Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars


I hate Wednesdays. It’s only the middle of the week, and I have to get up at 8:30. Although some of my friends have class at 7:30, I still pity myself for the earliness of 9:30. I don’t complain though. I just express my anger through morning grumpiness—especially when Oliver isn’t there. Allie was also grouchy in the mornings... actually, she’s always a grouch lately. Therefore, breakfast wasn’t something I looked forward to anymore. Luckily, Marianne took to sitting with us; her only friends.
Although she rarely displayed any emotion, and if she did, it was terribly mild, she was still easing her way into our tiny group with flying colors. The twins enjoyed teasing her constantly—they seem to like making her feel uncomfortable. She also appeared to have an immediate liking toward Allie. Her amusing attitude always made Marianne laugh... almost. Oliver was always so wonderful to her; always trying to include her in our conversations and asking about her life—although she rarely gave him actual answers. As for me? I was beginning to think of Marianne as my soul sister. Though she barely spoke a word to anyone, when it was just the two of us, she seemed to open up just a little bit more each time. She gave me a chance to vent and go on rants, especially lately, as Allie has been in zombie mode, and she actually seems interested in everything I have to say. Her advice may be minimal, but it’s a great comfort to know I still have a girl interested in the bothersome nothings of my life.

This Wednesday happened to be the morning I decided to vent about Sammie.

“You should have stayed to see the way Allie was talking to her!” I ranted. “She was totally getting in her face about not being experienced in bed! It was awesome!” Marianne grinned warmly. “It was weird though, Sammie called—or would have called her a slut, if Oliver didn’t stop her.” She quirked an eyebrow at me. “You’ve gotta wonder why, right? Allie’s not even seeing anyone. I don’t even know where that came from!”
“Hmm.” She pondered. “Maybe...” She shook her head quickly.
“Maybe what?” I pressed. She shrugged.
“Maybe she’s seeing someone in secret.” My eyes widened in shock.
“She’s not mental.” I argued. “On second thought, maybe she is. But there would be no reason for her to do that. And I would know, at least.” Marianne shied away from me quickly and blushed.
“Sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, no! It’s fine. You’re fine. Please, if ever you have a suggestion about anything, speak up.” I encouraged quickly. She furrowed her brows at me just before a loud cough sounded from right behind us. Marianne and I looked over our shoulders to see a smug-looking Sammie standing there with a hand on her hip which was swaying lightly to the side.
“You two ought to keep your voices down. The whole hall can hear you.”
“The whole hall isn’t standing right behind us eavesdropping.” I retorted. She rolled her eyes.
“Like I care. And for your information, Smith is definitely a slut.”
“Bullshit.” I insisted. “You aren’t welcome at this table.”
“And that Ravenclaw is?”
“Yeah. She is.” We looked over to see Ron Weasley a few empty seats down glaring at Sammie along with Hermione. “A friend of Fred and Georges’ is a friend of all of us.” He said firmly. I smiled slightly before turning back to Sammie.
“So what? Smith is still-”
“You don’t know anything about her.” I told her with an amused grin. “What makes you think you know who she’s seeing?” She grinned.
“I have better sources than you give me credit for, Hock.” I grimaced at her as she walked away.
“Bloody witch.” Ron mumbled. I smiled at him.
“Aren’t we all?” I quirked. Marianne chuckled quietly.

Potions that morning was a nightmare, naturally. Although it was a lab day, so it was just slightly easier to sneak in a conversation than it is on lecture days.
“A sprig of peppermint” Allie read aloud from her copy of Advanced Potion-Making. We were attempting to brew Euphoria. Not fun.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” I whispered, fearful of Snape’s ability to appear out of nowhere claiming to have heard from across the room.
“Mhmm.” She hummed.
“Er...” The last thing I wanted to do was make her angry. “You know you’re my girl, right?” She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. I better be. Spit it out.”
“I was just wondering why Sammie is under the illusion that you sleep around.” Allie’s eyes froze on the page of the book and widened.
“What?” She asked, finally looking at me.
“She called you a slut.” I told her. “She says she has sources.” She made a strange face before bursting out in laughter.
“Oh, Nikki, come on! You don’t honestly believe her! That’s absurd!”
“I know.” I said seriously. “That’s why I’m wondering why she said it.” I tried to catch her eye. She finally calmed down and cocked her head at me.
“I don’t know why she said that. Maybe she’s just jealous because I could sleep with any guy if I wanted, and she can’t even get one.” She said with a grin.
“I dunno, I hear she’s a pretty big hit with the Quidditch team.” I said with a laugh.
“Naturally.” She agreed.
“So, you’re not seeing anyone?” I pressed.
“Nikki, I promise I’m not a slut. I’m not sleeping with anyone. Really.”
“Fine. I believe you. Now, back to you sneaking off at night-”
“I have not been sneaking anywhere!”
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Came Snape’s cold voice from behind us. Allie and I both sighed in defeat. Snape poked his head in between us and examined our caldron. “Fail.”
“What?” Allie whined.
“We aren’t even finished!” I protested.
“Twenty points from Gryffindor. I don’t know how many times I have to tell this class to shut their mouths!” I slumped my shoulders as Snape snaked away. Allie and I exchanged a look before hearing him bellow, “Wood and Weasley... Pass.” We glanced enviously at the table next to us. Oliver and George looked beyond smug in front of their perfectly yellow concoction. “Weasley, try to do some of the work next time. Five points from Gryffindor.” Their smugness turned into shock as their mouths fell open. After class, the four of us trailed into the dungeon all with dampened spirits.
“You know, if you two don’t quit babbling away, Gryffindor’s going to go into the negatives.” George complained.
“Well maybe if you actually make an effort, we’ll only reach the single digits.” She replied. We all chuckled.
“Nikki.” Oliver stepped closer and grabbed your hand. “Meet me in the common room for lunch?”
“What about practice?” I asked.
“Yeah, what about practice?” George asked eagerly. Oliver looked at him sternly before answering.
“But don’t think that means I don’t expect you on the pitch tomorrow at 4am sharp.” He snapped.
“Yes, yes, of course, your majesty.” He said with a slight bow. Oliver rolled his eyes.
“Come on.” He said, shoving George along the hallway. He turned his head back to me as they walked away. “You’ll meet me, yes?”
“I’ll think about it.” I called with a smirk. He rolled his eyes again. I turned to Allie. “Shall we go to class?”
“Only if you promise to stop interrogating me.” She complained.
“For today.” I promised. But this wasn’t over.

I entered the empty common room with my Potions and Ancient Runes books bundled in my arms and made my way slowly up the curved stairs. I was exhausted; probably for no reason. I had barely taken five steps before colliding with another body. The yelp he made notified me that it was Oliver. I barely noticed my books fall down the stairs; I was too busy trying to grab the railing and save myself. Oliver dove for me, and he missed my hand by inches. I braced myself for the fall, which hurt more than I expected. I didn’t tumble all the way to the bottom due to the curving, but my head smashed into the wall and my butt landed roughly on the edge of a stone stair. I blacked out for only a second.
“God, Nikki.” Oliver whispered panicky. I opened my eyes to see him skip two stairs and land next to me bending down. “You’re head cracked.”
“No it didn’t.” I said. Sure, it hurt. Like hell. But it didn’t crack. Well, actually it might have. Hell if I know.
“Come on, let’s get you to the sofa.” He said quickly before effortlessly lifting me into his arms. I almost marveled at his amazing strength before feeling the pain in my behind.
“Ow.” I complained immediately. My head began to spin soon after.
“Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t have moved you.” He said thoughtfully before placing me on the sofa. I lifted my hips off the cushions and my hands immediately flew to my bum.
“Aw, hell. I’m such a klutz.” I whined as I realized touching it wasn’t helping. I moved my hands to feel the back of my head. It felt bigger in the back. Was it swollen?
“Don’t start that.” He replied. “It’s my fault. I don’t make enough noise when I frolic down the stairs.” I laughed hard, but a sharp pain in my head caused me to stop.
“Don’t make me laugh.” I told him with a smile. He looked at me worriedly.
“I swear your head cracked. I have to get Madam Pomfrey.”
“No!” I protested, grabbing his hand. “I want to have lunch with you.”
“Some other time. You might have a concussion. I’ll be back. Stay here, don’t move, and don’t fall asleep. Understood?” He demanded, sounding more like the Quidditch Captain than my Oliver.
“On one condition.” I said smiling.
“There are no conditions involved right now. Do as I say.”
“Don’t you even want to hear it?”
“It benefits you, too.” I pressed. Oliver sighed hopelessly.
“Let’s hear it.”
“You have to kiss me.” I told him smugly. Oliver’s face softened before bending down next to me and pressing his lips to my forehead. “That doesn’t count.” I said stubbornly. A smile slowly formed on his face.
“You’re awfully picky.” He told me before leaning close and pressing his lips softly to mine. I sighed contently. As he began to pull away, I placed a firm hand on the back of his head to hold him in place. Oliver finally stopped his straining and I felt him smile against my lips before grazing them with his tongue. I relished the chills that ran through my body. I opened my mouth immediately, but he broke the kiss; slowly but firmly, against my will. I furrowed my brows at him. “Later.” He promised with a crooked smile. He kissed me on the forehead once more before standing up and heading out. “You’d better keep your end of the bargain, love.” He called before I heard the Fat Lady’s portrait open and close.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my dears! I am eager to report that my big day is quickly falling into place. On April 30th, I will officially be an old married lady!!!!!!!!! Well... maybe not old. Yet...
And I'm rapidly getting more and more ideas on how I'm going to turn Nikki's story into more of an action packed adventure... the best I can, anyway. I've been very prone to writer's block lately. I still have the next several chapters written, but I'm running out of time to come up with more material. But rest assured, IT WILL COME!
Ugh, I'm turning my really annoying ranting friend.