Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 9 - "Oh, that jealousy'

“What did Yugi have to talk about?” Joey asked, once we re-entered Duke’s shop.

“N-nothing.” I stuttered, and Yugi gave me a look.

“Okay, it’s something. Can we talk, in private?” I asked him.

“Yeah, sure.” He said, slightly puzzled but we walked back outside.

I looked down at the ground, and sighed.

“What do you need to talk about?” Joey asked me.

“Um, your jealousy. It’s a little off-putting, and it makes me really uncomfortable.” I told him.

“What jealously?” Joey asked me.

‘Whenever another guy is mentioned in another sentence with my name you get angry, pretty much. If I talk to another guy you threaten to beat him up. It’s just kind of intimidating, that’s all.” I replied.

“Oh, that jealously.” He confirmed.

“So um, yeah. That’s all I needed to say.” I shyly said, and went to walk back in but Joey grabbed me, softly.

“I’m sorry, Ella. I didn’t mean to offend you or scare you. I’ll back off from other guys, okay?” Joey apologised, his eyes looking sorry.

“It’s okay Joey. I just wanted to let you know before more problems could come out of it.” I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about too.” Joey bought up.

“Yes?” I asked him.

“We’ve gone out on one semi-date and one official date. We’ve been at each other’s sides all week. Is it too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend?” He asked me.

“Of course it’s not!” I said, taking his hands in mine “Joey, I would love to be your girlfriend.”

“You would, really?” He asked, and I nodded.

He jumped up, and started doing a happy dance, which made me giggle.

“Ella? Are you coming in or not?” Duke asked, walking out of his shop.

“Hey Duke.” I said, giving him a hug, and I looked next to me.

I could see Joey was containing his jealousy, but he didn’t say anything. He was showing improvement, and that’s all I could ask for.

“What is the hold up?” he asked.

“Yugi needed to chat about something, and Joey asked me to be his girlfriend.” I smiled.

“Congratulations.” Duke remarked, and Joey grinned.

All in all, we spent about an hour in Duke’s shop. He showed us around, and he showed us the arenas for his game – Dungeon dice monsters. He said he was trying to get it off the ground but there were a few players of his game. His shop was pretty cool, but I still liked Gramp’s shop better. Duke’s was more modern, whilst Gramp’s was traditional and had a better charm to it.

Everyone was pleased about mine and Joey’s new relationship, with most uttering “finally!”

Yugi gave us both thumbs up, I think he was pleased. After our chat he went back to his usual self, so I just assumed his ‘changing’ was nothing.

All of us but Duke decided to go back to Gramp’s shop for afternoon tea. Duke said he had his shop to run. Because Tristan arrived on his motorbike, he said he’d go and pick up Serenity, which turned into a hilarious fight with Joey.

Joey argued that his mother had bought the car for Serenity, so he’d go and get her, but Tristan drove off on his motorbike. Whatta rebel!!

At no time and all Joey pulled up to Yugi’s house. We all walked in and greeted Gramps, who said he would be closing the shop soon to start afternoon tea. Because of this we all trudged up the stairs and into Yugi’s room.

“Should we tell her now?” Yugi asked the group, and everyone nodded.

“Boy, don’t I feel like an outsider.” I nervously laughed.

“Ella, before we tell you what we’re going to, we have to make sure you won’t block everything we tell you. So one simple question, do you believe in the supernatural?” Yugi asked.

“Like ghosts and magic and all of that? Um, I kind of do. I can’t say I’m a firm believer, but every time something gets proven, I don’t try and dispute it with science. When I see, I believe.” I stated.

Yugi smiled, who looked at the others and nodded.

“Okay, see the thing around my neck, the millennium puzzle?” Yugi asked.

“Yeah, why?” I replied.

“What if I were to tell you a 5,000 year old pharaoh lives in there, and shares my body when he needs it?” Yugi asked.

“I’d tell you ‘yeah nice joke guys, but I’m not falling for that one’” I smirked.

“What if I was somehow able to prove it to you? For real.” Yugi told me.

“As I said earlier, if it’s proven to me, I’d believe you.” I smiled.

“Here’s your proof.” Yugi said.

What happened next was the most extraordinary thing I had seen in my life. His puzzle started glowing, it made some noise, and a burst of light appeared. After the light faded, a person who resembled Yugi appeared, except he was taller, his eyes weren’t as innocent, and he had more blonde streaks in his hair.

“You’re the one I was talking to earlier. This is what you meant by I’d find out later.” I stated.

“Correct Ella.” The person told me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize earlier. How rude of me, gosh I must look so stupid for not realizing.” I said, blushing.

“Don’t worry Ella, we knew Yugi for such a long time before we knew there was a difference between Yami and Yugi.” Tea informed me.

“So Yami is your name? Well, it’s nice to meet you Yami. I’m Ella.” I said, taking his hand and shaking it.