Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

What is Good

Running was good.

You know how in Genesis how God like creates the world and everything? In 7 freakin' days he planned out are whole world. And most people would go "OH My Freakin' Lord look at all the shit I just did! I mean dud am I proud of myself!" to but instead He went. "Wow. This is good."

That's how I feel about running. It was easy and simple and so damn fast... It was good.

My feet were still bare and I was debating ripping off my shirt too, the blood weighing my down and all. It wasn't like anyone would see me. I could carry it to where ever it was that I was going and then put it on again or something. That made sense.


"Shut up! Shut Up Shut the fuck Up Brain!" I yelled over the melancholy voice in my head.


"No. Decker is not here. Decker is a delinquent I have danced with and fainted on. Nothing else."

My legs carried me over roads and back roads of are town and next to big Forest, dark and musky with the smell of night wafting from the branches.

DeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDeckerDECKER DECKER

"Yeah this is me. Ignoring you. Whatever you are."

Sweet and even concrete turned into soft and Washington-Wet dirt and pine needles that lined the ground of the forest.



I closed my eyes and sunk to the ground. It was especially dark under the clouds threatening rain and the trees taller that the boy I couldn't get out of my head. And must be a friggin' 6 foot 6 or something.

"I beg to differ about that."

My eyes sprang open, adjusting to the light the showed through cracks in the green tree cieling. There sitting against a Douglas fir, bloody and shaking just a little bit with the cold and pain from a shot shoulder--a pain i was getting to know fairly well to for some reason-- was Decker.

"Ohh. Oh my God."

He smirked, which paled him a little bit more. Why was he in more pain than me? "I'm not your God actually. Just like, your wounded knight in shinning armor or whatever. I've been called God before though."

I stepped closer to him, then sat down leaning against a tree next to his. "Please tell me your not being sarcastic and bleeding to death at the same time. My brain is not computing to many things at one time right now."

He chuckled and softened his smile for me. "Sorry. You don't happen to have any band-aid on you by chance though do you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
aaaahhh. SORRY SORRY SORRY for not writing in like... forever. I've been super super busy, being a nerd and all. : P lol. I don't even know what happened I think I just like, forgot. hahah. that so not very funny but you know.

Si I just thought I's squeeze in a chpter like in the 5 minutes I hvae before life goes on and stuff soo... thank you thank you commenters I loveth all of you!!!! Make my day when ever I read them!! Thank you also to sunsribers that don't comment but please dooooo! I would loooove you for it! XD I'm kinda cRaZy right now. Don't know why. >.<
