Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

The Wonderful Weasley's Grand Tour of Hogsmeade

The next day went by slowly. Allie slept half the day away, while Oliver insisted on pressing practice on until supper was almost over. I had no one to spend time with except Marianne, who still wasn’t very enthusiastic about speaking to me. After some convincing, she agreed to come to the library with me and study for a majority of the day. It was a good thing that we chose this option, because I felt like I had more potions homework then I time to finish in my entire life. We studied mostly in silence, aside from my feeble attempt to persuade her to come with us to Hogsmeade the next day. However, Marianne did agree to eat supper at our table. It was just the two of us sitting across the table from each other, that is until Allie finally decided to grace us with her presence.

“Were you sleeping this whole time?” I asked Allie as she lazily seated herself across the table from Marianne and I.

“No, of course not! I was just... enjoying a day by myself. Is that okay with you?” She said defensively.

“I was only asking. Sheesh.”

“Anyway, are you guys excited for Hogsmeade tomorrow?” She asked us in a suddenly cheerful voice.

“Well I am.” I replied, glaring at Marianne, who shook her head and continued eating in silence.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Marianne isn’t going.”

“What? And why not?”

“Sorry.” Marianne said quietly. Allie had to lean across the table to hear her. “It just doesn’t sound like much fun to me.” Before Allie could complain, another set of voices caught our attention from the entrance. Practice was finally over, thank God.

“Evening, ladies.” Fred and George greeted in unison as they sat on either side of Marianne. Poor thing. Oliver squeezed himself in between Allie and I.

“How was practice?”

“Long.” The twins said coldly glaring at Oliver.

“Well do you lot want to win the cup this year or not?” He asked defensively.

“You know we do, Wood.” Fred said hesitantly. “But...”

“At what cost? We can’t win it if we’re dead!” George added. Oliver turned red in the face and opened his mouth to argue.

“Maybe you guys can convince Marianne to come to Hogsmeade with us tomorrow!” I said suddenly. The three of them looked at her shocked. Marianne turned and looked at me with an unreadable, almost threatening look on her face. I looked away quickly.

“What gives you the idea that you aren’t coming with us, hmm?” Fred asked, leaning his head closer to Marianne. She shrugged carelessly and said nothing.

“And who’s to say we won’t make you come anyway?” George added, also leaning in.

“Please?” I sang suddenly. Marianne gave a small sigh.


Although the walk to Hogsmeade was short, it was an awkward one. Not to mention it still looked as if it were nighttime. McGonagall was leading us with her wand illuminated, but we were in the very back of the disarrayed line (due to Allie’s unwillingness to wake up on time), so we continued to trip over each other and stumble in the dark. If it weren’t for my arm being locked with Oliver’s, I would have landed straight on my face at least four times. Maybe it was because of the fact that Fred and George kept trying to play the walking version of ‘Jell-O’. All the while, Marianne trudged along behind us without saying a word. “This had better be worth the walk...” I muttered more than once.
“There it is!” George exclaimed. At long last, several medieval looking buildings became recognizable due to the many lanterns hung outside of each shop. As if on que, McGonagall stopped us in our tracks and turned to face us.
“Everyone, listen to me. The rules are: No leaving Hogsmeade grounds, no stealing from any of the shops, or anyone, and for goodness sake, Mr. Flint, no fighting! Any student caught in any of the above acts will be sent back to the castle strait away, and depending on the seriousness of the offence, may be given detention, banned from Hogsmeade, or in some cases expelled.” All of us had our wide eyes glued to her in silent discomfort. “Now go and enjoy yourselves!” As the students began swarming past her, she struggled over the shouting to add, “...and keep someone with you at all times; especially while we wait for the sun to show itself!” I didn’t catch the last part; we were all out of earshot by the time she finished.

“And now, we present,” Said Fred. ...And together they finished with, “The wonderful Weasely’s grand tour of Hogsmeade!” I looked up to see Oliver’s reaction, which was an amused yet annoyed sort of sneer.

“Could have left the ‘wonderful’ out.” Allie muttered with a smirk.

“Now, now, we won’t be taking any lip.” Fred said pointing at Allie.

“First stop, ladies.” George announced as he stopped us in front of the first door of a building on the left.

“Ah, Dervish and Banges.” Fred said as a matter-of-factly. “This place sells and repairs magical equipment and such.”

“There’s no need to go inside. It’s not that great.” Oliver told Marianne and me in an uninterested voice.

“They do, however...” Started George.

“...sell Sneakoscopes!” Finished Fred.

“Which are...?” Marianne spoke for the first time that day. I briefly wondered how she could not have heard of them, but the twins seemed unfazed.

“Magical instruments that give off a whistling sound when someone untrustworthy is around.” Answered George.

“Let’s move on, shall we?” Said Fred, leading us down the path a bit and turning onto another path off to the right. By now, the sun had begun to peak out from the dark grey clouds.

“Down here is a little place we like to call ‘Madam Puddifoot’s’” George said with a hint of distaste. I looked at the little building. It was small and simply adorable.

“That’s a place we’re definitely staying out of.” Added George.

“How come?” I asked.

“Because, it’s a cramped, smelly little excuse for a teashop.” Fred said irritably. George grinned at his brother.

“Only the ‘lovey-dovey’ sort set foot in there. Fred’s just jealous.” Fred merely scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Moving on...” They led us back out to the main path and stopped us right in front of the next Building.

“Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop.” Fred said admirably. After about a second, his proud expression faded. “Next.”

“Are we going to go inside any of the shops?” I asked amused.

“Hey, if you need a quill, then by all means...” George teased as they led us down a path on the left.

“You want to go inside?” Fred asked impishly. “Right over there.” He said pointing.

“The Hog’s Head.” George told us. We stood there for a moment in silence. “Shall we?” As soon as we entered the pub, I nearly puked up my morning tea. The smell of the place was horrendous. Marianne and Allie were obviously affected by it as well. Oliver made a disgusted little grimace, while the twins stood smiling.

“Professor Flitwick never fails to remind us to bring our own glasses for drinks here.” Fred said as our eyes scanned about the place. It was an extraordinarily filthy little pub and strewn with sawdust. The floor wasn’t even visible due to the dirt.

“Care for a drink, ladies?” George asked in a high pitched tone. “...and Oliver?”

“I’m good, thanks.” He replied immediately.

“Can we leave now?” Allie asked rather annoyed.

When we exited the pub, it was considerably lighter outside then it had been when we first arrived. I no longer had to hug myself to keep warm. Fred and George, after leading us to the main path once more, stopped us in front of a delightful little clothier. “Gladrags has some pretty decent stuff.” Fred informed us approvingly. He didn’t have time to say much else before I dashed inside. They sell clothes... what can I say?
After exiting Gladrags with empty hands (and Allie with a new scarf) due to the off-the-wall prices, Fred and George stopped us in front of the next building and beamed. I swear I heard Oliver mutter something like, “here we go...” under his breath.

“This, my dear friends...”

“ the greatest shop in all the world...”

“It will amaze and amuse you...”

“...daze and confuse you...”

“Unless you two are Zonko’s spokesmen, get we just get on with it?” Oliver cut in sounding rather bored. The twins were not amused.

“You ruined our introduction!”

“Now they know what it is!”

When we stepped into the joke shop, the world seemed to spin. It was loud and colorful and cluttered; perfect for Fred and George. Allie was lucky she had been there before... she got to stand by the door with Oliver while Marianne and I were bustled around the store listening to Fred and George list all of the products they sold.

“Here are the Fake Spell Books and Wand Kits!”

“Look over there! Stink Pellets!”

“You have to try some Hiccup Sweets!

“Don’t forget to show them the Dung Bombs!”

“This is where we bought our Wizard Chess Set!”

“Have you ever read a Martin Miggs and the Mad Muggle Comic? They’re right over there!”

“These ‘Grow Your Own Warts’ Kits really work!

“Look at this, it’s a Nose-Biting Teacup!”

When the torture was finally over, the twins led us down the path with three or so bags of Zonko’s products. I looked over at Marianne, who surprisingly, looked like she was having more fun then me. The corners of her mouth were tilted upward as she watched the boys make fools of themselves.

“Honeydukes!” Allie shouted suddenly breaking into a run toward the next building.

“What is it with you people and ruining our tour?” Fred asked before sprinting off after her.

“Come on.” George said looking disappointed as he led us to the sweetshop. When we got to the door, Oliver held it open for Marianne and George. When I passed through the door and told him thanks, I was tugged from behind and I was forced to stumble backward out of the shop. I looked at Oliver puzzled.

“This way.” He said quietly before taking my hand and pulling me along down the path.

“What about the tour?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Hmm.” He spun me around and pointed. “That’s the Post office.” After a few minutes of silence, we were nearing the end of the path. “That straight ahead is The Three Broomsticks. It’s the cleaner pub.” He said grinning. “That’s where the rest will probably end up when they’re done. And that over there,” He spun me around to face a path leading up a small hill to a gloomy looking little tower. “Is the Shrieking Shack. It’s supposed to me haunted.”

“It looks haunted.” I added.

“And you can see Hogsmeade Station way over there. And that’s the end of the tour.” I laughed.

Oliver led me through a few trees to a small, open area beneath the Shrieking Shack. I leant up against one of the trees and closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of the finally, fully revealed sun.

“Finally.” Oliver said sighing.

“Finally what?”

“We’re alone.” He answered with a crooked smile.

“You mean you didn’t enjoy Fred and George’s company?” I teased.

“Not particularly.”

“But how could you possibly get sick of those two?” I asked. Oliver grinned at me before taking a couple steps toward me.

“Trust me, it’s very possible.” He said in a quiet, raspier voice as he leant one hand on the tree next to my head and faced me. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my cheeks burning.

“How?” I asked in a barely audible whisper.

“Because I don’t exactly want them to watch the way I’m about to kiss you.” If it weren’t for the tree supporting my weight, I think my knees would have buckled. “...If you’ll actually let me now.”

“Ask me again,” I said feeling a bit of my spunk return. “I might say yes this time.” He raised an eyebrow and grinned that crooked grin that I think he knew made my heart melt. And just like that, the sweet, gentlemanly Oliver Wood was gone.

“I’m not asking.” He said darkly before his hand was on the back of my head and his lips were on mine. My breath caught in my throat before I eagerly kissed him back. I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled his body against mine before throwing my arms around his neck. His lips moving fervently against mine and his hand gripping my hair was making my head spin. My whole body was tingling, and I could feel a burning sensation in my abdomen. Oliver shifted suddenly, moving his hand from the tree and placing it roughly on my waist. The burning sensation grew, and I heard an unfamiliar noise emerge from my throat. It was like a quiet, pleading whimper. Oliver pulled his lips away from mine suddenly. We were both breathing heavily at this point. He looked at me again, with the raised eyebrow and his lips slowly turned upward into a roguish smile. He crushed his lips in to mine again, but it only lasted a moment…

“Cover your eyes, boys!” We heard a familiar voice holler. It was Flint and his friends Bole and Derrick, Slytherin’s Beaters. Oliver gave a frustrated groan and stepped in front of me as they approached us. “We weren’t interrupting anything, were we?”

“Not now, Flint.” Oliver told him with gritted teeth.

“What? It’s not like we’re breaking any of the rules. Are we boys? We were just doing a bit of exploring. Maybe not in the way you were,” He added looking me up and down.

“Don’t you look at me like that!” I snapped. He rolled his eyes.

“I’m allowed to look wherever I please. McGonagall didn’t say anything about that in the rules.”

“What is it that you want, exactly?” Oliver asked exasperated. Once again, Flint’s eyes scanned my body, and stayed there.

“Nothing you’re going to give me, that’s for sure.” Oliver stepped forward quickly with his hands clenched into fists. I quickly dove for one of his arms and tugged it with my hands.

“No, don’t!” Oliver stood like a statue, ignoring my attempts to lead him away, glaring furiously at Flint, who continued to smirk in amusement. “Please?”

“Listen to your little girl, mate.” Flint taunted. “You don’t want none of this, do you?” Oliver was about to lunge forward.

“Oliver!” He stopped and looked at me suddenly. “Please?” His eyes softened. “Let’s go,” I said quietly. “They’re waiting for us at the pub.” His breathing slowed, and he nodded in defeat.

“Alright.” I was able to drag him past Flint and onto the path before we heard a call.
“Now we know who the man is in the relationship!” Oliver stopped in his tracks.

“Oliver...” He said nothing and continued to walk with me. “Good for you.” I whispered.