Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale


I pounded my fists on the edge of the computer in utter annoyance and frustration. It was so hard to write anything when the only image you had floating in your head was some freaky winged guy from your dream last night. Not that he wasn't... hot or anything. Actually He was damn near sexy, but distractions were distraction no matter what my hormones wanted to think.

"Reena?" I called from the desk and computer I was working at for homework.

"Yuhah Abbs?" she yelled back from the kitchen.

"Math sucks."

I could practically hear her nod her head in agreement. She was close like that. "That my sweetie, it does. It does a lot."

I growl aloud at the online homework Mr.Serse expected us to do. Teachers thought by putting homework on the inter net they were suddenly younger and cooler and their class would hate them less. But All they were really getting out of it was a bunch of pissed of teenagers with headaches from starting at a computer screen for so long.

The sun shined through the window next to me making my headache escalate into a migraine.

"That's it! I'm done! Mr. Serse can kiss my homework less ass tomorrow!" I shrilled. "Done done done! Never again!"

Before you could blink like twice, my office was a mess. I had apparently thrown several things in my rage i didn't remember throwing.

"Abigale! Calm down!" my aunt coaxed over my yells.

Slowly she began to stroke my back and calm me down.

I looked up at my aunt and felt my eye's water slightly. "Sorry. Sorry, sorry sorry. I didn't mean to." My voice cracked. God. I was such a pussy sometimes.

She smiled and held my head close to her chest stroking my hair. "I know sweetie. It's not your fault. I'll write your teacher a note to not have homework online anymore, and maybe get you a tutor if you'd like." I nod and she gives me a final hug. "How about you go and get some ice cream with Lilia?"

I nod again, trying not to crumple under my aunts sweet patients. Lilia was my best friend. We both fit in because we were so different. In a whole town of misfits, with crazy colored hair and random clown suits, we were the weirdest. She had this weird deal with water and me with my anger issues... we just needed each other most of the time.

I look back at the room and survey the damage. I used to want to help clean up, but I would just get made at my self for causing such a mess in the first place and then do it all over again.

I grab my black coat and turn to give my aunt one more hug before I run out the door.
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YEAH! WE MAAAAAAAAADE IT! (Other people: you do not even know how long it took to plan this and how cool it is for a two author story virgin like myself) But yeeeaaahhh! We did it

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