Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale



I brushed a stray hair from her face, and she looked up at me with eyes so curious, and smiled. I smiled back, and put my arm around her. We were watching the river twist and ripple, in the distance, war drums sounded, we didn't react. We stayed there holding each other, as the army came out from behind the tree's.

They opened fire.


I let out a small scream as I snapped my eyes open, my wings snapping as well., the sweat dripping down my body was cold and sticky, and I gulped in as much air as I could. My room was the same, no army or war drums, nor was there the beautiful girl in my dreams.

I dropped my head into my hands, and sighed grumpily. The dreams had been getting worse, making my head hurt during the day. It was such a tragedy, the way it played with my mind.

I slowly lay back down to sleep, but not in defeat. The dreams were winning, but hadn't won. Rolling over, I kicked the blankets off myself, hot now under their warmth......

I needed to find this girl, I was beginning to confuse reality with fantasy, and it was just... horrible, Dad wouldn't get off my back about how I was acting, everyday I'd have to sneak away, just to escape his horrible gaze.

Sighing, I felt myself slipping away once more, I slowly folded one wing in, and beat the other to a lullaby.

The next morning, I awoke to a smiling servant, holding up a fancy robe and the crown.

"Rise and shine sir, the King needs you!" He said, all too cheerfully. I hated pixies.

I sat up and stretched my legs over the beg, dropping my head in my hands and rubbing my eyes. Last night had still been much tossing her turning, even with the lullaby of beating wings... well, wing.

The servant layed the robe and crown carefully down on my bedspread, and fled the room so I could dress. Grumbling, I swiped up the clothes and looked them over.

The robe looked like a fucking pillow case, got dammit.

I glared at it, and threw it aside, just taking the crown, I danced over to my dresser, and searched for something less.... pillow-ish. I ended up grabbing a nice pair of gray pants, and a white shirt, with a silk red jacket- it was the only thing he would find 'presentable'.

I tugged off my sweat pants (Falling backwards onto the bed while doing so), and twirled gracefully into the clothes in front of me, having a hard time getting my wings through the jacket and shirt holes, personally, this would be SO much easier with someone back there to help.... but with the servant away, the demon will fail.

After (finally) getting dressed, I trudged down stairs, passing my a mirror and seeing the dark circles under my eyes. Dad would be on my back about this again, mom? She would be taking care of some 'servant things.' today.

"Decker!" I jumped at my dad's bellowing voice, and he smiled at me. "Oh, Decker, I have wonderful news!" His grin widened.

My jaw hung slack for a little bit in confusion, wonderful news? What could be wonderful? I still haven't found my girl yet!

"Your mother shall be home shortly, I just know she'll want to see your face." He patted me on the shoulder, and walked into the guest area, winking at me. This surprise had to be big if he was waiting for mom, but what could it be? I'm a prince for god's sake, there's nothing I don't have.

Accept Her, of course.

I rubbed my temples and went to the kitchen as servants moved painfully quick, baking and cleaning. I simply had to snap my fingers, and an golden apple was in my hand.

It wasn't actually gold, obviously, just the color. The inside was wonderful, it tasted like summer all wrapped up into one fruit, and I bit into it gratefully, peering into the guest area were dad was.

He was holding his chest and his face was swifted in pain, he coughed, and sat down. He'd been ill lately, but nothing more then a common cold, hurts the heart, because it freezes whats left of it.

I walked in and sat next to him. "When will mother arrive?" I asked curiously.

"Soon, maybe in a half an hour." I nodded with this answer, and layed my head on the back of the couch.

Her brilliant gray eyes flashed through my mind, and that warm smile she smiled made me sigh with bliss, oh my girl.... I would just HAVE to find her soon...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, first chapter, first chapter in Decker's POV :) He hasn't really done anything yet, but I can't, and don't want to, rush things :] This is only the first chapter, soooo WATCH OUT!!!
