Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

My first Quidditch game


After the feast, we were led up to the Gryffindor common room. My things were somehow already unpacked, like everyone else's. I had never learned about magic before- besides my own studying. I slipped on a white T-Shirt and jeans and headed downstairs from the girls’ dormitory. I decided to seat myself next to Allie Smith who, apparently never had a hard time making friends- just keeping them. Throughout the night, I couldn’t stop stealing glances from Oliver during our conversations. I couldn’t help it. It was like a reflex. I could not stop looking at him! After what seemed like the hundredth time, Allie seemed to notice.

"You like him, Nikki, don’t you?" She asked rather loudly. I looked at her with an expression that read nothing short of shut up.

"Who?" I whispered, praying that she wouldn’t guess.

"The Keeper, Oliver Wood!" She whispered back, trying to hold it in. Damn.

"Don't be ridiculous! I don't even know him. I don't even know you!"

"Hmm." She looked down. "Sorry. But he is looking over here, you know." She murmured. I looked at him frantically. He was. I smiled sweetly at him.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and an average looking blond skipped out from the girls’ dorm. Oliver smiled at her and immediately got up and power-walked over to her.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked, almost jumping up and down.

"Are you kidding? I can't wait!" I was crushed. Of course he had a girlfriend.

"Yea, we're going to do great, I've been practicing all summer!" He said, giving her a hug. I furrowed my brows in confusion at what they could possibly be talking about.

"Who... is she?" I asked.

"Oh, Nikki. That's Katie Bell." I looked down sadly.

"Nikki... they were talking about the Quidditch game." She said trying not to crack up. I looked at her hopefully. "Ha! I knew it! You do like him!" she said a little quieter this time.

"I hardly know him, but... sort of... I suppose." We sat silent for a moment. "But you can't tell anybody!" I blurted out louder then I intended to. Allie sat staring at me wide-eyed, as did everyone else in the room. I looked around and smiled innocently until they forget about it and continued with their own business. "Wait," I said, just now comprehending. "There's a Quidditch game?" A huge smile spread across my face.

"Tomorrow.” She said smiling.

“I’ve never been to one before...” Before another word was spoken, Oliver appeared next to me and sat down, keeping his distance. I felt my stomach leap. His smile simply made me melt.

"Will you be coming to the game tomorrow?" I couldn’t help but expose a smile.

"Absolutely." I said thoughtfully.

"Really? That's... er... excellent. I'll see you there." He said with a grin before getting up and heading to the boy's dormitories. I glanced at Allie to see if she heard what had just happened. Now she was the one with her mouth open.

"I don't believe it!" She excalimed.


"He likes you!" I raised my eyebrows.

"No... I believe he likes you, I just... he... hmm... he's so obsessed with Quidditch, I've never seen him talk to anyone the way he spoke to you just now!" She said laughing a bit.

Allie and I ran all the way to the stadium. We found our seats just in time. Coincidentally, they were right behind the Gryffindor goal. Oliver was flying around the goal for a minute or so while waiting for the game to start. I noticed him clutching onto a necklace of some kind around his neck. He kissed it and tucked it in the shirt of his uniform. I smiled thoughtfully.

"Let the game begin!" The announcer declared. Oliver placed himself in front of the goal. The game was against Slytherin. I didn’t pay much attention to the actual game. My eyes were glued to the keeper. He was gorgeous. The way his muscles flexed when he caught the quaffle... his deadly crooked grin he kept giving Flint after every catch...
I was enjoying myself greatly... that is until Flint began to fly around, waving to various girls, including me. I growled under my breath. Seriously?

After two hours of game play, Harry Potter was almost hit by a bludger. Oliver turned to him and said something... just before Flint, with the quaffle, decided to dive forward and throw the ball at him. "Wood, look out!" We heard Harry shout as the ball broke the end of Oliver’s broom, causing him to fly off and fall all the way to the ground.
“Ugh!" Allie scoffed. “Asshole!” She shouted. Flint raised his eyebrows at us and I snarled at him in disgust. The medics quickly went to carry Oliver away as I watched the rest of the game with sadness. It was so unappealing, in fact, that if it weren’t for Harry being chased and almost killed by the rogue bludger, I might have fallen asleep. Gryffindor won, but Harry almost got obliterated after catching the snitch.