Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

Quidditch ruins everything


It had been about a week since the event outside of Snape’s classroom. It was lunch time, and I filled my plate with steak and potatoes. I was sitting in between Allie and Fred Weasley. His twin George was seated next to him. They were hilarious, actually. We were beginning to become good friends with them. Them being friends with Oliver was only a plus. Oliver sat across from me and inhaled his food excitedly. The cast on his arm had finally been removed.

"So...” He began as he anxiously chewed and swallowed his food. “We've conjured up a new technique to start winning every game.” He said so quickly his voice was almost jumbled. He looked around to see if anyone else was listening. I had no idea what he was saying, but I kept my eyes on him all the same. I couldn’t do much of anything else lately...

"Well, Wood, what is it?" George asked uninterested.

"Well, when the other team is over on their side of the stadium..." Oliver went on with this for a while, continuously looking at me to make sure I was listening. I wasn’t, but I had no problem gazing deep into his chocolate eyes. "...And now that I have the Nimbus 2001, we're going to be unstoppable! Flint won’t stand a chance!" He grinned, punching the air with his fist. We laughed.
At this point Fred looked at me, and then at Oliver, and then at George. "Oliver..." They both said at once. Oliver glared at them.

"You can’t stall forever, mate." George said with a smirk. Oliver sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Allie cut in. I lightly banged my head on the table. I knew had a slight clue as to what they were talking about.

"I'll do it later." Oliver says, frowning.

"That’s what you said yesterday! How much later?" Fred asked.

"When you two aren't around, later." Oliver said, smirking.

"Hmm... alright." The twins said at once before getting up immediately and walking away. I could easily see their heads peak in from around the door.

"Ahem." Allie cleared her throat, beginning to catch on. "I... uh... forgot something in the common room." She quickly stood up and left the table. I looked at Oliver suspiciously. I was screaming inwardly with anticipation. My stomach was churning.

"Uh... so..." He began.

"What do you all know that I don't know?" I asked trying not to smile.

"Um... well, I know we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but... I was wondering... if maybe..." He stopped to look up at me. I finally let my grin appear. "You’re going to make me finish, aren't you?" He asked with a nervous chuckle. My grin only extended as I gazed at him. "Would you like to go on a date with me... say... tomorrow afternoon?" Perfect. I had no classes after lunch the next day.

"I'll have to take a look at my social calendar." I joked. He sighed in relief.

“Brilliant.” He said smiling. “I’ve got to go to a Quidditch meeting. I’ll see you later.” I nodded happily before watching him walk away. I was so happy I couldn’t even finish my lunch. He was perfect. He was nice, funny, smart, amazingly gorgeous... and now he was mine. I hoped.

The moment I sat down on the common room sofa, six pairs of footsteps began trampling loudly. Before I knew it, Allie’s arms were wrapped around me and her hair was covering my face. Fred and George sat on either side of me.

"You knew about this too, Allie?" I asked rather flustered.

"Of course she knew! The whole house knew!" Fred said happily. George suddenly shoved a small package in my lap.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just something that might come in handy on your date tomorrow. Use it when you feel the time is right." Fred said rather amused. I slowly opened the gift and pulled out a pink-colored potion in a bottle labeled "Romance Spray- Not in the mood? Not a problem!" I laughed out loud.

"No thanks, guys." I said before handing it back to them.

"And why not? We worked hard on that, you know!" George whined.

"Why don’t you use it on each other?" I said before taking Allie’s arm and heading upstairs, leaving two, very confused twins behind.

Oliver’s point of view:
I power walked to the Quidditch field while making sure I had everything I needed. Damn! I forgot my necklace. As I reached my hand in my pocket to check, I ran into something and knocked it over. It was Angelina. Why did I keep doing that??

“Damn it, Oliver!” She scolded as she stumbled to her feet.

“Sorry.” I said, not exactly caring. I scooted along past her anxious to get to the meeting. The sooner it was over, the sooner I could focus on other things...

“Oliver, wait!” She called. I spun around quickly.


“Easy with the attitude! Did you ask what’s-her-name out yet?”

“Nikki. Yes. Why?”

“You didn’t schedule the date for tomorrow, did you? Because that’s what George said.”

“What’s it to you?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Wood. You can’t go on the date tomorrow! It’s the only day this week we were able to schedule the stadium for practice!” I stood frozen with my mouth hanging open slightly. “You’re the captain, Oliver. You were the one who said we need to practice, practice, practice.” She mocked as her fingers quoted the air. “Don’t you look at me like that! You have responsibilities!” For some reason, I couldn’t get out the curse that was resting on my tongue. I sighed angrily before continuing on my way to the meeting.