Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 87 - "...playing grown ups with Seto"

The next morning my bedroom door slamming woke me. I sort of jumped up as I woke up, and when I stopped panting from fear I saw an angry Seto looking down at me at the foot of my bed.

“Uh, hi?” I asked, feeling very nervous and intimidated.

“I heard Wheeler got you into a bit of trouble from a present action you decided to take. Care to explain?” Seto asked, crossing his arms and looking furious.

What I did next was maybe one of the most stupid things I had ever done in my life, up until that point. It’s obvious he was talking about the previous night, with Joey, Tristan and Duke yeah? Well it didn’t seem like that at the time. I was still half asleep and quite groggy; I wasn’t able to fully think things through.

Besides, he said ‘Wheeler got you into trouble’ not “you went out with Wheeler, Devlin and Taylor last night.” I was able to misunderstand him, more than just Joey came out last night, and technically we didn’t get into trouble.

“Oh yeah, I only got into that fight with Kristy for self defense, it’s not like I would have gotten into a fight just to beat her up.” I exclaimed, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

“…what?” Seto asked, and I could see his anger rising.

“See, if she were beaten by me she would have gone to the cops. But because I was using self defense, she stayed silent knowing she didn’t have a leg to stand on.” I lied.

“Stupid girl,” Seto growled at me “I wasn’t even talking about that! But thanks for the truth, you piece of trash”

“Huh?” I asked, going very pale from both Seto’s harsh words and the fact that he wasn’t talking about the encounter between Kristy and I.

“You were spotted having a night on the town with Taylor, Devlin and that dog Wheeler. The media caught you. Now everyone will think you’re trashy, and you’ve completely tarnished my name. Then you tell me you’ve been getting into fights with pieces of trash like yourself? This just proves my point Ella. I can’t be seen with you. I can’t be with you. I need a girl who will follow my orders, will not disobey me and will not do things such as yourself do.” Seto hissed at me, with a large quantity of venom in his voice.

“Ok so you’re going to dump me because I went out with my friends last night? Alright, go ahead!” I shouted at Seto, knowing he was being totally unreasonable.

“You do realise what a break-up between us would mean?” Seto said, keeping his cool and leaning against the doorframe.

I looked around the room, and it hit me. I would be totally homeless without Seto. Maybe if I thought he was being serious I would become scared and kiss his feet. But I knew he was being ridiculous. He loved me, and he had come a long way from the jerk he was when we first dated. He always let his anger get the best of him.

“Guess I’m moving out. That is, if you’re dumping me.” I coolly replied, not trying to let him get the last line.

“Guess you’re moving out then. I’m going to Kaiba Corp. I’ll be back by 6. You’re to be out by then. After Randy drives me to work, you may use his services if you need them. Good day Miss Campbell.” Seto said, and in one swift motion turned his body around the other way and walked out.

I rolled my eyes. I’d pack my bags and hire a motel room. I wasn’t usually a stubborn person; I usually caved in and begged for forgiveness, but not this time. If I were to be truly happy with Seto, he’d have to learn that sometimes I was going to see my friends on a Saturday night, and sometimes I was going to be a teenager and have fun and do stupid things like pranks. I had let my childhood pass by too quickly, I wasn’t going to waste my teenage years playing grown ups with Seto.

And if he wasn’t able to accept all of this, then I guess we weren’t meant to be, and the road was meant to end today.

I began to immediately pack all of my items. I contemplated whether to take the things Seto had bought me (the hair straightener/hair dryer/curler cosmetics etc) and decided to take them. I’d die without them, and what was Seto going to do with them all?

It took me an hour or two, but I had all my things onto my bed. I had packed my large suitcase with items, as well as 2 big bags, my school bag and a few smaller bags. There were a few other things I had to grab though, without Seto’s knowledge.

I tip toed down to the kitchen, and poked my head through the door. I saw no sign of Billy, and went in for the kill. I quickly grabbed a plastic bag from the cupboard, and completely raided the fridge and made my way onto the cupboard.

As I was nearly done, I heard a cough behind me. I quickly turned around, afraid of seeing Seto but instead I was met face-to-face with an amused looking Billy.

“Having a picnic?” He asked curiously.

“Uh, no. I’ll be honest with you. Seto broke up with me, which resulted in me being thrown out of the house. I’m going to rent a motel room until he cools off, and because of that I’m stealing as much food as possible so I can cut down on costs.” I told Billy nervously, who let out a chuckle.

“That’s fine. I have unlimited access to buying new ingredients, I don’t need to run it past Kaiba. Steal as much as you want.” Billy chuckled.

“Thanks!” I said, and gave him a big hug considering I might not see him for a while.

After raiding Seto’s kitchen, I decided it was time to pack up my stuff and find a motel. I knew I didn’t need Randy the limousine driver, as I had my own car. I made two trips down to the car park, but finally all my stuff was in my small car, and it was time to find a motel.

I took a drive through the city to find the perfect motel. I had never really paid attention to motels in the city before, as I had never needed one, so I didn’t know where to stay. I wanted a motel that was reasonably priced, but not a motel that would have rats and rotten furniture and other disgusting things.

After about an hour, I found a motel that looked fairly decent, and was fairly priced too. I checked in at the counter, and I was lead to my room.

The clerk didn’t wait around, so I was able to quickly put my things in the small cupboard provided. I didn’t bother unpacking; I knew Seto would come around soon and at least compromise with me. He didn’t have to agree with everything I do or say, but I knew he’d understand. He loves me, and he’s understood about a lot of things lately.

I flopped onto the bed, and put my hands behind my head and began to mull things over.

The biggest question running through my head was, when would Seto come around?