Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 98 - "That would remain in my heart forever"

I smiled in the mirror after I had just completed my make-up. I turned around to the hairdresser, ready to get her opinion on my costume.

“You look gorgeous! You look exactly like her!” The hairdresser squealed, and then randomly hugged me.

“Uhh, thanks.” I replied, going back to my reflection.

I had a fairly tight fitting dress made out of a silky material. The dress was mostly black, with a pale pink stripe running down the front of the dress on the left. I had my hair mostly straight, with a few curls and my bangs framing my face, and black tights covered my legs. The only accessory I had on was a black choker.

I was dressed as Cady from Mean Girls. Mean Girls was probably the best teenage movie from the 2000s, as one as the most quotable. Kathryn had decided to dress as Regina George, but she was going to wear the slut bunny costume, to be able to pick up guys. I guess it wasn’t only Halloween where girls were allowed to dress as a slut….

Right on 8 o’ clock Seto arrived at my door, and the hairdresser announced it was time to leave as she packed up her belongings and left.

“You look sexy.” Seto said, grabbing me by my bum and pressing me into him.

“You look uh…” I said, not knowing how to finish.

He was wearing only a black button up shirt, and dark blue jeans. I had no idea what he was supposed to be.

“I’m dressed how I dressed in the 2000s. It is how I dress now, outside of work.” Seto smirked, knowing I was trying to guess what he was.

“Ha ha, very clever.” I said sarcastically.

I knew the joke would be made, and who else to follow through then Seto?

“The geek squad arrived around 10 minutes ago and were looking for you. I told them I would be the one to get you, they’re downstairs in the function room. Everything is set up, now we wait for people to arrive. Security is already out the front, to seed out any potential gate crashers.” Seto explained.

“I wish I could fashionably late to my own party, this is so lame.” I muttered under my breath, as Seto escorted me to the function room.

Seto said nothing as we arrived, and stood back whilst I ran up to Joey, Yugi, Tea, Tristan and Bakura.

We began to all talk whilst we waited for the others to come, that was when the party would really begin.


This party was really going OFF. But maybe that’s because I’ve had a lot of Bacardi and coke.

There was a large dance floor, flashing lights, a DJ playing awesome hits, an open bar (spirits only) and really yummy food. Everyone was coming up and telling me this was better than Duke’s 18th.

I did have a few problems with gatecrashers it turns out, but in a different way than what I thought.

You see, before Kathryn came here, she had a few pre-drinks with one of her ‘male friends’ (aka the guy she’s screwing at the moment) and in her state of stupidity she allowed the guy to round up all of his friends, and make their way over to the Kaiba mansion. She argued with the guards, who then called on Seto, who approached me about the situation. I told him to allow them all in, and if they created trouble they’d be thrown out.

Surprisingly, most of the guys turned out to be nice. 2/5 was thrown out for attempting to sexually harass some of the girls, but the rest were funny and were making the party a fun one.

Kathryn and her male friend had gone off to find a room, and I warned her to not use mine, Seto’s or Mokuba’s rooms, and to make sure Seto doesn’t catch them. It doesn’t matter if Kathryn is my friend or not, if he found anyone doing those sorts of things under his roof he would kick them out in a heart beat.

‘Truly, Madly, Deeply’ by Savage Garden began to play, and Seto approached me.

Without a word, he offered his hand as if offering to dance. I passed my Bacardi and coke to Joey for him to have (which he replied ‘beh! Girls drink!) And made my way onto the dance floor with Seto.

There was no hesitation or awkwardness about it, Seto and I immediately got really close, instead of taking our time to get closer and closer as the song went on.

I had my arms wrapped around his waist, and he held me to his chest as my head was on his shoulder during the song.

“I requested this song.” Seto stated, when I moved my forehead to his.

“You did?” I gasped, quite shocked.

“I did. If you’re wondering how I knew to ask for this song, I did a quick research through a couple of Google searches, and the consensus was to request this song.” Seto said, tilting my head up to meet my lips for a kiss.

“I would suggest this be our song but I think it applies to every couple on the earth and is everyone’s song.” I smirked, as Seto’s eyes would not leave mine.

“Well then why don’t you do the researching and find a song for us?” Seto asked me.

“If I get the time.” I smirked again, as the song finished and the lights were made brighter again

Seto kissed me on my forehead, and then made his way to the DJ, who passed him the microphone.

“Ok I’ll make this quick, I don’t need to give any speeches. I’d just like everybody to file outside, so that Ella can receive her present from me.” Seto said into the microphone, and stepped down from the platform.

Everyone began to break out in whispers, wondering what the great Seto Kaiba would buy for his girlfriend, and immediately rushed outside. I took my time in making my way towards Seto, who said nothing as he extended his arm, and we roamed outside.

People made way for us two, so that we were at the front of the crowd. However, nothing was in front of us.

“Oh that god damned Randy!” Seto grunted out loud, for some reason referring to his limousine driver.

A few moments later, Randy arrived and parked in front of the crowd in a silver convertible Lexus, with the roof down.

He jumped out, and handed me the keys.

“Because this is the 2000s, and you’ve decided to dress up as one of the characters of Mean Girls, I decided to give you the car that symbolized a lot during that movie.” Seto said, and gave me a genuine smile.

I was beyond words. I couldn’t tell Seto that the silver Lexus was actually Regina’s car not Cady’s, and that all the car ‘symbolized’ was that Regina was a spoilt brat and nothing more, but I couldn’t. A silver convertible Lexus was my dream car, and I had to sell my other car when I was living at Yugi’s house.

“Thank you so much.” I said, turning to Seto and tears began to well up in my eyes.

Seto brushed them away with this thumb, and gave me a gentle kiss, which earned cheers and applause from the crowd watching us.

Kathryn then, in her drunken state in a drunken manner began to usher everyone back inside because she wanted to ‘drink and dance more’ however Joey, Tea, Tristan and Yugi joined in her cause to give Seto and I a little alone time, as they could see our moment was very intimate.

After a few kisses and cuddles, Seto and I went back into the party.

I stayed up until about 3am, even though I was dead tired by then. Most people had gone, but I didn’t want to seem rude by abandoning my own party and my guests. In the end Seto could see my serious fatigue, and got the guards to convince people to leave.

As I left the function room as the maids began to clean up, I stood still and smiled to myself for a little while.

Unlike my other birthdays, this one would be the least memorable. Sure everyone would remember that there was an open bar, a DJ, decorations and other things, but no one would remember a specific event that occurred, and that was all right with me.

When people say ‘no news is good news’ the same concept applies here. When it comes to parties, people only usually remember the bad events that occurred. While no one would be able to remember specific events, people will always remember a good party, and that’s what I wanted people to take away from this event.

As for me, I’ll always remember that my boyfriend broke my spell of the last 10 years of having bad birthdays, and I’ll always remember that my boyfriend tried his best and was successful in providing me with the best time he could.

That would remain in my heart forever.
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I love how I made Ella drink Bacardi's and coke. That was when I used to drink that before I found better drinks. I was such an alcohol noob back then.