Status: Currently on hiatus. Will finish one day. :)

Into the Stars

Reassurance and the strange exchange

Today was the day. I rushed anxiously down to the Great Hall, eager for some breakfast. Before reaching the door, I noticed Allie exiting and waved her down. As she neared me, her smile transformed into a pitiful frown.

“What is it?” I asked in confusion.

“Oh, Nikki. Are you alright?” She asked with a sad smile.

“Er... Should I not be?”

“You mean he hasn’t told you! Oh, that coward!”

“What is it, Allie?”

“I thought he would have told you last night. He has Quidditch practice today. He has to cancel your date.”

“Oh.” I said in surprise. Quidditch practice? That’s kind of a dumb reason. Whatever. I knew it was too good to be true. Something was bound to get in the way. What better than Quidditch? I sighed before saying goodbye and grudgingly walked over to our usual spot at the table.
I sat down without saying a word and without looking at Oliver. I could see him watching me as I put a pancake on my plate. I sighed dramatically waiting for him to say something.

“Morning.” He said somewhat cheerfully. That wasn’t what I wanted.

“Good morning.” I replied coldly as I glared up at him. He faked a smile before continuing to shove sausage in his mouth. I scoffed.

“What is it?” He asked mid-chew. I sighed hopelessly. “...Oh. I take it Allie told you.”

“Yeah, and I’m wondering why it was Allie and not you.”

“I’m sorry, Nikki. I just thought... you wouldn’t want to go out with me anymore.” He replied sadly.

“So you think that just not telling me would make a difference? Were you seriously going to stand me up?” I asked loudly.

“I’m sorry, alright? It’s not my fault you make me nervous.” He grinned. I couldn’t hold back a smile. “But... It’s our only chance to practice this week, and-”

“It’s ok.” I interrupted. “Some other time.” I said sadly not feeling very hungry anymore. I moved to stand up.

“Wait.” He said suddenly grabbing my hand from across the table. My heart fluttered at the contact. I looked at him doubtfully.

“I... I’ll be there. I’ll take you out today.” I smiled hesitantly.

“You’re sure? Won’t you be clawed by your teammates?” He winced.

“Hopefully I’ll survive.” He said sounding more serious then he should have sounded. I chuckled lightly before watching in shock as he brought my hand to his lips and pecked it gently.

“See you later.” I murmured as I turned to rush out of the Great Hall. I would have eaten, but my face was burning to a point that I was sure he could see the evidence in my cheeks.

As soon as Charms was finished, I exited the classroom happily and leaned up against the corridor wall to collect my thoughts. At the corner of my eye, I noticed Fred and George whispering to each other across the hall. I made a motion to wave at them just before another familiar face entered the scene. Flint stalked over to them with a smug little grin on his face. I watched with a raised brow as they began talking quietly. Flint shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a bag of Bertie Bot’s every flavored beans and shoved them hastily into Georges hands before repeating the process three more times. George and Fred exchanged a look before Fred grinned at him.

“Come to our shop after class.”

“That’s what I thought.” Flint mumbled before walking away. Strange...