Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 94 - "I was so lucky to pick you as my girlfriend"

Later that day I arrived at Yugi’s house with a pickup truck that Seto had ordered, ready to take my stuff. I felt guilty that I was moving out without any notice, but I could still do my next few shifts for Gramps until he gets all his affairs in order to start doing those shifts again. That’s all that really mattered.

Seto was with me, and he seemed less than pleased to be going inside Yugi’s house. I had offered to get Joey to help me move, but he seemed even more troubled with the thought of Joey inside of his house, so he had offered to be the one to help me.

I nervously knocked on the door, not knowing what to expect when the door gets answered.

Yugi answered, and gave me a quick hug before moving to the side to allow me inside. Seto followed me, earning a greeting from Yugi as well but Seto chose to ignore it.

“Do you think you’ll need any help?” Yugi asked me.

“No, I think we’ll be fine.” Seto replied coldly, quickly pushing past Yugi and heading for my room up the stairs.

“Thanks, for everything I mean. I’m sorry I had to move so abruptly, and I’m sorry this probably seems that I didn’t appreciate both yours and your grandpa’s hospitality.” I weakly smiled, being quite nervous about this whole conversation.

“It’s okay Ella, I know this was out of your hands. Besides, it’s not like we’re never going to see each other again. We’ll still see each other at school everyday.” Yugi replied, smiling, which I followed suit.

“Thanks so much Yugi.” I said, opening up my arms and giving him a friendly hug.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me, I have so much homework to complete.” Yugi said, waved goodbye and we parted ways so that I could go to my room.

“So what needs to be moved?” Seto asked me.

“You really didn’t need to hire the pick up truck, the furniture isn’t mine obviously. All I need to do is move my clothes and all my possessions.” I shrugged.

“Well let’s get to it.” Seto replied.


“I’m home.” I sighed to myself, when I walked through the doors of Kaiba mansion.

I was holding two garbage bags full of my possessions, Seto was holding 2 as well, as his butlers and maids were left to carry the rest in.

I walked up the staircase and down the hallway until I reached my room. It was exactly how I left it, Seto didn’t bother to take out any furniture or repaint the walls. The room still smelt like my strawberry scented reeds diffuser, which I had left on the windowsill.

The maids and butlers asked where to put the bags, I told them to put them on my bed because it’ll be easier to unpack that way. They nodded their heads and did as they were told, and quickly scampered out leaving Seto and I there by ourselves.

“I missed you.” I whined, running up to him and embracing him into a hug.

“I felt the same way Ella.” Seto replied, burying himself in my hair.

We stayed silent like this for a while.

“Do you want to unpack, then go out to a nice restaurant for dinner?” Seto asked.

I thought about it. I hadn’t been out to a restaurant in over a month, which was the longest time for me, when I was a kid I’d go at least once a week with my Dad, so I was really missing restaurant quality food.

“I’d like that.” I smiled.

“Good. Take your time; we’re in no rush. After you unpack inform me, so I can start getting ready when you do. Then when you’re ready, we’ll go out to dinner.” Seto replied, and left the room to let me unpack.

I opened my first garbage bag full of possessions, and groaned when everything fell out suddenly. I couldn’t be bothered unpacking, but I didn’t want the maids to unpack for me. Things wouldn’t be put where I would want them to go, and I wouldn’t be able to find anything either.

I had no choice but to start unpacking now, the sooner I finish the sooner I’d get to go out for dinner with Seto.


I walked arm-in-arm with Seto into a fancy French restaurant. Like whenever Seto would walk into a restaurant, the waiters around him would instantly make a big deal and recognize him, and the owner would come out and personally greet him. Yawn, it had become such a routine.

I stood around the waiters gushing Seto, and waited for the owner to come out. Finally, he did.

“Mr. Kaiba, Miss Campbell what a lovely surprise! I’ll go get a table ready especially for you two; it’ll be in the best part of the restaurant. Please, wait.” He smiled, and ran off.

Seto gave me a smirk

“Remember what I always told you about reservations?” Seto asked me.

“Reservations are for losers?” I giggled, remembering all the times that Seto stated that.

Seto was about to reply, when the owner came back and led us to our table. He pulled out a seat for Seto, and then pulled out a seat for me.

“Mr. Kaiba, your girlfriend is very beautiful.” The owner stated to Seto, which made me blush.

“She sure is, now, I would like a bottle of your finest champagne on our table.” Seto barked at the owner, who nodded and scampered off.

“Now onto other matters, your birthday is coming up in 2 weeks.” Seto said to me.

“Yeah, I know.” I replied.

“What do you want to do for it? What would you like as a present?” Seto asked.

“Okay, well I don’t want to do anything for it, it’s just my 18th, in a country where 18 isn’t the drinking age it isn’t really a special birthday. As for my present, I’d reply with ‘nothing’ as well but you’re Seto Kaiba and that sort of thing insults you. So I guess I’ll just tell you to surprise me, because anything from you will make me happy.” I smiled.

“I was so lucky to pick you as my girlfriend.” Seto said, caressing my face, which made me blush.