Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Booby Holder.

"I think I need a breath. for a. second or two." She mumbled into my shoulder, and then her grip slipped, and she slid to the floor.

My brow furrowed, and I quickly bent down and picked her up, shaking her. "Abigale? Abigale?!" I frowned, and noticed some people staring. I put my hand on her shoulder, and bit the inside of my cheek. "Abigale... Abby? Whats wrong?" But no answer.

The young man from the stage, along with another young girl, rushed down from the stage. The girl looked concerned, and afraid of what was happening. She put a hand over her mouth when she saw Abigale, and dropped to her knee's.

"What happened to her??" She quickly looked over Abigale, worry planted on her face. She patted her cheek, as if that would wake her up. "What'd you do?!" She sent a flying finger my way.

"Nothing! She fainted." I stood up with Abigale in my arms, heart racing with fear. "How could I do anything?"

She frowned, glaring at me slightly, grabbing Abigale's hand protectively. "Put her down." She demanded, and I did so very gently. She crouched down and started whispering things, trying to wake Abigale up.

"Micheal, we're gonna have to cut this short." The girl looked at the young man, 'Micheal'.

Micheal nodded. "M'kay, Lillian, who were you dancing with?" He asked.

"That guy over there, he already payed though. Tell 'em I'm sorry." She said quickly, trying to lift Abigale up with her skinny arms. She could almost carry her....almost.

Micheal looked at me then, and held out his hand. "Pay, and then you can leave." He said, gesturing at 'Lillian', who needed help.

I nodded, looking at Lillian and Abigale, pulled out the leather bag-ish thing that actually was more of a pouch. I took half of the green slips of paper, money, and handed them to him. "Is this enough?" I asked.

"Uh, oh.... wow... yeah, um.. whoa.. sure." He seemed slightly dazed as he counted the money. Crouching down, Lillian huffed as I shooed her away slightly. I picked Abigale up bridal style, and the girl tugged me outside, glancing at me every so often. We walked down the road, into the center of metal beasts.

Abigale's soft breathing was normal as she moved in her sleep, burying her face in my shoulder. The right side of my mouth lifted in a smile.

"Okay, put her in the back of the car, and we'll be on our way." Lillian snapped at me, mad at me for something I didn't do... or at least I hoped I didn't do. She went over to a bright red beast.

I gaped at her, she wanted me to put Abigale in this great metal beast? Though smaller then the one I stopped, it looked dangerous.

"Well? Put her in, be careful with her head too." She said again, shoving some clothes off the back seat. She slid into the front seat, and sliding a strap around her, and it made a 'CLICK' noise. She put a key in, and the beast roared to life, making me jump.

Was this it? Were these things transportation? How were they built though, how did they run? And...Oh... then the women had been trying to hit me, not eaten.... hmm..

"I demand to ride with you." I stated. Softly putting Abigale's sleeping form in the back, I grabbed a jacket and put it over her like a blanket. She whimpered in her sleep.

"What?! Why??" She snarled at me. "I don't even know you... You could be a KILLER, for all I know." She shook her head.

"Please, I... I don't have a car. " I put my hands up. "And I just want to help."

She eyed me suspiciously, and then sighed loudly. "Get in shot gun.." She pointed with her thumb to the seat beside her, and I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, then slamming it closed. "Seat belt." She flicked her strap, and started to pull away from the medium sized building.

I pulled my seat belt thingy around and buckled it in to the little holding device. Glancing back at Abigale, I said, "So... you know Abigale, eh?"

"Hell yeah, I do. We;ve been friends for forever...." She smiled, remembering something.

I bit the inside of my cheek, and looked outside the side window.


"Mhm. I've never seen you at school before... are you, like, home schooled or something?" She looked at me from the corner of her eye.

"Uh'm..." I looked at her. I'd had a shape shifter school me. "No actually, I'm.. just not really from around here." I shrugged.

"Oh.. where are you from then?" She asked.

I mentally groaned. "A place."

"What place?"

"Some place."





She burst out laughing, and stopped at a red sign. "Your very 'mysterious'." She said sarcastically.

I smirked, looking at her. "It's what I do."

She rolled her eyes, and, turning her her body side ways, pulled the jacket farther up on Abigale. Then drove forward once again.

"So... you dye your hair, huh?" She made small talk.

Dyed my hair? What'd that mean?

"Because, I'm pretty sure PURPLE, isn't natural." She snickered.

"Uh, yeah.... heh,," I smiled awkwardly.

Dyed my hair... dyed........ hmm.... so purple wasn't a normal color for hair here? Ugh. So much work to be done.

We pulled up to a two story house, the color hard to tell in the dark night, and she turned the beast off, unbuckling herself. This must've been Abigale's house.

She got out of the beast and I copied her as she went to the back door and opened it up.

"Carry her and follow me. Be careful with her.." She leaned in the car and patted Abigale's face, still trying to wake her up.

I then proceeded to lean in and put my arm under her knee's, and under her back.

She winced and clenched the fabric of my jacket, snuggling closer. Even though she was asleep, and had no idea she was doing it, I found it extremely adorable.

Lillian guided me through the house, first going up the porch steps, not knocking just slipping in, and then through a small kitchen and living area, then to some stairs.

"The ceiling slopes up here, so don't hit your or Abigale's head." Lillian whispered, so there was bound to be other people here.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, and stared contently at Abigale's sweet face for a moment, before going up the stairs.

Lillian opened a long white door that when opened revealed a bedroom, a small one compared to the ones in the palace, She pointed at the large bed and I gently placed Abigale down on it, as soon as my skin left hers there was a soft ringing at the back of my mind.

"Abby, Abigale, Abigale, Abby, Abigale," It chanted.

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched Abigale toss and turn in her fainted sleep, she seemed to be having a horrible dream. Lillian, I could feel her watching me, studying me. I instinctively pulled my wings even closer to my body, it was painful, even more so with one broken, but to avoid her finding out would be good. Abigale seemed to like her, she seemed to like Abigale, I didn't want to have to get rid of Lillian.

And then, a purple, silky piece of clothing on the ground caught my eye. It was a bra, dark purple with white lacy straps. Lillian sat on the other side of Abigale, poking her cheek.

Then, Lillian caught my eye, and her mouth dropped open as she looked from Abigale to me. She flipped off the bed and grabbed the bras, flinging it in a closet next to the bed.

"You didn't see that." She warned me.

"Yes, I did." I raised an eye brow.

"No, you didn't. You did not see Abigale's booby holder on the ground right there, understand?!" She said, trying to save Abigale from embarrassment.

My cheeks heated up slightly, imagining Abigale putting the bra on, and Lillian crossed her arms. "NO, just don't even think about it!"

"What's going ON in here?" Said a old-ish women, coming in looking sleepy.

When her eyes locked on mine, her jaw tightened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nooo! Don't blame me D: blame the fact that the giant bagel is controling plant furgsnapurk!!! <.< That was random......

Hm, yeah, ANYWAY! :) Here's another chapter, TA DA DA DA!!! Hopfully I gave Sarah more to work with :D haha, yeah.. sooo... Comment, subscribe, and oh for pete's sake, READ!!! :D Pete: Please! *cough* do it for old hobo pete! >.<

O.e (p.s, if theres any thing spelled wrong, or something that probably shouldn't be ther,e (<<like that let me know! xD I usually spell check, but sometimes I miss stuff.)