Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Don't Play Innocent.

"Sorry. You don't happen to have any band-aid on you by chance though do you?" I said, whilst folding my wings into the middle of my back, wincing at how the broken one stung.

"Uhm.... No." She blinked at me.

I let out a frustrated sigh and gripped my shoulder harder, trying to stop the bleeding as my head grew fuzzier and fuzzier. She moved closer, and I tensed.

"How bad is the uh.. bleeding?" She gently put a hand on her own shoulder.

"Mmm..." I sighed, trying to sit up. "Bleedy."

She let out a frustrated sigh, and came towards me. I grabbed the tree, trying to push myself into a sitting position. "Here idiot, let me help." She mumbled, suddenly angry. She grabbed my wrist and pulled, hard, so I was sitting up (With slight difficulty). "How bad is it?" She asked, crouched down to her knee's.

"It's not all that bad."

"Your pale as a ghost."

"Ghosts are good."

"No...Not really."

"Why not?"

"Because their the tortured souls of the deceased."

I rolled my eyes and let out a tired sigh. I really wished to sleep right then. Fighting though, I kept my eyelids open. I stared at her for a moment, my chin in my hand. Her hair was slightly frazzled, most likely from sleeping. She was still dressed in her pajama's, no shoes, but now there was a dark stain on the shoulder of her shirt. When I reached forward to touch it she swatted my hand away. "What happened?" I asked.

"Did you do that?" Abigale avoided my question.

"What?" I asked, again reaching for the sleeve for her shirt, and again she swatted my hand. Harder this time.

"Dude. Don't play innocent." Abigale crossed her arms, wincing. "The store, you burned it down, and somehow got away from the hospital."

I stared at her, debating on what to tell her. There was no getting around that, yes, I did burn down the store, well.. Not actually me, the other me. The Beast. But she wouldn't believe that.

"Yes, I may have run away from the hospital-" I lied. "Yes, I did burn down the store... but not on purpose." I shrugged, looking around at the ground to find the bandages I'd brought with me. Not band-aids, but they'd have to work.

"How do you burn down a building, in that small amount of time, on accident?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"By being very stupid." I tapped her nose with my finger. Then made a noise of accomplishment as I found the package of bandage, and started wrapping my shoulder up. Going under my arm and then back around. I felt like a ghost, I could see I was pale, and I felt horrible. Light headed.

Abby seemed frustrated by my answer and started to bite her thumb nail. "You know what? That answer sucks."

"Mhm." I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on, annoyed that again, I couldn't address my wounded wing. "So did yours, even more so. You didn't even give me and answer." I blinked lazily at her.

If only I could sleep for just a moment.......

"Decker..." Abby snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Mmm... tired.." I felt my wound bleeding through the bandage.

She looked at were I had been laying, as did I, and saw that there was actually quite a bit of blood. And the shiny object in the pool of blood.

She took deep breaths, looking at the blood. It bothered her.

"What? Can't take seeing a bit of blood?" I tried to smirk, but it probably looked like a grimace.

"No." She glared. "I can. Just... is that the bullet?" Her glare softened once more.

So that's what it was called....

"Yeah." I swayed, trying to stand up. Though I could already feel my skin healing itself, slowly.

"And you ripped it out?!" She threw her hands up.

"What was I supposed to do? Live the rest of my life with a bullet in my shoulder?" I raised an eye brow.

"Uh no. You were supposed to go to a Doctor and have them remove it!" Abby looked sick.

"Hmm...." I shrugged, putting pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding down. "Yes, but what fun would that be?" I said sarcasticly.

Abby shook her head weakly, and looked at me. Then gripped her shoulder.

"I'm gonna sit down for a sec...." Was what she said. Before crumpling to a pile on the ground.

"Abby!" I jumped- stumbled- over to her.

She was still awake, but her face was twisted in pain. She weakly tried to push me away, put her hand just slid down my chest in a failed attempt. "I'm fine, just... all that blood, ripping out bullets. My head just started hurting..Ewgh..." She closed her eyes, sighing.

Smirking, I chuckled."What did you do to yourself?" I put my hand under her back so she was sitting up.

She glared at me, mumbeling something under her breath.

I felt bad about doing this, I really did, but I didn't have a choice. Biting the inside of my cheek, I made her pass out. She really shouldn't be out here, or even talking to me right now, I'd just take her back to her house. She'd be better off thinking all of this was a terrible nightmare, and when I was rested I could just make her, and the town if I was lucky, forget.

Though, taking her to her house may take some time, since I couldn't go back through town.

I sighed shakily as my pale arms wrapped around her, and stood up. I was tired, had only now just stopped bleeding, and had just made Abigale fall alseep with magic. Usually, using magic was so easy, I could do it with a snap of the fingers, and still have tons of energy left.

Tonight was just not my night.

Walking through the forest, I blinked a few times to stay awake. I'd stopped bleeding, and my shoulder had almost healed itself. I was afraid my wing had healed too, but didn't dare check it. But I was tired, my mind still cloudly from losing blood, foggy from not sleeping, and I was sleepy because I'd lost so much blood..... And Abigale was shivering from being cold.

Even with losing so much blood, and drowsiness beginning to overcome me, I could still hold her with one arm, using the other to wrap her in my jacket, rubbing my eyes when she had it wrapped around her torso. The strength of both my demon and vampire side made me stronger then the people here, they were unnaturally weak. Like they didn't have any defense system. They were weird.

It was actually kind of humorous, how weak and fragile they were....but that was just my Beast side thinking. Cruel and unusual, as always.

I looked down at her, Abigale sighed in her sleep, it surprised me she could do anything besides breath under the heavy blanket of magic I had layed upon her, because if she was of the same race as everything else here, she should have been out cold... shaking my head, decided to think about it later.

I put my other hand back under the crook of her legs, and started walking once again... accept my legs didn't feel like listening right then, because I fell to my knee's, eyes fluttering.

Even I couldn't avoid sleep.

Yawning, I gently put Abby on the ground. We were surrounded by tree's, still, and were well hidden in some under brush at the moment. If any wild animals came, wolves, coyotes, I could fend them off. Abby pulled her legs to her chest, rolling onto her side. Her shirt hung loosly on her, because it was far too big, but I could still admire her curves.

Which would have creeped her out, knowing that I thought about her curves. While she was sleeping.

I slumped to the ground, in front of Abby. I was aware in the bac of my mind that I was wrapping my arm around Abigale's waist, she nuzzled her head into my chest. Seeking warmth in the cold night. But was too tired to care that we were in the forest.

Too trired to care we were sleeping on the forest floor.

That she wasn't home.

That if the magic wore off before she was home, I'd be in deep shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
O__O Hi there peole! :) So yeah uhm.. I updated, HUZZAH >:D

Oh my gawd, I love you people!! We have so many readers, and subscribers, AND FRUCKING FOURTEEN COMMENTS!!! >:D You guys, you guys, I love you guys! Your an amazing bunch of readers :)

The happy pants dance, happy pants dance, everybody do the happy pants dance! :3