Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Sleep Little Angel Don't Say a Word

I cuddled closer the cozies bed I had every slept on. Warmth seemed to radiate from it, my face nuzzling closer into the base of something smooth and nice.

My dreams swept me to a cool bed room, windows open letting the breeze into it's wafty air. I was sitting on one of those big four-poster beds under a canopy, which although wasn't something I would ever admit out loud, had always been a dream of mine. Owning a four-poster bed I mean.

On it I seemed to be mostly naked, except for dirty lingerie which was purple of course. Most of my bras and panties were. As well as my hair. I seemed to be wrapped up in someone, tall and muscular.

"Mr. Darcy? Is this like... a wet dream or something. Cause I want more of these." I murmur into the skin of the man next to me. Mr. Darcy seemed to make sense. Pride and Prejudice was like the best hing that every happened to this world even if I had had to call Lillian every five minutes to translate it to fucking English.

Oh yeah, Mr Darcy alllll they way. I mean who could be sexier really? Chuckling came from beside me.

Wait a minute. 1) Mr.Darcy shouldn't laugh at me.Taking my virginity is what he should do. 2) That didn't totally sound like what I would imagine for Mr.Darcy's laugh.
3) It was however a laugh a lot like---

My eyes sprang open. Rain was slightly drizzling from the sky and on to my hair, which in turn was curling all over. Feet crunched beneath me, but they weren't my feet, I seemed to be floating.

"Where Am I?"

Although, I didn't actually want to know. I was comfy as heck, my face in the base of--someones neck? Someone neck that smelled really fucking good in the rain?--And I was being held which always felt good, but somehow I knew, what ever the answer to that question would be, I would. Not. Like. It.

And as a cherry sweet voice filled my ears, I knew that it was true. I wouldn't like it. " Shit you woke up. Not supposed to do that. Umm, Coming home."


"Yes actually you are. I mean technically I'm going to your home and you are just coming with me, but we will both end up there so--yeah. Your coming home."


(Here insert a struggle that didn't actually happen. Like I said, It was too damn cozy snuggled in Decker's Arms. )

"Abigale, calm down. For one if you tried anything, I could probably make you fall asleep again and--"

I shot up. Not out of his arms, but up. "MAKE ME FALL ASLEEP?"


I stared at his chin. It was a very nice chin. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It was sort of turning me on that chin.


"Give me a minute to come up with a logical explanation."

I nod and then frown. "You mean a lie."


(Well at least he's semi honest.)


I'm shaking my head and water droplets are also shaking around. I hope he gets some in his eyes. I hope he gets some in his guy-liner. I hope the rain is acid rain and it kills him slowly and painfully. Well. Not kill him, if he would carry me every where. I could get used to this.


"Okay then different question. How are you able to lift me if you lost all that blood?"

He was soooo warm.

Decker's voice was slow like he didn't want to answer, but knew he didn't have a choice. "It... got mended. Your's however did not, which is why you need to get home as fast as possible. I suggest sleeping the way there."

I shake my head again although I was feeling a little bit more tired as he talked. "Nu-huh. I want some answers first."

But sleep sounded good.

Really good.

Decker spoke again but his word were a little fogy. He has such cozy arms.

He must be pretty strong to if he could pick me up no prob and carry my a couple miles back to my house.

Did I mention how.. warm... he... what was I talking about?

Ooh sleep sounds good. Maybe Mr. Darcy will be there.

Or like... What was I say....
♠ ♠ ♠
Why is it when ever I get to start chapters I'm dreaming or nothing exciting is happening? Hmmm? Can you tell me that Decker? Why you get all the exciting bits? Maybe I set myself up for it...

Hahahah. Mr.Darcy. I <3<3<3 him... And know Im really sleepy.

hmmm. Annnywayzzz, Love you alll. Thanks for the comments and subcriptions, seriously the only I'm breathing. (Well not the only reason but you get it >.<

Ahh well. I gotta go but thanks thanks thanks for giving me a reason to breeeatyhe.
