Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Spelling Words

Do you remember when you had spelling words?

The ones that your fourth grade teacher gave you so one Friday a day of fun and happiness she could give you some suck ass test where you had to know how to spell those words?

I remember having to write them 4 times each, over and over again, before they would be etched into my brain for the test. They would make me sooo angry sometimes and I would throw things or crack my knuckles into a wall several times just to let it all out.

That was the way my head was working that night.

over and over again my mind was saying one word to calm me and stop me from throwing things in anger. To stop me from thrashing in sleep.


* * *

"What are you doing over here?!"

"I told you I don't know. I just... Ended up here. I think."

I turned in my bed trying to make sense of a few things.

1) The first voice was definitely my Aunt's. The second was very firmalar but who was it?

2) I was in my bed. When did I get there exactly.

"Well. You obviously have to leave!"

The next was sarcastic. "Oh obviously. I don't even fucking no how!"

3) What was I wearing. Why did it feel like I had wings on my back?

4) What smelled so damn good?!

"Look. You most have come with use of a portal. So where is it?"

"How would I know? All I know is that i need Abigale."

"I'm sure."

5) Abigale huh? Well that would be me...

Suddenly the memories came crashing back at full speed. The dance the legal dance prostitution. Decker.


Decker was in my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha. Yes you gave me more to work with lover :v)! Yeah fr are many subscribers and comments that are getting there finally! I love you guys :)

Haha. This was short I'm aware, but some crazy uncle I've never met is coming to visit so I must be going. Love you all!
