Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 85 - "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Seto and I spoke about a lot of things on the way to where I was driving. It was mostly our boring things, politics, business, economics, school etc. Even though it sounds boring, it was nice being able to discuss these things with Seto. We saw eye-to-eye on these things, and I loved that I was able to have an intelligent conversation with my boyfriend. I’m sure he felt the same way about me too.

We were now travelling down a dusty dirt trailed road. The look on Seto’s face was priceless. I could tell he was thinking ‘WTF???’

“I’m leading you down a country road so I can somehow take over your corporation. Muahahaha!” I joked to Seto, who gave me a big frown.

“Ella, that’s not funny considering past circumstances.” Seto glared at me.

I went silent and kept my eyes straight on the road, feeling a little...rejected would be the word. I felt bad that Seto reacted that way, and I felt bad that he was annoyed at me, even if it were for a split second.

Seto felt my uneasiness and changed the topic as quickly as he could.

“Are you going to be warm enough in just a thin hoodie and jeans? It’s a little chilly outside,” He asked, in a worried tone.

“I’m fine! Look, we’re here!” I said, pulling off the dirt road next to a huge paddock.

“What’s here? I don’t see anything.” Seto replied.

“That’s the point. It’s so simple. It’s still in Domino city, it’s like the country life in the city!” I sighed, turning off the engine.

“This holds something sentimental to you doesn’t it? I can tell.” Seto stated.

“I guess it’s obvious, huh? Because it’s just a plain paddock.” I giggled.

Seto smirked, but then nodded.

“Alright, well I guess you’ve noticed that since I’ve been in Domino I haven’t had any contact with my mother? It’s because she was a horrible mother and raised me in the most incorrect ways a mother can raise a child. I’ve never really told anyone, or especially you because I don’t want to sound inconsiderate. Your stepfather was a complete ass to you, you don’t need to hear about the things my mother did.” I explained, explaining the back-story to what I was going to tell him.

“I’m sorry to hear. I don’t think it’s inconsiderate that you’re telling me your mother raised you horribly. In a way it’s good that we can both relate to each other, and it’s good that we both have the same mindset of not thinking about the past or letting it haunt us. It makes us both stronger as individuals, but even more so it makes us stronger as a couple.” Seto exclaimed, and I was shocked.

His last statement was so romantic and poetic it was hard to believe it came out of Seto Kaiba’s mouth. I didn’t want to ask him to repeat it though, didn’t want to ruin the mood.

“I agree. Well, I don’t want to daunt on the past, so I won’t give details about my mother. But we used to spend a lot of time in the south, visiting her complete racist pieces of shit white trash family. Anyway, to escape from their drunken shenanigans and uneducated crap they’d spew from their mouths, I would go to the paddocks to spend time with the animals. I swear they were more intelligent than the white trash.” I replied, and Seto snorted.

“Even though I hated going to the south to see my family, it was still better than the harsh streets of the bad suburb I grew up in L.A. There were no drug dealers banging on the door asking for my mother, there were no hookers that were loitering around. There were no cops continually watching the house or asking me also where my mother was. It just me, the cows, sheep and horses and paddocks of green everywhere. It was one of my favourite parts of my childhood.” I shrugged, feeling a little stupid for feeling this way, and actually telling someone something I’ve kept secret from years.

“Well then let’s go sit on these paddocks so you can be happy.” Seto smiled, and I nodded.

I went to the boot of the car and pulled out an esky and a blanket.

Seto followed me until we got to the top of the hill. I put the blanket down, but was still glad it hadn’t been raining so mud was not an issue.

“Okay, maybe this isn’t so bad There’s a nice view of the skyline of Domino city. You can see Kaiba Corp standing tall in all of its glory.” Seto smirked proudly, and I hit him playfully.

“So I got Billy to prepare us some cookies and some salad sandwiches. Kind of plain I know, but I didn’t know what else to bring. It’s just a small picnic.” I shyly said, handing Seto a sandwich afraid of his reaction.

“Ella it’s okay,” Seto said, engulfing me into a hug “I think this is a good way to get away from everything and spend some quality time with you.”

We ate the sandwiches in silence, enjoying each other’s company. When I was full, Seto pulled me over onto him and onto his lap.

“Tell me something about yourself no one else knows.” Seto whispered into my ear, as my back was lying down on his body, with his legs open.

“Okay. I may or may not have gotten a girl expelled from her school back home.” I sighed, not being 100 percent proud of what I had done.

I was glad I got revenge on the cow, but I could have done it more gracefully.

“What for?” Seto asked, sounding interested.

“Alright. So back in elementary school there was this girl who was weirdly jealous of me and tried to make my life a living hell. She made me go home and cry every night, and she was the reason why I cringe every time I look back on those years. Last year my friend had a plan. He would ring this girls school pretending to be a delivery guy, stating this girl had ordered HEAPS of stock as a prank, that backfired as the delivery guy was confirming the order under her name.” I sighed.

“And let me guess, they expelled her for it?” Seto smirked, looking proud of me.

“Well, yeah. Apparently she was failing everything and not turning up to class so they used this as an excuse to expel her. I’m not proud of what happened, I wasn’t even expecting her to get into trouble, we were just going to see if we could get the school to get her onto the phone so we could shout stupid insults at her and hang up.” I replied, fidgeting with my fingers and looking down.

Seto cocked my chin up with his hands, and gave me a passionate kiss.

“Revenge is a dish best served cold. You got her back for doing such a horrible thing to you. She deserved it.” Seto shrugged, looking pleased with me.

I began playing with his hair, being deep in thought, thinking of how far I had come. Then a thought struck me.

“Do you ever wonder if the smallest things changed in life how different the outcome would be? I know you don’t believe in that fate crap, so if any little thing changed on the path to now with either of us, we wouldn’t be together.” I said to Seto, as I was kissing his neck with soft kisses.

“Yeah, it’s crossed my mind. Not just us, but everything in general, to do with the Kaiba Corporation.” Seto shrugged, and I could tell he wasn’t too fond of the topic.

“There are so many things I can think of that could have changed things dramatically. If I didn’t move into my Dad’s, if I didn’t go back to school after I dropped out-“ I started but Seto cut me off.

“You dropped out of school?” Seto asked, his mouth wide open.

“Yeah, I dropped out at the end of middle school. I returned in freshman year of high school, but I rarely turned up, so I only really returned to school for sophomore year.” I said to Seto, turning red with embarrassment at how trashy and embarrassing my past is.

“You’ve done an incredible effort catching up, I wouldn’t’ have known. You’re one of the best students in the entire school.” Seto praised me.

“Thanks. I was meant to skip a year back in elementary school, but my Mom wouldn’t let me, so I was able to catch up easily as I was technically a year ahead. Oh, that’s another thing that would have dramatically changed things.” I said to Seto.

“You’re incredible Ella.” Seto stated, and pushed me to the ground and attacked me with kisses, sending me into a giggling fit.

“If this place means a lot to you, how would you feel if we expressed our love here?” Seto asked me.

“Do you mean…” I trailed off, and Seto nodded.

“Sure, why not.” I shrugged, feeling strong feelings for Seto at the present time.