Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

The Animagus and Halloween costumes

Dear Nikki,
I’m so pleased to hear that you’re enjoying yourself! The school sounds positively wonderful! Thanks for sending Jamie a birthday letter. You’ll never believe the smile she made while she read it.
I know it’s a bit early, but I’m wondering if you’ve been thinking about what you’d like to do for the holidays. Peter and Jamie and I have been talking, and we’d like to come and visit YOU! I hear London is lovely in the winter. We could find a nice little Inn to stay at and maybe even visit the castle if you want! Or if you’d rather fly home- or teleport, or whatever it is you magical folk do- that would be splendid as well. Just let us know. :)
Your friends sound like lovely people, dear. I can’t wait to meet Oliver (assuming you’ll let me). I hope all is well. We’re thinking of you each and every day, darling.
Again, EVERYTHING IS FINE! No need to worry about us!
Love Mom

I sighed as I folded the letter back up and put it in my robes. Like she could afford to fly the three of them here. If Peter and Jamie were older, they could use floo powder. However, Mom would never let them go alone, and she isn’t a witch. What gave them that idea anyway? I mean, it would be great if they came here, but hell, they’d have no money left! If dad would send some once in a while...

“Well?” Said a sweet voice to my left. My head snapped toward Marianne.

“What’s it say?” Asked Oliver.

“She wants to meet you.” I replied with a grin which he mirrored back.

“You told her about me, did you?”

“Yeah...” I said slowly.

“That’s great!” He exclaimed. “ is great, right?” The twins exchanged glances.

During Transfiguration, Marianne was more fidgety then I’d ever seen her. She was brushing her quill feather against her chin, and she wouldn’t stop the bouncing of her right knee.

“Today, we will begin the study of Animagi. Turn to page three hundred and sixty-two.” Began Professor McGonagall. “Now, transfiguration of the human to an animal is quite different than being an Animagus. They are incredibly rare. Ms. Johnson, please start at the first paragraph.” Angelina straightened up and cleared her throat before complying.

“An Animagus is a witch or wizard with the ability to Transform into an animal and still retain human brain functions. There are two main differences between Animal Transfiguration and Animagus Transfiguration. Unlike an ordinary witch or wizard transfiguring into an animal, the Animagus is able to think as a human; retaining his or her mental powers. The second is that the Animagus Transfiguration can be achieved with neither a wand nor an incantation, whereas ordinary Animal Transfiguration must.” She finished looking completely satisfied with herself.

“Very good. Now, I’m sure some of you are wondering what happens to the Animagus’ clothes when he or she transforms.” She said, eyeing several of Flint’s immature followers. This caused the majority of the class to chuckle. “Unfortunately, the Animagus retains all of their clothing and accessories when returning to his or her original form.” Several disappointed noises emerged from the two tables with Flint’s minions in the back. “Hmm. Ms. Shepard? Would you read the bottom of the page? Those last few sentences?” I felt Marianne tense beside me. I looked at her and smiled encouragingly. Her cheeks reddened slightly and she took a very deep breath before beginning. I glared at the couple students who were discreetly making fun of her.

“Each Animagus must be registered with the Improper Use of Magic Office. The Animagi Register contains the name, animal, and distinguished markings of each known Animagus.” Marianne paused for a very long time.

“There’s more, go on.” McGonagall urged.

“Failure to contact the Improper Use of Magic Office results in the Animagus witch or wizard sentenced up to a lifetime in... Azkaban Prison.” She finished very quietly. I furrowed a brow at her because of her uneasiness. She made no effort to look up at McGonagall or me and just continued to stare at her book.

“Yes, thank you, Ms. Shepard. Another important note about Animagi is that the animal always chooses the witch or wizard; not the other way around...”

Marianne was staring at the clock until the end of class. She stood up a whole second before McGonagall dismissed us, storming out before the rest of us gathered our things. Confusion fell over me as I shoved my notes into my book and moved quickly to follow her. My search for Marianne, However, was unsuccessful.


It took a few days for Marianne to talk to any of us again. Whenever we asked her what the deal was, she merely shrugged and told us she had no idea what we were talking about. Instead of pressing her, we decided to turn conversation to Halloween and the upcoming costume party.

“Fred and I are going to be a cow for Halloween.”

“A cow?” Allie asked with raised brows.

“Yes.” Replied Fred. “I’m going to be the head, and George is going to be the-”

“Hold on a minute! We agreed; I’m going to be the head!”

“Not true. Besides, you’d be more suitable at the other end.” He turned toward us. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I think the cow would be better off having two rear ends.” Oliver quirked before biting into his biscuit. Allie spoke up before either twin could argue.

“I’m going to be a fairy.”

“A fairy?” With the wings, and the halo, and the works?”

“That’s an angel, George.”

“I’m going to have wings, yes. You’ll have to wait and see for the rest.” She told us with a gleam of mischief in her eye.

“In other words, it’s going to be slutty.” Oliver informed us. Allie’s jaw dropped. “No offense...”

“And what are you going to be? An ogre? If so, you wouldn’t even need to buy a costume!”

“Ouch, Allie, no need to use claws...” Said Fred.

“If you must know, I’m going to be a Jedi master.” Oliver said, surprising our entire end of the table. It only took a moment for all of us to erupt in laughter... including several others who had overheard.

“Ha ha ha! Are you going to use the force on us, Wood?”

“Maybe I will if you don’t shut your mouths!”

“How about you, Nikki? What are you going to be?” Allie asked as she finally slowed her laughing.

“I have no idea.” I said honestly. “I’m thinking maybe cat, or a devil or something.” It’s true. I have no originality.

“A devil?” Oliver repeated. “I like the sound of that.”

“Down, Jedi, down!” shouted the twins.

“What are you going to be?” I suddenly asked Marianne. Marianne looked at all of us with shy eyes before shrugging.

“You are going to dress up, aren’t you?” Allie asked.

“I don’t know... Halloween’s not really for me.

“Come off it! Halloween is for everyone!” George exclaimed.

“You could be a witch.” Oliver suggested. “Not that you aren’t already, but...”

“Boring!” Fred retorted. “How about a Naughty nurse?” Allie snorted and Marianne gasped.

“You think too ordinary, Fred.” George spat before leaning in to look closer at her. “She looks more like... a French maid!” I laughed loudly.

“Oh my god...” Said Oliver, putting his head in his hands.

“I know! A sexy police officer!” Fred offered enthusiastically. At this point, Allie and I were nearly in tears, Oliver was watching the twins half embarrassed, half amused, and Marianne was looking at them like they were on drugs.

“No, I’ve got it! A flight attendant!”

“Ooh, a message therapist!”

“Wait, a psychiatrist!”


“Sorry, I got a little carried away.

“Or, you could come with Allie and I and we can find you a normal costume.” I added.

“Yeah...” She replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Years! <3