Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale


I stomped down on one of the petal type do-hickys on the floor, and took off. Letting of a surprised yelp I tried to control the car as I swerved down the road, no one paying much attention to me seeing as they thought I was passed out, and the man was driving.

Though, after only driving for twenty minutes, I crashed, the big metal monstrosity tumbling over sideways, into the ditch. I shrieked, and flew from the seat, landing on the front window that was cracked. I gulped, and slowly crawled into the back, through the hole, and looked for my shirt and jacket.

Searching more, I found medical supplies, reading the labels I found out what they did, and also found some bandage.

Finally, I could treat my wounds, when I found a safe place to. This just screamed for attention.

Pulling the shirt on, wincing as it touched my shoulder, I discovered I still had my shoes on, but the jacket was soaked with blood.

Creeping out of the car, using my jacket as a bag to carry the medical supplies, I ran faster then before, and was sure no one could see me as I zipped between tree's, darting back into the woods I hoped to find some sort of safe place for the night, somewhere to hide out, treat my wounds before they got infected, or my wing started healing it's self in the crooked position it was in currently..... I'd hate to have to break it again, just to put it back properly, that might be painful.

And besides. Who knows what I'd do with all those police men and women after me. I had to lay low, or change my look a little. In all honesty, I see now that breaking into that store wasn't the best choice, but I didn't know how to make money. I had been cold. Bloody. And hurt. Maybe even scared in this alien world.

I halted, so fast I almost fell over. Smoke. I could smell smoke, hear screaming. I crouched to all fours and stuck to the shadows. The night was my allie, after all, this was easier then the day.

unwillingly going back the way I came, I slowed down to a walk. A trudge. As I saw what was happening to the store I'd just fled. What I'd caused.

It was burning, big red cars with ladders and hoses tried to put the fie out, put it was magic, it wouldn't stop until it has finished the job.

I didn't understand what had caused this, how I did this. I didn't remember.... but The Beast. He did, and I felt him looking out through my eyes, I could hear him laughing.

When he lost control, the fire he flicked from his fingers must have too, doing his bidding. Demon magic was something these people could not overcome, and I saw why they were scared of me.

I was a monster, not just my beast half, the half that was created from two different dangerous species with animal instincts that had a child, I was just as bad as him.

I gaped at what I'd done, and shook my head. They deserved this... right? They fired at me, wounded me. Their land had caused me nothing but pain, in only a half a day. Even my pleasant time with Abigale had been short lived.

Hanging my head in shame, and disgust, I trudged away from the scene. I trudged forward, I trudged sideways, I trudged until I started to feel tired.Finding a small pond of water, shin deep, I washed my jacket, putting the medical supply off to the side, and pricked my ears senses.

My eyes.

Checking for anyone near by, but the only thing I heard was the faint whispers of 'AbbyAbbyAbbyAbbyAbby' It chanted a similar song to the one before, and I drowned it out. Abigale, Abby, wouldn't want to see me. She couldn't anyway, not when I looked like this.

I still heard no one, but wasn't stupid enough to rest so close to the crime scene, or out in such an open space. Wringing out my jacket, I had to carry the medical supply with my hands now because the jacket needed to dry.

Again, I trudged, and trudged, and trudged, until the scent of smoke was long behind me, I dropped the medical supplies and my jacket, and fell backwards, onto my ass, then gently laying down on my back, the shirt making it difficult to shift my wings into a more comfortable position.

I was surrounded by pine tree's, and was utterly and entirely alone. The only sound was the whispers of 'Abby' and the wind that started picking up. My keen eye sight only picked up on small animals, scurrying on the night floor and flying in the air.

The howls of wolves, or coyotes, made me wary. I didn't know how dangerous they were here, but they were huge in the Dark Lands forest, slightly like werewolves but didn't transform, only thought like humans, fought like an animal. Talked like an animal.

I sighed, spreading my arms out on the forest floor.

How is it impossible that, if Reena is right, a portal that so many are searching for I hadn't learned about it? I mean, I knew there was a very important portal wanted to be found, but nothing else. Where it led. How to use it (Though I found that out on my own..). Or what these strange people were like, though they were similar to us in ways.

Sitting up I tore my shirt up and over my head, angrily throwing it down beside me. My parents hadn't told me anything, yet I was supposed to be king soon.. if I ever went home. Looking at my shoulder, I took my still wet jacket and dappled at it, sucking in my bottom lip at the pain.

t felt good to stretch my wings, even the broken one. I glanced up at the broken one, and saw it was bent, the bone snapped, less then I had previously thought, but there was a deep gash that had caused it to bleed. I shuddered.

After the blood was all dabbed away from my shoulder (I' have to clean that jacket again...) I saw something. Something shiny in the moonlight, in my shoulder. I took a deep breath, staring at it.

What was in me? Would it give me a disease? How to remove it...?

I reached towards it, breath hitching in my throat as I decided whether or not I could get it. It was deep in, the only reason I saw it was because the moon had been shining right at it.

I said my prayers to the sister moon, thanking her for pointing it out for me, and asking for help getting it out.

I plunged my fingers in the wound, shrieking at the pain. I was aware I was being loud, but it was at the back of my mind. The pain drilled into my shoulder, spreading through out the rest of my body. Reflexes told me to pull my hand back, something was hurting me, and for a moment I was scared The Beast would take advantage of this moment of weakness and take over, but it kept quite. Scared, possibly.

My breaths came out in little gasps and whimpers. Pained, and startled. I grabbed hold to the shiny thing in my shoulder,

And ripped it out. My scream echoed through out the forest, and I felt to my side, dropping the siney item, ad clutching my shoulder as blood seeped from the newly opened wound.
♠ ♠ ♠
O__e Ohhh, that's gotta hurt!!! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself xD I had to update!! It usually takes longer for me... :O lol)

Hey!! Your Author Note's are awesome, makes me wanna give you a cookie! YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME!! .....haha, I've always wanted to say that, no idea why xD sorry. Awgh :( I is sorry! I never mean to make them long xD Just when I get writing, it kind of develops into a much longer chapter then what I had thought to write, or what takes place has to be further explained... xD Hip, hip, hurray for my awesome co-writer\lover\Sarah!!!!! >:D

Thanks for all the comments and subs, I can't believe this story is doing this well xD OH, WHAT, YOU EXPECTED IT TO SUCK UNICORN BALLS??? HMM?? What?! No! I just meant- yeah, whatever!! :P

o.e I argue with myself. Don't judge me, judge the story, with comments and your reading powers! I LOVE MY READERS\SUBSCRIBES\COMMENTERS <3