Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

People whose names start with S suck!

After Allie and I prepared for bed, we stepped outside of the girl’s dorm with some of the other students for some light-PJ reading. Oliver was alone in a chair with his arm in a cast and a bandage on his head, reading. I stood there for a moment, debating on whether or not to go and cheer him up. I sighed as I decided to quit being a baby and go.

"Don't they have a charm for that?" I asked sarcastically pointing to his broken arm.
"Yes.” He sighed hopelessly. “They don't have it ready yet." He wouldn’t even look at me. The frustration was evident in his voice. I stood there awkwardly for a moment, wondering what else to say.

"What are you reading?" I asked sweetly. With his eyes still on the page, he lifted the book up enough for me to read the cover. Quidditch world records. Figures. He looked up at me for a second before looking back at his book. I finally had to break the minute silence. "You were really great out there." I said quickly. Oliver looked up at me and forced a smile.

"Thanks." He said before looking down. Giving up, I turned around and began walking back to Allie. "I can’t believe that Marcus Flint." I heard him say after me. I turned to face him.

"Me either." We shared a smile before he put on his adorable pouty face again and continued reading. I smirked before going back to the sofa and sitting next to Allie. I pulled out “Wizard’s First rule,” reading it for the millionth time. The Sword of Truth series is my favorite.

Oliver and I continued to steal glances over the next hour or so. The butterflies in my stomach only increased. When it neared 11:00, it was obvious that everyone was getting tired. Oliver had fallen asleep. He was quite adorable in that state. Suddenly, the common room door flew open. It made everyone gasp. I looked at Oliver to see he had jumped awake. The face at the door was an angry one.

"Who’s that?" I asked Allie.

"That's Percy Weasley. He's quite pompous." She said, trying not to smile.

“He seems kind of lame..." I admitted. He looked over at me quickly.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.” He snarled. “You are all breaking rule number two hundred and twenty-one, ‘Every student must be in bed by ten o’clock, and number five hundred and forty-two, ‘No one is allowed out of their dorm past nine o’clock!’ What is wrong with all of you? Get to bed immediately!" We looked at him in stunned silence for a moment before everyone frantically gathered their belongings and heading upstairs.

“I was right.” I told Allie.

“Ha ha. Lame-o!” She replied with a laugh.

Percy made his way over to Oliver and offered him a hand up. "I would think that you could keep all of these hooligans in order, Wood." Percy scolded. Oliver shrugged before taking his hand to stand up. After stretching briefly, which I paid particular attention to (unable to get enough of his gorgeous body), he turned to go upstairs.

"C'mon, Nikki! We have to go!" Allie said tugging on my sleeve. “We do have classes tomorrow after all!" I sighed.


I woke to a familiar voice the next morning. "Nikki? Wake up. We've got Snape! We can't be late!" I groaned as I remembered the rumors I had been told about the meanest teacher in Hogwarts’ history. I sat up and used my wand to straighten out my long, brown hair...

"Ah... a new student." Snape walked over to me and frowned. "Name?"

"Er... Nikki." I managed as I leaned back in my chair.

"Your last name. It is unprofessional to call a student only by their first name."

“Hock." I murmured.

"Very well, Ms. Hock. Think next time before you speak." He scolded before walking back to the front of the classroom. Allie nudged me before giving me the "told you so." look. I shrugged and forced a smile. I glanced at Oliver, who was paying attention to Snape and his lecture. I let out a sigh...

After my first potion class had finished, I walked out with a few other girls talking about Snape's rude conversation. I glanced up mid-sentence, noticing Oliver starting to walk toward us. However, he was halted half way by a girl stepping in front of him. She had long, blond hair and could be featured in a food disorder ad. She was, no doubt, a Slytherin. Ugh.

“Have you thought any more about what I asked you the other day?” She said sweetly before pushing her hair behind her shoulder. She glanced at me briefly with a small smile on her face. Seriously? I placed my hands on my head ready to rip my hair out.

"Allie?" I whined pleading for an explanation.

“Sammie.” She said with a hint of anger. “I don’t have to say much about her for you to know everything.”

"Um..." Oliver looked at her confused for a moment. "Oh! Yeah. About that...” He chuckled nervously putting a hand on the back of his head briefly. “I’m not sure that’s going to work out. Sorry.” Her smile faded as mine appeared. She leaned up and whispered something in his ear while eyeing me in the process. His eyes widened as she stalked away. Oliver glanced at me before shaking his head quickly to remove the thought of whatever she had said. Without delay, Allie pushed me aside roughly and marched over to Oliver.

"Allie, don’t-" I whispered loudly. I turned quickly to face the other girls, desperate to join in on their conversation.

***Oliver's Point of View***
Alright. I’m going to do it. I’m going to ask her out right now! I can do this. God, I’m more nervous then I was before the game yesterday. This is ridiculous. I can do this. I began walking toward her, before Sammie stepped right in front of me. Damn! I’m never going to get this over with!

“Have you thought any more about what I asked you the other day?” This girl wastes no time, does she?

“Um...” I played stupid. She had to realize that going out with her was not at the top of my list of things to do. “Oh yeah, about that...” I laughed at the irony. “I’m not sure that’s going to work out. Sorry” I said halfheartedly. Before I could walk away, she was suddenly on her tip toes and her breath was in my ear.

“I would’ve had you if she hadn’t come along. She can’t do what I can for you. No one knows how to pleasure like I do.” She whispered with a smile. Good lord, woman. Flint must have put her up to this. My crushing on Nikki can’t be that obvious. I looked at her briefly and shook my head. Maybe I should wait. I’ve only known her for three days. What was I thinking?

“Wood!” Allie called approaching me.

“Hello, Allie.” I said. The bitterness in my voice could not be avoided.

“Not that it’s any of my business, but... what was Sammie telling you?” She asked sweetly. Sneaky little...

“Nothing of any importance.” I said honestly. She shuffled her feet.

“Oh. Er... are you dating her? Or thinking about it?”

“Sammie?” I asked in disbelief. She nodded enthusiastically. “No! No, definitely not.” I said with a hint of disgust in my voice.

“Good.” She said triumphantly before skipping away. Well, that means Nikki likes me. Which is a good thing. I suppose. I only hope she doesn’t get fed up with my Quidditch obsession.