Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Processing Last Night

I groggily opened my eyes, warning away the dreams off boys with purple hair and sexy muscle burning down buildings as loud poundings from my door rung around my door.

“Hey, Abby are you awake?” A loud and quite annoyed voice called from the other side of my door whom of which I instantly recognized as Lillian.

I didn’t want to wake up.

My best friend wanted me to wake up.

I was having the weirdest week-end of my life and wasn’t sure if I wanted to ever wake up.

My best friend was stronger than my though. Hmmm.

“Don’t come in; I’ve died.”

“Have not, I saw you yesterday.”

Yesterday, The dance was yesterday? Yes, I suppose it was. I had spent the entire night running with Decker, and being carried by Decker. Now he was probably caught by the police and in jail. Which reinstated that I was dead.

“Doesn’t matter. There were several hours in which I could have died. So here I am. Dead.”

Here’s the thing though, my best friend Lillian? She doesn’t really care if you don’t want her to come into your room when you despretly need sleep because you spent the last night running around town bleeding without shoes. She comes in anyway.

Lillian’s hand shook my shoulders then pried my eyes open. “Sweety you have to wake up. He’s coming to your house.”

My head falls back into my waiting pillow and I close my eyes. “Who?” I mumble into my purple bed sheets.

“The boy you danced with last night then fainted on.”

This time, when my eyes shoot open, it’s completely voluntary. “Haven’t the police caught him? Decker I mean?”

Lillian’s dark hair fall over one eye as her other one shots up in surprise. “ His Names Decker. Weird. Retro but cute," she mused the snapped to atention, "And Why would he be arrested? Did he like rape you or something after I left? Because if he did I’ll kill him.”

I shake my head. “No. I mean he burned down a friggin’ building, I figured that the police would be a little upset. Especially since he like escaped from the hospital last night when they shot him.”

My best friend looked at me, still amused. "And how would you know this?"

"I spent the whole night running after him without shoes."

Lillian’s quizzical look has turned a little more worried that humorous. “Sweetheart you must have had one hell of a dream, you were sleeping all night. Your aunt just told me.”

I’m silent for a moment processing said information. I did some crazy shit last night. I came home and Reena didn’t even scold my she just gave me hot coco and got me to bed, this morning no one in town knows what happened at the store, and my aunt has told my best friend that I slept all night. Either I was going crazy or I was in a secret with my ant I didn’t know about. Either way I better pipe down.

I shake my head. “Right. Right. Of course. Weeeird dream girl. Any way what do you mean he’s coming here?”

“Oh, well Pete” (Her on again off again make out buddy) “just called me and told me that he saw the boy you danced with walking down the street toward your house and asked if you 2 were going out so I came over here to find out myself.”

I sit up a little more strait in bed. “When was this Lil?”

“Oh, Ten minutes ago, and he was at Lauren’s coffee place then so in about 2 minutes—“

I cut her off, spring out of my bed and diving into my big closet to look for some jeans to wear and I cute tank top. I mean if he wasn’t arrested… well it wouldn’t hurt to look good is all I’m saying.

Lillian laughed. “Whoa soulsista. So I take it he didn’t rape you then.”

I look up at my dark haired beauty of a best friend for 5 second withouta blink and then countinue with my work.

“Makeup, I need makeup. Now.”

Lillian was still giggling as she fished around in my drawers until she found her favorites.

“Has anyone ever told you Purple looks good on you? I mean I know you died your hair purple in streaks and stuff but… It works.”

I nod and give her a quick kiss on the cheek just as the door rings.

“One second!” I yell at the door as I rush to hide my best friend in my bathroom and shushing her protest.

I Reach the door noticing my aunt had left for work (She’s a secretary at a dentist’s office) and wrench it open. Decker smiled at me for a half a second before stepping in, his lids heavy and his hair messed up but just as gorgeous as last night.

“Look. Um, just letting you know right now,” He starts without a hello or even a half-assed smile, “Last night didn’t really happen. I mean it did but… No one but you and me are gonna remember kay?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowooowowo. Am I hyper right now? Yes yes I am. Hahahah. Weell. I loove <3 you all, and your comments even the constructive critisim ones because that's cool.

All I can say to Deckers attempts to out Sexy me? Hahah. You with Boy I helped Create. Although I do looove you.

Duuude O.o I'm CrAzY right now. I don't even know why.

Oh and sorry I didn't post yesterday, but my battery died right in the middle of writing it so I didn't have the chance. :( But here it is. Short but... you know. Mine.
