Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Confusion of the Mind

I had seen him before. I know I had. The boy--Decker wound his arms around me and I leaned into him like I had never trusted a guy before. Odd sensations crawled around my arms and legs, like I was on fire and lying on ice at the same time.

I look up at him. "Wow. 110 dollars just to dance at me? You now were just gonna dance right?' I ask suddenly wishing that we had to do more.

He smiles. "Yeah. 110 dollars. Wait a minute. Dollars?"

I look at him in confusion, we continued to dance but lines creased his eyebrows. I suddenly felt the need to smooth them out. "Umm yeah. Your paying for this. With you know, money."

He nods Ike he understands but something tells me he doesn't. A New songs starts to pay. Some Metric song about Dancing and saying goodbye. I lean forword on him a little bit, not really caring that he doesn't now what money is.

He spins me and moves closer to me, closer than what I thought could be possible.

"Do you like to dance?"

"Mmh-hmm. Do you know what money is?"

"What you use to pay for things?"

"Yep," I feel sleepy and content. "Do you have any American money though?"

He twirl around the dance floor. "I can probably get some."

I look up at Decker.

Then something snapped.

It's like those things popper things that we used to get on new years. My aunt would pull on one side and I would pull on the other until things would pop out of it. Hats and rigs and toys, sometimes even candy. But this wasn't like that. It was like two different senses were pulling at me. One with common sense--the boy didn't know what money was?! What the Hell?!--the other with another scene I couldn't explain. Warm and smooth feeling. Hot and cold feelings.


"Huh Abigale?"

I realize his hand is holding me up, that I've stopped moving altogether.

"I think I need a breath. for a. second or two." I mumble into his shoulder. The dark color of black is the last thing I remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmm. I had no idea what to write. I blame my co-writer for giving me a hard set uo if this sucks. not my fault. haha. I loves her though

So thank you commenter's and subscribers! I loves you guys too and I am swaying and feeling veeeery dizzy right now going to go lay down.... bye-bye
