Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Almost But Not Quite

I watched as the ambulance shot of to the hospital. I was bleeding through my shoulder with a wound that Decker had gotten, I was bleeding on my feet because I had decided to run through town without any shoes on, I was cold, and--as the rain had suddenly started to fall--wet.

The police officer--Officer Hightower as it turned out to be under further inspection of his name tag-- was still looking at me quizzically with big brown eyes that seemed to sad to be real. "Miss, do you need a ride home?"

I stared down at my feet in something almost like shame, but not quite. "Yes sir," I sigh, realizing that Decker didn't even want to see me in the first place.

We walk silently over to his police car and I got into the front sit strapping in hard enough to almost break the belt, but not quite.

I give him quick directions to my house--then suddenly changed my mind. Even if Decker didn't want to see me, I wanted to see him. Plus facing my aunt right now felt like a little much.

"Actually I just realized that I need to go to the hospital too."

After all my shoulder was bleeding pretty badly. He hadn't noticed because I had quickly thrown on a red sweat shirt on the way out, the same color as the blood.

Without hesitation except for a few more odd, sad looks, Officer Hightower drove me on the long street to the hospital. It was still so quiet. Like someone had flicked the sound off. It was almost comforting, but not quite.

Suddenly the radio on the car began to crackle to life. "Joe! We need you to come back, it looks like the crime scene we just left has been set on fire!"

With only as much as a blink and a swear word, officer Hightower flicked the button for sirens to come on, blaring loudly over our heads and swerved through the empty street in a quick and fast u-turn my stomach didn't like very much.

I felt as though the world had been set on fire though, not a store. I felt like I was detached from my body and would be safe. I felt like I was almost high, but not quite. On the brink, but not totally.

"Miss I'm going to ask you to stay in the car."

Hightower was looking down at me, sad brown eyes pleading me to listen--like he knew that I wasn't going to. Listen that is.

And I wasn't.

I let out a cold sigh. "Look dude, I don't think I can. I my sole mate is insane and might have just set a building on fire, I am bleeding quite heavily, and My Aunt hasn't even come looking for me yet, which probably means she thinks it's a lost cause." The officer stops the car back at the burning building.

"And you gotta trust me on this, my Aunt knows, when things are lost causes. So I'm not gonna be found for at least another couple of hours. If I stay here," I nod back to the store where firefighters are working fairly hard to keep down and out, "I'm gonna get found."

I get out the car and look back one last time. "But thank you for the ride in which we didn't actually go anywhere. It was almost a sweet gesture, but not quite."

And with that I have started to run, where I have no idea, just somewhere that doesn't have burning building or mysterious guys or anything like that. Maybe somewhere with unicorns, I think to my self as I smile and run about a hill to a place.
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Yeah! I know my 'Author's Notes' are never as exciting as Emma's but to day I will try.... So right now it is 7:12 and I have been putting off writing for a while because once I get started It's hard to stop and yet, my chapters are STILL miles shorter than my lovers. : P but that's okay cause life is making me a wee bit bored now. So yep. Please comment because I luuurve those who do, and subscribe cause i like to know some people like it!!!
