ‘Evacuate the dance floor’ by Cascada. This was the life, driving by myself, listening to techno on the way to a friend’s house

I pulled up outside the Kame game shop, and walked in. I said hi to gramps at the counter, and walked up to Yugi’s room.

“Sup guys.” I said, swinging my keys on my finger as I walked into the room to see Yugi, Joey and Duke.

“Are those car keys?” Yugi asked, instantly picking up on my actions.

“They sure are. I got my license, so you two don’t need to be my chauffeurs anymore.” I said, jabbing my thumb towards Joey and Duke.

“What are we waiting for? We need to go cruising in your car!” Joey said excitingly.


I giggled as I looked through my mirror and saw Joey looking totally bored in the backseat, resting his chin on his arms. Yugi was looking out the windows, looking as though he was in deep thought.

Duke was in the passenger seat, and he was having fun with me. We were chatting and singing along stupidly to my burned CD. It had a mixture of music genres. Metal, punk, pop, rock, techno, rnb etc.

I laughed as one of the sluttiest songs I’ve ever heard came on, and I turned it up. Kathryn and I had made this our ‘theme song’ for kicks a while back, so Duke knew this song very well and began singing it with me.

“I might like you better if we slept together, I might like you better if we slept together, I might like you better if we slept together but there’s something in your eyes that says maybe that’s never, never say never!” Duke and I sung at the top of our lungs, but then broke into giggles at how bad the lyrics were.

“Alright, I’m over this. Drop Yuge and I back at his house.” Joey said sounding annoyed.

I turned the cd off, feeling awkward at Joey’s sudden outburst. There was an awkward silence in the car, until I arrived at Yugi’s house.

I said my goodbyes to Joey and Yugi, but Duke stayed with me as we went cruising around for a little while longer singing to stupid songs.


I pulled up in front of Seto’s mansion. I then realised I had no idea where the hell I was going to park this thing. Whoops.

Randy, the limo driver, approached my window and I rolled it down.

“Nice car.” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up, it’s all I could afford. At least it’s not a 1983 Holden Commodore like someone I used to know who bragged that her car was the best car ever. Where do I park this thing?” I asked him.

“Want me to valet park?” Randy asked.

“Sure, make me feel good about my car for the only time I ever will.” I shrugged, jumping out of the car and heading into the mansion.

I knew Seto would be in his office either doing homework or Kaiba Corp work, so I took no hesitation in barging into his office.

He looked up with a glare, but his face softened when he saw it was only me.

“Well, well, well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Seto smirked, as I made my way to him and sat on his lap.

“Could say the same to you.” I winked, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

“What do I owe the pleasure of your graceful self?” He asked me.

“Just thought I’d inform you I got my license.” I shrugged, as if it were no big deal.

“That’s great babe. I’m so proud of you!” Seto exclaimed, engulfing me into a massive hug and kiss. “What are you going to do with it?”

“Drive, duh. What else am I meant to say?” I asked Seto.

“Let me rephrase that. Where are we going to drive to?” Seto asked me.

“Um, around.” I blinked, not getting where Seto was getting at.

He gave a sigh, I knew he was annoyed. He got annoyed at ‘slow’ people but he contained his annoyance and put his statement as briefly as possible.

“I’m saying that you should take me for a drive somewhere at some point to do something special.” Seto said, sounding like he was talking to a small child. I ignored that part.

“Awww I can’t believe you came up with that idea you hopeless romantic!” I cooed, kissing Seto’s cheek and he sort of grumbled at both himself for coming up with that idea and me for picking up on it.

“I guess I’ll leave you to it, whilst I think of somewhere to take you!” I happily said, jumping off his lap and leaving his office.

Hm…now, where to take Seto, who’s lived in Domino for a lot longer than me?
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't care where you live at, just turn around boy let me hit that. Don't be a little bitch with ya chit chat, just show me where ya dick's at.

Yes, this chapter was written before I heard "Blah Blah Blah" by Ke$ha. However, I still think Never Say Never is sluttier.