Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 84 - "No displays of affection are tolerated"

I smiled as I walked out onto my balcony, my hand in the air to feel the coolness of the night.

It wasn’t a warm night, no doubt about it. Without the jumper I was wearing I would be shivering. But the weather was bearable whilst wearing warm clothes.

It was a windless night, which was nice. The ending of winter was upon us, and soon Spring, my favourite season would be here.

Having a windless night would complete the night I had planned for Seto. The first activity was indoors, but the second activity was a romantic night under the stars somewhere.

I went back into the room and decided to check if my hair and make-up were perfect. I wanted to look nothing but the best for my Seto.

Barf, my younger rebel self would be kicking my present self’s arse for saying things like this. Who needs a man? I’m completely happy without a man are things you’d always hear from my mouth.

But then the love bug bit me. I expect Seto to put in a little bit of effort for me, it’s a two way street, I should do the same.

Besides, I don’t try and look pretty because he expects me to. I try and look pretty because I want to. I want to look pretty for the man I love. Therefore I’m doing this for me, and not for Seto.

*Cough* Sorry, just trying to not sound anti-feminist.

After I made sure my make-up was perfect I headed into the foyer, to see Seto standing there.

He was wearing his usual attire, black turtleneck, white trench coat, black jeans and his little duel monsters locket with Mokuba’s picture in it.

“So where are we going?” He asked me, as he opened his front door and followed me outside.

“It’s a surprise!” I glowed.

“I hate surprises.” He grumbled, as we got into my car.


“Here? You can’t be serious.” Seto blinked, not too happy with my choice of tonight’s first event.

“You’ve never been roller-skating have you” I smiled evilly.

“I most certainly haven’t. It’s childish!” Seto sneered, just thinking about the activity.

“Well there’s a first time for everything Seto! Come on, please?” I asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible.

“I guess it’s a sport, and sport is important.” Seto growled, undoing his seatbelt and going inside.

We made our way to the counter, and Seto insisted on paying for the entrance fee. However, when it came to the skate hire, he had no idea what he was doing so I was able to pay, hehe!

“Hey Seto, what’s your shoe size?” I shot at him

“Uh 11, why?” Seto asked.

I ignored him and went up to the skating hire counter.

“Hi, I’d like to hire 2 pairs of inline skates, one is a size 11 mens and the other is size 8 womens.” I asked the person.


I began to loosen up a bit once Seto began to loosen up a bit. He had to learn to skate, which was very amusing to me, but not amusing to him.

Then again, being a man based on power clinging helplessly to the sides as he learned to roller skate in a moment of weakness wouldn’t be too amusing, would it?

But he finally got the hang of roller-skating, and began to skate around fastly.

I hadn’t gone skating since I was about 12 so it took me a while to get used to it again, but I got the hang of it faster than Seto.

Finally he was able to skate around slowly, so we began to skate around together. We didn’t hold hands though; we were both too nervous and probably would tumble over if we slow skated holding hands. So we went around the arena a few times just skating side by side.

“What do you think?” I asked him, grinning.

“I think this is pointless, but I am learning how to skate.” Seto shrugged.

I frowned. He was so stubborn, he could never admit to liking something that he was meant to hate. I think he noticed my reaction, as he offered to buy me some fries, which I accepted.

After eating the deep fried goodness, Seto and I got back onto the rink. We were able to control our skating, and when the Beatles “I wanna hold your hand” came on, Seto was the one who initiated the handholding! We went around skating a few times, until an employee skated over and actually blew a whistle loudly in our faces, as if this was ice hockey or something.

“No displays of affection are tolerated. If you continue to do so, you will be asked to leave.” The employee smugly said.

“Huh?” I asked him, a little confused.

“At the entrance, we have a set of rules. These are a condition of entry. You can go look yourself.” The employee snickered.

“Okay, so you play a song that constantly sings ‘I wanna hold your hand’ even though you kick people out for doing that stuff? False advertising much?” I snickered back at him.

“Whatever, just cut it out or be kicked out.” The employee said, skating off.

Seto looked at me, and I could tell he was waiting for a decision from me before he started ranting, or going over to that kid to abuse him.

“Do you want to get out of here? This is the weekend, I don’t want to follow school rules in this dump.” I said to Seto, rolling my eyes.

Seto smirked, please at my answer and replied with a ‘exactly how I feel’

We exited hand-in-hand to annoy the losers who owned this place, and as we left Kaiba named dropped himself to management that they threw out Seto Kaiba, CEO of one of the biggest gaming corporations in the world.

It was amusing to see the guy’s stunned, shocked and scared face as we walked out.

But the next part of tonight would be the real romantic part, and the real reason why we were going out tonight.