Status: Completed

What Will You Do When You Cannot Refuse

Two girls sat in a bar, enjoying themselves as they chatted amongst themselves while listening to the music. Many pairs of male eyes were watching the two with interest, one of them in particular.

She had dirty blonde hair with sparking blue eyes, with a well-proportioned figure to match. Unknown to these guys, her name is Chantelle Wheeler, and she was in college studying to be a teacher.

Her friend was receiving a little interest too though; she had brunette hair with deep hazel eyes, and a small and petite figure. This girl’s name was Kelly Black.

Kelly noticed her friend waving in a flirtatious at one of the boys, and exclaimed to Kelly ‘I’m going in!’

Kelly grabbed her friend by the wrist, and made her sit back down in the opposite chair.

“Chantelle, what about Mark? Sure you’ve only gone on a few dates, but things seem to be hitting off well. You shouldn’t throw it away.” Kelly sighed, but was already preparing herself for Chantelle’s answer.

“I broke it off with Mark.” Chantelle simply stated, knowing Kelly would understand the reason perfectly.

“What sort of ‘baggage’ did this guy have then?” Kelly asked curiously, and even prepared to roll her eyes at Chantelle’s pathetic excuse.

“I found out he’s still on good terms with his ex, and speaks to her a lot. Big no-no, he’s obviously not over her!” Chantelle exclaimed, and Kelly followed through her eye roll.

“I still find it so amusing you have a heart of gold and won’t date a guy based on his looks, but rather his personality, yet you still get to be so picky based on every guy you date having ‘baggage’” Kelly snickered to her friend.

“But…they do!” Chantelle weakly defended.

“Hun, it’s like you go out of your way to try and find ‘baggage’ in these guys. A guy speaking TO his ex is not baggage; a guy speaking ABOUT his ex and nothing else is baggage. I will admit, your first boyfriend who gave you this entire phobia about baggage did have baggage. He had a long-term relationship before you, he was engaged to the girl and they came close to having a baby. He kept talking about her, instilling this fear in you. But every other guy you’ve dated since then has no baggage! You’ve learned from your mistake, but you’re too scared to see it.” Kelly sighed.

Chantelle decided to stay silent. Deep down inside of her, she knew her friend was right and she was being silly. But Chantelle knew there were guys out there who would be able to pass Chantelle’s hard test of what constitutes as ‘baggage’ and Chantelle was destined to find someone like that. Then, she could kick off her heels and relax with a guy.

“One day you’re going to find a guy you really get along with, but he’ll have baggage and you’ll have to decide what’s more important, this stupid phobia of yours, or love.” Kelly explained to Chantelle.

“Yeah, this mystery guy will have an ex-wife and a kid and I’ll instantly forget my phobia and fall in love with him.” Chantelle said sarcastically, not believing what her best friend was telling her.

Kelly stayed silent, but wore a smirk. She knew something like what Chantelle had just described would happen, and she couldn’t want to see the day.