Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 88 - “Should the drinking age in Japan be lowered to 18?”

It had been 3 days since Seto broke up with me/threw me out of his mansion, and I’ll be honest with you, it’s been a horrible 3 days.

On day 1, which was Monday I still felt optimistic about the situation. But my spirits fell after the only words that Seto spoke to me were that I no longer worked at Kaiba Corp.

On day 2, I was still a little optimistic that Seto may come around, but the only interaction we made was that he glared at me.

On day 3 I was completely pessimistic. Seto and I were over for good, and I knew it. I was okay with that fact, he was a total jerk and women think they can change a man…but they can’t.

No, the reason I was so down was I knew that I was SCREWED. I had a very little amount of money, and no job. I couldn’t afford to rent a place here in Domino city, so I had to think fast. I had to come up with a way to fix the situation, or call my Dad and go back to L.A. I didn’t want to say goodbye to all my short-term memories here in Domino (Even though Seto and I were finito I still had all my friends) so I was thinking of a quick fix.

But so far, nothing was coming to mind. Damn.


The next day, I had given up hope. Even if I found a job, I wouldn’t be able to make enough money to pay rent, bills, food, gas etc. And if I were making enough, I’d be working full time, which gets rid of the purpose of staying in Domino to finish off schooling…

Which is why I was on the line to my Dad’s office back in L.A. at 2am, it was 10am in L.A, so I had to stay up just to call him.

“Hello, this is Smith and Allgood partners, Ashleigh speaking, how can I help you?” I heard a secretary ask.

“Hi uh, I was wondering if I could speak to Andy Campbell?” I nervously asked.

“Oh sorry, Andy Campbell is on a business trip at the moment.” The secretary said in an apologetic manner.

“Oh, okay. Is there any way to contact him?” I asked.

“Nope, he’s in a business meeting in the middle of Nevada with high business associates. There’s no Internet or phone reception, the only way to contact him is to leave a message. Would you like to?” The secretary asked.

“No thanks.” I said, and quickly hung up.

Dammit, I was completely stuck. I had no money, and I had no way to get back home. Now I was really stuck on what to do!


“What sort of a cruel sick joke is it to schedule an English test on a Friday afternoon after school!” Joey complained to me at lunch.

I wasn’t really listening. I was low on food, and low on sleep. The motel bed was quite uncomfortable and I could always hear loud noises next door. I was also running out of the food I had taken from Seto’s cupboard, and with little money I didn’t have the funds to buy a lot of food.

“Ella?” Joey asked, in the midst of complaining about things, finally realizing I was the only one in the group who was not really making fun of his ranting.

“Guys, I’m going to go to sleep in one of the classrooms. I’m really tired.” I said, getting up, and taking a yawn.

I heard Duke and Joey whisper something along the lines of ‘gee the breakup must be really hard on her, its taking it’s toll’

If only they knew…

I found a completely empty classroom and dozed off, only to be awoken a while later….

“Ella! Thank god I found you! You completely missed legal, you must have been sleeping in here the whole time!” Duke exclaimed, as he shook me awake.

“Huh, what?” I groggily asked, rubbing my eyes

“No time to explain this to you, wake up!” Duke screamed into my ear, and dragged me off.

I realised I was taken to the examination room, where all of senior year was taking the English test, on this Friday after school.

I must have completely slept through all of the last 2 classes; I hope I don’t get into too much trouble.

Even though I had just had at least 2 hours of napping, I felt even more tired than I did when I fell asleep. No amount of slapping myself, or jumping made me feel more awake.

I sighed and hit my head on the desk in front of me, I had no hope of passing this English test, let alone getting at least a B or a B+.

“Ella.” My English teacher said, patting my shoulder and putting the topic we had to write an essay on in front of me.

I lifted my head to read it

“Should the drinking age in Japan be lowered to 18?”

I hit my head on the table again. The topic was fairly easy, but it required a lot of thinking and analysis, something I couldn’t do at the moment with lack of sleep and lack of food.

At this thought my stomach let out a big rumble, and Yugi looked over and gave me a worried look, but didn’t say anything because it was test conditions.

The teachers said we could start, and everyone picked up their pens and began to furiously write. As much as I didn’t want to, I follow their actions. I wasn’t going to let Seto Kaiba ruin my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: This story was completed on Quizilla a while back, and I've been reposting it to Mibba. Not sure if any of you ever did/still go on Quizilla, but if you do you will realise there's been a "bug" that's been deleting EVERYTHING off Quizilla. This story is included. I managed to save this one update because it was open in a browser window before it got deleted, but I'm being optimistic that the missing creations will return.

So in short, this story is on a hiatus until further notice. I'll keep you all posted.