Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

"My Head Is Stuck In The Clouds"

She slipped back into a deep slumber as my voice traveled to her ears,

"Falling Falling, now your gone. Gripping at the steal walls, who's gonna catch you when you fall? No ones catching me, now I'm gone.
Leave me, Leave me, Leave me be, here to rest for eternity. "

An old song mom had sung to me, as a child, possibly about fallen angels, it wasn't a very common lullaby for children....Actually, thinking about it, Sometimes I really didn't see the point of having children. We stop aging at thirty, old age can't kill us. Could it kill these people? I didn't know. But swords, 'bullets', and any physical damage could kill us. We could be poisoned... But we were much stronger then everyone here, I kind of pitied them, actually.

"Don't you hear my cries, my pleads?
Do you? It's just another mystery..."

I sang a little bit more of the song, until I was sure I'd put her asleep.

The voice is a powerful thing.

When I brought her home, I would have to swipe her memory of this. Possibly just the slip of the tongue I had, because I'd really enjoyed her company. Not sure if the feeling was mutual, but whatever.

In another half an hour, I saw her house. I hadn't dared to run at my full speed, with her in my arms. I've been known to drop things while running.

The sun was rising in the distance, and I wondered if Reena was up. I hope not, she'd murder me if she saw me climbing in Abigale's window... with Abigale. Going up the long drive to her house, I drifted off to the backyard, very sure that's were Abigale's window was. And I was right, too. Shifting her so that her arms were around my neck- my hand under the crook of her legs- I launched myself off the ground, with such force I stumbled on the roof. Using the gracefulness of my mothers side, I practically danced through her window and softly put Abby down on her bed, her room looked the same as last night.

She growled in her sleep, hugging her pillow. The warmth leaving her made her uncomfortable in the chilly first light air, and I pulled her blanket up over her, crouching in front of her and rubbing my hands together.

I decided to just erase the memory of my slip up, and the mending part. Making her think I'd said, "If you tried anything, I could probably just leave you here." Instead of what I had originally said. I would have also made her forget the whole night. But something made me hesitate.

Rolling her sleeve up, I saw there was a wound, like she'd been shot. On the same shoulder as me. Frowning, I rubbed over the wound with my thumb and Abby whimpered, when I lifted my thumb though, the magic had worked.

There was now only a nasty bruise, and a blood stained sleeve. I didn't know what she'd think when she awoke, but at least the pain would ease.

Abigale?! Is that you?" Shouted a voice. Reena's voice.

I scrambled from my position beside her and flew from the window, as soon as my feet hit the ground I was running. It felt good to finally run again.

I ran all the way back to the woods, to find a hill. A big hill.

Standing on the hill, almost directly over the town, I knew this would work. I didn't spend all that time studying magic to not even be able to do a forget-me-spell.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on making a cloud of magic- my magic- move over the town. The sleeping, inspecting town. I felt my fingers dance in the air, swirling it into a tornado. Controlling it with my mind, I bent the magic to my will. The town, in half an hour, would completely forget the face- and name- of me.

The cloud of magic rained down, gracefully dancing and twisting past and into houses. It was a wonderful sight, to watch magic at work. Beautiful, even.

I walked away, while the magic worked away, to find somewhere to (Finally) treat my broken wing.. if it hadn't already healed. It felt numb, so I didn't know.


Oh shut up... I saw her like, an hour ago.


I pushed the electric shocks of calling away, something I had recently figured out, as I wrapped my wing with the bandage I had stolen from my shoulder. It hadn't fully healed, which was a relief.

I didn't feel like ripping a bullet out and snapping my wing in the same day.

Laying down on the warm- and now dew covered- grass, my mine troubled me. What would I do now? I checked my mental list,

Find Abigale- check.
Make the town forget my crime- check.
Find a place to take up residents- not checked.
Go to school?- undecided.

Though school would help me learn more of this place.... but where, and how, could I do that? I suppose I could say I didn't live here, used to live far away, maybe then they'd recognize my cluelessness as a newbie.

I sighed, pinching the skin between my eyebrows. I couldn't think right now, my head hurt, and my neck was partially sore from sleeping on the ground. Checking how much money I had left, I saw that I had two hundred and thirty two moneys left. Would that buy me a place to stay? Did school cost money?

Ughr. I'd go back to Abigale's shortly, and ask her for advice. I probably should have erased everything from her mind, me carrying her home, me talking to her from inside the car at the crime scene, but I'd been in too big a rush.


I'd go there now.

Through town, it was safe now.

Ask her for advice.

Tell her I wasn't from around here.

And if she asked where I was from then... I'd tell her... I was from Alaskama. Hopefully that was a place.

Hopping up off the ground, I pumped my tired legs back to her house.... so much exercise in one day had to be bad for you. I was sure of it.


Twenty minutes later, I was at her house. Knocking on her door.

"One second!" I heard someone yell from the inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Decker: I'm just that cool, so I get good parts *Decker's being all ass holey again..*
Sarah: No, you just steal all the good parts >:(
Decker: Because I'm sexy! :D
Sarah >.> I'm going to have to hurt you...
Decker: I'd like to see you try :3
*Insert fight scene here*
Sarah: I win! :D
Decker: Owwww, why'd you win?!
Sarah: Cause I'm sexy xD

DING DING, and Sarah is the winner!!!! :)

Yeah, okay... ^^^^ Hurray for my weird babbling moments? haha. Anywayyyy, I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I am xD Our comments and subscribers are slowly growing, AND SOON WE WILL RULE THE WORLD- I meannnn... heh, we'll have an awesome story, with bunches of subs ad comments... yeah.... heh heh... ;] OHHHH, yeah, did anyone else find Decker's lullaby kind of sad? o.o

**Note: I made that lullaby Decker sang, there's more to it, but I figured he didn't need to sing all of it x) So, don't steel that little bit of musicness by your's truly... Or I'll sick my penguins on you... :]..**