Cut Here

Time To Start

“Elizabeth, come here,” my mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

“Coming,” I yelled back over the loud sound that my stereo was emitting. I merely put the song that was playing on pause and walked downstairs to that living room where I was pretty sure I would find my parents.

“Elizabeth we need to talk,” my father said in his business voice. That meant that I had done something wrong. I quickly racked my brain for anything that I had done recently that I could even possibly be in trouble for, but I came up with nothing.

“Yeah?” I asked curiously, it was really unusual for my parents to have a sit down conversation with me unless I was in trouble.

“You have an arranged marriage with a vampire prince,” my father began, “and he’ll be here in a few hours to get you. So go and get your things packed before he arrives.”

“What the hell is wrong with you guys? I’m your daughter! You can’t just get rid of me!” I screamed at them. “I don’t want to get married! I’m only seventeen!”
“Stop screaming and go pack. The king has already paid for the expenses you’ve cost us over the years and we’ve already signed the contract.” My father told me emotionless, as if he didn’t care he was getting rid of his only daughter.

“And how long has all of this been planned?” I screamed at them on the verge of tears.

“Since the day you were born,” he replied, still emotionless.
I just turned my back on them and walked back up to my room. I was careful not to let them see the tears welling up in my eyes. Upon entering my room I slammed the door and threw myself down on my bed and let out a sob. Then I reached over and put my Cure Greatest Hits Cd and put the whole thing in repeat. After a few minutes I got up and packed all of my things such as posters, pictures, books, Cd's, clothes, shoes, computer things and laptop in to brown cardboard boxes I had found in the hallway by my bedroom door. After doing all of this I looked around to make sure I hadn't forgot anything when something on the floor caught my eye, it was a photograph of my best friend Nicole and I. The photo was taken at her house about two weeks ago before she went on her family vacation to the beach for the first few weeks of summer break. I missed her a lot, and then I thought about how I’d have to leave her here now that I was moving.
I couldn’t even handle that thought, leaving my parents wasn’t all that bad but leaving Nicole was a whole other story. Nicole was like my other half, without her I just couldn’t stand it. I broke down and cried on my bed.
I guess I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I knew my parents were hollering for me to come downstairs.

“Alright I’m coming!” I yelled at them. I turned off my stereo and put it into a box, closed up the box and went downstairs to face the music.

“Elizabeth I’d like for you to meet Prince Lucian. Lucian, this is our daughter Elizabeth.” My father said in his tone that meant he was trying to look good. I rolled my eyes and looked around for this Prince Lucian dude, and then I spotted him sitting on the armchair by the fire place. He was somewhat good looking, tall, medium length black hair, emerald green eyes but so pale!

“And I care why?” I questioned nobody in particular with my clearly annoyed voice.

“Hush Elizabeth! He is to be your husband soon.” My mother told me angrily.

“It’s time that we took our leave Elizabeth. Come now,” Lucian spoke for the first time in a velvety voice.

“I have belongings and if I’m forced to leave I’m taking it all with me, end of story.” I impudently told him, not caring how rude I sounded.

“We’ll send for it after we get there,” Lucian told me and I felt my time in my parents’ house waning.

“Fine, but I want all of my personal belongings. Got it?” I replied with such audacity just to vex them all.

“Yes, now come along.” Lucian told me, holding back the annoyance that I could see in his eyes.
After he said that I turned and walked right out the door. Lucian turned to my parents and said good bye. Just before slamming the door I heard my parents apologizing for me being so rude. Once Lucian followed we both got into a black limo that was parked in the driveway.
Upon sitting inside he turned to me, slapping me across the face, and yelling, “No wife of mine shall ever be that disrespectful towards me!”

“Oh hell no! You will not slap me! Where do you think you get off like that? Who do you fucking think you are?!” I screamed back at him.

“I’ll do as I please to you, you will be my wife soon and you need to learn your place. As for whom I am, I am Lucian, Prince of all vampires. And you now belong to me.” He said with such authority.

“Yeah and I’m Cleopatra!” I thought to myself.

“Well then welcome back Cleopatra,” he smirked.

“Stuff it,” I retorted getting pissed.
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I've had this story for awhile, I just never got around to publishing it. So hopefully y'all like it and I would appreciate feedback!