Cut Here

For In This World I'm Bound to Ramble

After about six hours of driving we pulled into into the driveway of a gigantic house, in the middle of nowhere might I add! We both got out of the car in utter silence. I stormed off towards the front door and waited for Lucian to come. Lucian took his good, sweet time getting up to the porch where I was waiting by the door. When Lucian got there he unlocked the front door and went inside. As I walked inside I was amazed, Lucian merely rolled his eyes.

"This is my family's vacation house, try not to get lost or break anything." Lucian told me.

"Okay, so why are we here?" I asked, wanting to slap Lucian for his rude behavior.

"We're staying here for the night before we continue on to my home in the Underworld." Lucian replied, coming towards me as he spoke.

"Fine, so where do I sleep and get food?" I questioned Lucian.

"The kitchen is through the first door on your left. I'll show you where you'll be sleeping after dinner." He said in a commanding tone of voice.

"Yes mister dictator sir." I retorted while rolling my eyes just to vex Lucian.

'You need to show me respect, or-"

"Or what? You'll hit me again? I've got news for you dick weed, I don't plan on sticking around for to long. So I'll act how I please," I spat at Lucian before turning my back on him and beginning to walk away. After the first step Lucian was standing right in front of me.

"You'll learn, and you better change your plans because you'll be at my side for a very, very long time." Lucian smirked and then I blacked out.
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Okay, so hopefully this doesn't suck.... I'm supposed to be in bed but I'm going to stay up and post a little tonight.... Also I have finals next week so probably no updates during the week from Sunday to Wednesday... But I get off early next Thursday with no school Friday or Monday, so I'll be posting in my free time on those days!