Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 93 - "Wake up bitch and make me some coffee"

“Ella darling.” I heard, as I awoke the next morning.

I opened one eye, and saw a smiling Seto Kaiba. I immediately sat up, remembering what went on last night. I won back Seto, and we consummated our relationship…again.

“Did you just call me ‘Ella darling’?” I asked, snickering.

“Wasn’t that a nice thing to wake up to?” Seto asked.

“I guess, it was an out of character thing to wake up to though.” I shrugged, messing up my already messy hair and leaning my head on Seto’s bare shoulder.

“Fine then. Wake up bitch and make me some coffee!” Seto playfully shoved.

I smiled but did not reply as I rested my head on his shoulder. This was a nice moment, being able to catch Seto in a playful mood was very rare. Perhaps he was just in a good mood, perhaps he had actually changed. I guess I would find out soon.

“I missed Saturday mornings like this. Me waking up in your bed, having a lazy morning, then feeling refreshed for the day’s events.” I yawned, kissing his bare shoulder.

“As did I.” He replied, putting his arm around me and holding me tight.

We stayed silent for this for a very long time; just hearing and feeling each other take in breaths.

“Do you feel like breakfast? You probably haven’t had a real meal in a while.” Seto smirked.

“I must admit, I do miss Billy’s breakfast feasts.” I admitted, smiling to myself.

Things were going back to how they used to be, and that’s all I could ask for. Even though a little time had passed, things were still the same. I was scared of things changing, even if I did win Seto back.

Luckily it did turn out I left some things at Seto’s house which were in the laundry the day I left, a pair of boxer shorts, a t-shirt and a pink fluffy bath robe. Seto bought these to me, so I could get changed into them and go downstairs.

The maids seemed to be shocked as I walked the hallways with Seto, and greeted me with a curtsy before scampering off to complete their work.

When we reached the kitchen, Billy seemed to be multitasking. He was cooking breakfast, whilst talking on his cell phone at the same time, ranting about something, his back to us.

I waved at Mokuba, but motioned for him to be quiet so I could surprise Billy.

“Just wait a sec hun, I gotta ask Mr. Kaiba want he wants for breakfast.” Billy said, removing his phone from his ear but not facing us, expecting for Seto to bark orders at him.

“Just some toast and juice for me, I need to pop into Kaiba Corp soon. And some cereal for the lady.” Seto replied playing into my game.

Every day when I lived in Kaiba mansion I would ask for fruit and yoghurt, so if I were to order that Billy would immediately know it’s me.

“Yeah, like, night time activities with the world’s hottest CEO is like, so demanding!” I said using a ‘blonde ditzy’ voice to cover my own, mouthing a ‘sorry’ to Mokuba who looked absolutely disgusted.

Whilst Billy was preparing the food, I darted upstairs to my bag. I should probably turn my phone back on, I had dashed out of the Karaoke bar last night, not told anyone where I was going and stayed out all night. Everyone was probably worried sick about me.

I smiled a little bit at my actions. What I did was selfish and horrible, but it was so unlike me. I planned everything out, I never acted spontaneous. I always told everyone where I would be, and when I would be back. I was happy that my short change of personality worked, and I got what I wished.

I was right about everyone being worried though. I had HEAPS of missed calls and HEAPS of missed texts ranging from when I ran out of the bar and up to 10 minutes ago. I tried to rack my brain out for answers, but I couldn’t. I would need to discuss with Seto where we stand, and if we are in a relationship when we should go public. Then I could think up of something to tell everyone.

I bounded back down the stairs, and wound up in the kitchen. I saw a bowl of fruit and yoghurt on the table next to Seto.

Before I could question how Billy knew, he ran into the kitchen and gave me a big hug.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

“I served you breakfast and dinner every day whilst you lived here. I think I know your voice and your mannerisms. Now eat up.” Billy smirked, and I shrugged and took my seat.

So my prank got sprung, no biggie. It just shows that Billy obviously cares enough about me, that he recognizes some of my traits.

Breakfast tasted so good. At Yugi’s house I still had fruit and yoghurt for breakfast every day, but it was always low quality tinned fruit, and very low quality yoghurt.

Billy’s yoghurt was home made, with fresh fruit peeled and served to me. It was nice to revert back to the delicious tasting fresh goodness of fruit, even just for one morning.

In the middle of breakfast, Seto’s main butler John came into the kitchen.

“Many apologies for disturbing breakfast sir, but Yugi Motou and Joey Wheeler are at the front gate. They are requesting permission to see you, in regards to Miss Ella Campbell.” John said to Seto, his eyes flashing to me for a brief second.

“Let them both inside, I’ll greet them at the door.” Seto sighed; making it obvious he thought this was a pain.

“Gah Seto what are we going to say? We need to have a consistent story and argh, this isn’t going to work!” I began to whine, but Seto put his finger over my lips.

“Let me handle this, don’t worry your pretty little head over it. Wait here until I call you.” Seto said, giving me a kiss on the cheek and heading out to the foyer.

A few minutes later, I heard Yugi and Joey enter. Joey began to instantly scream “WHERE IS SHE?!” whilst Yugi was trying to calm him down. Seto called me out into the foyer.

I nervously walked into the foyer. I knew they’d be really disappointed in me.

“H-hey guys.” I stuttered, being frightened of their reactions.

“You’re okay!” Yugi and Joey shouted in unison, running over me to hug me.

“Why didn’t ya call?” Joey asked me.

“Not that you guys need to know every detail about Ella, but Ella was busy last night. You see earlier yesterday Ella’s dad found out about Ella’s living arrangements. Ella raced over here as soon as she thought of a solution and she needed my help. She was up until 3am pleading with him to let her stay at Yugi’s house. Her dad refused. He said it was either live at Kaiba Corp or be flown back to L.A. next week.” Seto lied, sounding very truthful.

“Oh no! What are we going to do?” Yugi asked, sounding concerned.

“Ella is obviously going to move back in here with me. It’s either that, or she has to go back to L.A.” Seto shrugged.

“Don’t you hate her, didn’t you break up with her?” Joey asked, sounding very suspicious.

“What Ella and I have is professional. I realise my mistake of firing her, and I am reinstating her job as of today. Past relationship has nothing to do with it.” Seto said coldly, as if taking offense from Joey’s comment, Joey implying Seto cannot be professional.

“I guess you really have no choice here, huh?” Yugi asked approaching me, and I looked down at the floor.

Seto’s lie was so good, it would be hard to dig myself out of it and tell the truth. As much as I appreciated Gramps’ hospitality the living arrangement wasn’t working out for either entities. I was really going without both material and non-material items due to lack of money, and the hours I was working were beginning to affect my schooling. Not only that, Gramps wasn’t really able to afford to employ me. Even though I worked for bills, rent and food, I had a look at the business’ balance sheet, and profits were decreasing.

It was the best for all of us if I did move out.

I meekly nodded my head, I still felt horrible for going along with this great big whopping lie.

“Don’t worry about it Ella,” Yugi smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder “I’ll be at home, swing by later after you plan everything with Kaiba and we’ll work out what to do from there”

Yugi then motioned for Joey to follow him, as he walked out of the foyer. He waved bye to both Kaiba and I, and Joey said bye to me.

As soon as the oak doors shut, I walked up to Seto and put my arms around his neck.

“Do you really mean that? Do you want to reemploy me and let me move back in?” I asked him, cocking my head to the side.

“No, I only made up that lie so that you’d be jobless and homeless. I want to be with my girl as much as I can be. Besides, that dump is no place for you. Kaiba mansion is where you’re meant to be.” Seto explained.

I smiled, yep Seto was still the same, and I couldn’t be happier that things were back where they were left off.
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I'm baaack. I went interstate for a long weekend to visit my boyfriend, but now I'm free to update again.