Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 86 - "Booty call hey?"

The following night I was sitting on my desk in my room, attempting some economics homework. I had put aside the entire night to do economics homework, and did not want to be disturbed.

However, I was. I heard tapping at my window, but thought nothing of it. It was probably just the harsh wind knocking on the window.

When the tapping wouldn’t stop, I decided to check out what the noise was. I was feeling a little frightened, I didn’t stop sleeping with a night light until I was 12, so small things like this really scared me.

I didn’t want to go and get Seto or one of the maids; I wasn’t so scared that I was willing to look stupid. So I opened my window, but just as I opened it I felt a stone hit my face.

I looked down and saw Joseph Wheeler looking sheepishly at me, and I had to contain myself from shouting at him.

“Joey Wheeler! If Seto saw you, he’d kill you! Do you think he’d appreciate his girlfriend’s ex throwing stones at her window as if he’s calling for a booty call?” I angrily whispered.

Luckily Seto was out, but Mokuba was in, and he’d tell Seto anything.

“Booty call hey? Nah, I’m out with Duke and Tristan, we were bored and decided you’re fun to hang out with, so we wanted you to hang with us.” Joey replied.

“If I hang out with you guys for like an hour will you leave me alone for the rest of the night?” I asked, knowing there was no way to avoid Joey.

“Deal.” Joey grinned, getting his way easily.

I told him I’d meet him down the street

I was wearing my pyjamas, but knew that I couldn’t go out like this. So I changed into black skinny jeans and a white sloppy Joe jumper, and wore fluffy multi coloured boots that had pom poms hanging off them. They were so trashy, and I wouldn’t usually wear them out, but it was FREEZING and I would wear them to keep myself warm.

As I was quietly making my way down the stairs, I heard Mokuba’s voice. I froze up.

“Ella, where are you going?” He asked curiously.

“Heeeey Mokuba, I’m just going for a walk. I’ve been munching on some chocolate, and I feel fat. Heh.” I said, nervously scratching my neck.

“Oh okay. Well, don’t go down any side streets and don’t be out too late, k? I don’t want you getting into trouble.” Mokuba warned.

“Thanks for caring Mokie. I’ll be back soon.” I smiled, and walked out of the mansion.

This reminded me of when I was 16. I’d always sneak out of the house to see one of my exes, and I’d always just tell Dad I was going for a ‘walk’ even though we went on drives. It felt great, I loved the adrenaline rush, and I loved that I could get caught at any time.

After walking out the LONG driveway, I found Duke’s car parked down the street. I jumped into the backseat seated next to Joey, with Tristan being in the passenger seat and Duke obviously being the driver.

“So boys, what are we getting up to tonight?” I asked them.

“We got bored. That’s why we called you out. You’re always full of ideas.” Tristan explained to me.

“Why don’t we pull some pranks? You guys are the best for that kind of stuff.” I smirked.

“Alright, then what?” Duke asked, as he began to drive around.

“Hm, firstly we need a target. It’s mean to pick on someone random, so does anyone have a grudge against anyone?” I asked.

“I do!” Duke shouted, before anyone else could reply.

“Do explain” I smirked, badly wanting to hear this.

I hadn’t heard Duke having grudges against anybody. Duke was well…Duke. He held heaps of charm, and pretty much everybody loved him. But I guess I was mistaken.

“This guy, apparently I hooked up with his ex a LONG time ago, and by long time ago I mean before Ella even moved here. He still has it in for me, he continually says things to me when I pass him in town, and he spreads rumours about me. He’s pathetic, but there’s a reason to prank him.” Duke shrugged, giving us a reason.

“That’s good enough for me. Is there a supermarket open late around here? I have an idea.” I smirked, conjuring up a plan.


“Are you sure this is going to work? This is so god damn lame.” Joey snickered, as I was in the backseat with the materials I had prepared.

“Yeah I’m with Joey on this one. Ella, you’ve come up with better things in the past.” Duke sighed.

“Do you want to go back and buy eggs then? Egging his house is so unoriginal, and besides, he’d instantly know it’s you and use it against you. This way we get to mess with his taste buds, and mess with his mind.” I smirked.

“How?” Tristan asked, sounding unconvinced.

“Alright. Well, this guy has been obsessed with his ex who dumped him 2 years ago. He finds cupcakes on his doorstep from her. He bites into one, and his mouth will be so stingy hot his taste buds will hurt for days on end and he won’t be able to eat without hurting his tongue. Then, he’ll be left to wonder. Does his ex really want him back, or was it a sick joke? Did she accidentally do something wrong with the muffins, or is she just messing with his head? He’ll be left to ponder this all, and his mind will be absolute screwed up. This is a well articulated prank, not a quick mindless prank like egging someone’s house.” I explained to them all.

“Well when you explain it like that, let’s get this show on the road!” Duke said, and everyone agreed.

I finished injecting jalapeno chilies and extra spicy chili powder into the cupcakes, and I wrapped them up nicely. I then handwrote a note claiming I was the guy’s ex girlfriend, and I attached the note to the muffins.

“Okay, it’s show time. I will place these muffins on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and RUN. You park down the street, and I’ll jump into the car after I run down the street and we drive off.” I said to all three of the guys who nodded.

I then gulped as I made my way up the guy’s path. I made sure I went in the shadows, and not the lit up path.

Even though I was nervous as hell, I was excited too. This reminded me of the times I played ding dong ditch with my guy friends when I was kids, the only difference were the names and faces of the boys, and I was a little older. These were the times of my childhood I enjoyed the most, and I was getting to relive them once again.

I placed the muffins on the doorstep, and took a deep breath before I rang the doorbell. I then RAN like crazy down the driveway, and then down the street and jumped into Duke’s car.

“Where to now, boys?” I asked, once I caught my breath and noticed Duke was driving around aimlessly.

“Hey, Duke, go to Pitt Street. I saw an office chair on the side of the street, and a hill just calling out to be rode down right next to the chair. Then, I suggest we go to the 24/7 McDonalds.” Joey grinned, and we all agreed.

What a fun night I was having with Tristan, Joey and Duke.
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This prank that Ella does to her ex, we were going to do to my ex before we found out he had a live-in girlfriend (Which he creepily rang me up to tell me she was overseas and I should 'come over' a day after I wrote this part, after not speaking for over a year) We're still devising up a new plan.