Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

With Your Eyes Shut Tight All The Way To The Hospital..

The second man fired, missing The Beast by inches. It hissed at him, raising it's lip to show the weapons that would soon be in his neck. He shook, like the coward he was.

The Beast stood, and darted behind him. The Man let out a whimper, panicked. He looked for me, and The Beast smiled. Hitting the weapon from his hands.

He was nothing without his little toy.

"Back up! I need back up, I'm at-" The man spoke into another little toy of his.
His mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide, Scared. Black orb's stared into his hazel ones. Hand on his chest, in his chest, The Beast unleashed hell inside him, burning him. The man screamed, fire rose out of his mouth in one last attempt at breathing air.

The Beast grinned.

And the carnage went on, as his body hit the ground like his partners. The Beast grabbed both of them, pulling them away, into the back of the store. Feasting on them, I fought to have control over myself again, but received a sharp blow to the temple. Groaning mentally, I felt myself lose the will to fight with Him anymore.

Leaving the two body's in the back, He walked calmly, covered in blood, to the entrance once again. And with sirens in the back ground, snapped his fingers, sending licking flames on the floor, and they sat there in one spot, waiting for his command to burn the place to the ground.

Everything was dulled for me, losing even more control as the man's 'back up' finally arrived. The Beast was out numbered, but he still fought fierce. I couldn't see anything, barely hear it. But I was aware of the sharp pain we both felt in our leg, we'd been shot with something. Something my, his, body wasn't used to, adapted to.... The Beast fell to the ground, and was hauled into a large white and red car, his head lolled to the side and he weakly tried to bite one of the men hauling him up.

"Man, this guy is as high as a fucking kite..." One of the men said.

"Yeah, and as bloody as that time we took one of your cows to the slaughter house." Another one said, and then he left, locking the doors.

I grunted as I felt the man take off our jacket, then our shirt to get to the wound, his breath hitched in his throat, and The Beats weakly stared up at him, whatever they shot him with making him weak, he touched my hurt wing, and even The Beast whimpered. Then, lashed out at the man, weakly biting his wrist with sharp fangs, the man quickly pulled away, falling to the floor.. He opened his mouth to scream. The Beast gained control again, and jumped up before the he could alarm anyone else.

And. He. Blocked. Me. Out. I wasn't even controlling a small part anymore.

"Decker!" My eyes can suddenly see again. "His name is Decker! Let me talk to him!" Her shouts made my heart stop for more then a few seconds. I was still shirtless, and was in the corner of the car, The Beast had been thinking.

"Abigale! Abigale where are you?!" Her voice, I heard it. The beast backed down.

It coward at her voice.

There was no response at first, and I was afraid I'd just imagined her voice. but then I heard a voice just above a whisper ask "Decker..? You're really here?" Like she was shocked.

I frowned, looking at my hands.

The man in the ambulance was dead in the corner, his throat tore open, the most common area of attack. The Beast had took mercy on him, killing him quick, and quite. But as his blood seeped into his clothes, I realized that his body was right there. In the corner. Ready to be found. I growled under my breath.

She couldn't see me like this. She'd call me a Monster, because she didn't understand what I was. Didn't know. And couldn't know, even the thought of her finding out stopped my heart in mid beat, I didn't want her to fear me like everything else did in this world.

"Yes.... I'm here." I whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

The police man outside of the doors said sternly "Listen girl, what did I say to you? You can't go in unless he asks for you, and not alone with him either, he's very dangerous."


I bit my lip, making a surprised "Arwgh," noise as my fang punctured the bottom one. I felt the fangs with my finger, weird. They should've went away when the beast did.

I stood, wobbly on my legs. Losing so much blood. Drinking possibly too much, it made my head light, this wasn't supposed to be happening, the beast should be in control tonight, not me. Why did I gain control again?

"Decker? Can I see you?" Abigale asked, tapping on the doors.

No, not right now. Not while I'm drenched in blood.

"No..... You can't." I sighed.

I hung my head in shame, but then I found hope. The wheel. I'd never driven these things before but.... Now would be a good time to try.

Using a little lick of flames to burn a hole through the locked doors that were keeping me out of the the front, I quickly put them out with a snap of the fingers when I was sure I could fit through.

I hated using His methods. I hated that He was apart of me. Could control me.

The keys were still in the little plug in place.

"Miss, do you know this man?" The police man asked before I turned the key, and the metal beast roared to life.
♠ ♠ ♠
D':< I'm so sorry lover!! He wasn't very asshole-ish :( BUT, give 'em a break, he was just shot in the shoulder, and has to figure out how to drive a great metal beast :D HeeHee

OH MY GAWD, I love you guys! We have 22 SUBS!!!!!! 7 COMMENTS!! >:D You guys are really kick ass, you know that?? :3 Cookies and Love for all! (AND OH NOES!!!! He got blood on his jacket!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!! D': lol)

While writing this chapter, I listened to 'Hospital' by 'The Used' :3