Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 92 - "I don't want to be friends"

I was, at this very moment, sitting on a tiny table next to Joey and Tea. I, as a joke mentioned to Tea at school today that ‘I had been living in Japan for 7 months and had not been to a karaoke bar’

She then took this way too seriously and informed the gang, who hunted down a Karaoke bar that didn’t serve alcohol so underagers could get in. They then found this joint, and dragged me over.

I was in a good mood when we first got here. After all, I got my blood test results back today and they came back negative, I was definitely not pregnant. But as time went on, well.

When we first got here I got onto stage and sang ‘Summer of 69’ by Bryan Adams and it was fun.

However, after then things started to go downhill. The DJ began to ignore my friend’s requests for songs for some odd reason we couldn’t put our thumb on, and kind of accidentally accepted my request for a Madonna song, and kind of tried to talk me out of it when I walked onto stage.

Feeling awkward and embarrassed from clearly being tried to be kicked off the stage, I tried to beckon Kathryn over, who didn’t know the song, so Duke, Joey and Tristan ran over and sang ‘Material Girl’ with me, hilarity ensued.

Not only were we clearly not welcome to participate; the novelty kind of wore off after an hour or two. It was fun at first, dancing with my friends to songs being sung badly, but it got repetitive after the second hour.

I excused myself from everyone and decided to go to the bathroom. That would kill some time; I don’t know why everyone wants to stay when we were being completely ignored by the DJ.

As I was walking back to our table, I heard my name mentioned. I saw in a corner 2 people talking, one was the DJ and one was someone who I assumed was management.

“Ella Campbell, Seto Kaiba’s girlfriend is here tonight. Why has she only been on stage twice?” The manager asked.

“She’s his ex, so it’s not like she isn’t important. She’s not good looking anyway, neither are her friends.” The DJ shrugged.

“The paparazzi seemed to think she was gorgeous. Her friend Joey Wheeler seems to get a few fan girls too, and Yugi Motou is here too. I don’t know why you’re completely ignoring them, make sure they get on stage too. You obviously can’t do your job properly.” The manager said, and the DJ let out a snarl.

I ran off before they could both see me.

Hm…that makes sense about why we got snubbed. Because Kathryn, Tea and I weren’t anorexic, short and blonde bimbos like the rest of the girls here. But now the DJ had to acknowledge our presence, and I was going to have fun with that!

“Alright guys and gals before we get on with any more songs it’s my turn to hit the notes, here’s Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.” The DJ announced, and the song began to play.

Kathryn began to whine loudly, stating she HATED Lady Gaga. I never really got into Lady Gaga, so I was just watching the screen with interest, wondering what lyrics were going to be shown.

Ra ra, ah ah ah

Roma, roma-ma

GaGa, oh la-la

Want your bad romance

As much as I hated to say it, the DJ had a good voice. Damn, I was looking forward to saying negative things about her

I want your ugly

I want your disease

I want your everything

As long as it's free

I want your love

Love, love, love

I want your love

I want your drama

The touch of your hand

I want your leather studded

Kiss in the sand

I want your love

Love, love, love

I want your love

(Love, love, love

I want your love)

You know that I want you

And you know that I need you

I want it bad, a bad romance

These lyrics suck, who the hell wants drama? I put up with all the bad sides of Kaiba though, even though no one else would. I guess it was just because I loved him so much. I stand corrected. I wanted his drama; it meant I could be with him.

I want your love and

I want your revenge

You and me could write a bad romance (oh)

I want your love and

All your lover's revenge

You and me could write a bad romance

This was so Kaiba and I. I loved his love (like all girlfriends do) but at the same time his revenge was hot. He could so easily get revenge on anyone, including me, and it strangely attracted me to him. And our story was a little like a bad romance, and our story could easily be sold as a novel if the name and faces were changed. Even if it were a ‘bad romance’ we were completely lovesick, to quote another pop singer ‘we fight we break up, we kiss we make up’

No matter what happened with Seto, we’d always end up together. Just like a bad romance. No one else in a relationship would usually stand the fights we had, but loved each other so much that they’d always crawl back. I found a better boyfriend (Joey the second time around) but I still couldn’t live without Seto, so I still crawled back. Just like a bad romance.

I began to engulf myself in my thoughts and blocked out all of my surroundings. I realised how much I loved Seto, and how I was an idiot for not fighting for him. I just took the breakup, and never attempted to fix things or win him back.

I don’t wanna be friends (oh)

I don’t wanna be friends (caught in a bad romance)

I don’t wanna be friends (oh)

Want your bad romance (caught in a bad romance)

Want your bad romance

I want your love and

I want your revenge

You and me could write a bad romance (oh)

I want your love and

All your lovers revenge

You and me could write a bad romance

I then did something completely on impulse. Without any warning, I ran. I ran away from the group, and ignored their calls to me as I ran as fastly as I could down the stairs. I thought that I heard footsteps following me, but I ran as fast as my legs could take me, and in the opposite direction to Yugi’s house. I was running towards Kaiba mansion.

I made sure I got my breath back before I pressed into the intercom.

“What do you want?” A very irritable Seto asked, and I was surprised. Usually his butler John would answer the intercom.

“Seto, it’s me, Ella. Please I need to talk to you, just for a second. After tonight, I promise I’ll never speak to you again, if that’s what you wish.” I sighed, knowing that this was probably my last shot at winning back Seto, and it had a very tiny chance of working, I was probably way too late.

Seto didn’t reply, but the iron ‘SK’ gates opened, and I ran up the very long driveway to his wooden, oak front doors. They opened, and a less-than-amused looking Seto appeared in front of me.

I’ll be honest, his reaction was scaring me, and breaking my heart, but I pushed those feelings to the back of my head by acting spontaneous.

“I don’t want to be friends.” I whispered to him, taking a step closer.

“What the hell are you on about Ella? We are not friends.” Seto spat.

I was now feeling desperate. Words weren’t going to work on him, so maybe I’d have to pull at his heartstrings in a different way.

I decided to step onto the toes of sexual harassment, and pulled Seto in for a kiss. I made sure it was light enough so he’d be able to easily pull away, and then I would run and not show my face around town for a few days.

To my surprise, he began kissing back just as fiercely and passionately, as if he were expecting my action.

“I want your revenge.” I said to Seto, knowing he wouldn’t understand the reference but would understand the context.

“I love you Ella.” He said, resting his forehead on mine and looking deep into my eyes.

“I love you too, Seto.” I replied, kissing him again.
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Well I'm sitting at the airport with a vanilla chai latte next to me, my flight doesn't even board for another hour so I decided to post an update. Screw you Qantas for redirecting all browser windows to your shitty $5 an hour broadband deal when I'm using my phone as a modem, I got around you money sucking assholes :)