Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Damn Those Tacky Tacks.

"...What? Why?" Her eye brows shot up.

"Uh, well.." I shrugged. "I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows some more guys-"

"So you have connections." She stated.

"Yeah. Got any food? I'm starving." I walked into her kitchen. Everything felt fuzzy because I was so tired.

"Wait! How did they make the town forget?" She grabbed my arm and I let her stop me.

"Hell if I know, they don't tell me how they do it, they just.. do it." I replied smoothly, adding a smirk.

She let my arm go and followed me into the kitchen, possibly irritated by my barging in.

"But that's not what I came to ask, though it would have been a pretty good reason anyway.." I trailed off, looking in her refrigerator.

"Then why did you come?" She bit the inside of her cheek as something THUMPED from upstairs.

I stared at the ceiling for a moment, then at her.

She shrugged.

"Is Reena home?"

"Ah, no. That was... something else, I dunno." She shrugged again.

I grabbed a wrapped up bar that said "CHOCOLATE" on the front.

Mmm, chocolate. Sweet, delicous, chocolatey chocolate...

"DUDE!" Abby threw her hands up.

"Okay, geez. Impatient today?" I grinned and she huffed.

"As you might've noticed, I'm not from around here, and I'm kind of unfamiliar with all this-"

"Where are your from then?" She cut in.

"Oh, Alaskama." I lied.

"...You do mean Alaska, right?" She mirrored my smirk.

"Of course." I waved her off, sitting down at her table. "Anyway, I came here not too long ago, yesterday actually. But..." I struggled with what to say. I couldn't just beg for help, I mean.. it's true, that's kind of why I came here, but not to beg for it.

"But I need a place to stay, I guess I should sign up for school, and..."

"And your practically a bum. Why'd you come here then? If you didn't know anything?"

"Well..... I didn't have a choice in the matter, I guess." I smiled.

I hadn't expected that portal to swallow me whole, after all.

"Why not?"

"Long story." I lied.

Abigale looked like she was about to say something, but an interruption accrued.

"Sorry Abbs, but if you expected me to stay up there- Oh, Decker..." The girl from last night (Lillian?) descended from the stairs.

"In the flesh." I put my hands behind my head and leaned back in the chair.

She eyed me up, whilst circling the table to get to Abby. She whispered something in her ear, while keeping her eyes on me, and Abby shrugged, whispiering something back.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's rude not to share secrets?" I put my chin in my hand, and tried not to fall asleep at the table.

"He needs help," Abigale explained my made up situation and Lillian nodded, sitting down.

"That sucks." She swiped the chocolate bar (MY chocolate bar..) From the table, and took the wrapper off. "For you."

"Indeed." I nodded.

She gave me an odd look, but said nothing. After a moments silence, Abby spoke.

"Well, I dunno. Maybe I could help you get in school, but I don't know where we'd get you someplace to live.."

"And a job." I piped in.

"Why a job?" Lillian asked.

"Things cost money, I want things. I want to be able to pay for stuff."

"Everyone wants to be able to pay for stuff." Abby chuckled, slightly more depressed then it was supposed to sound.

Silence then, a very awkward silence fell over us. No one knew what to say, or what to do. Thinking about it, I suppose I was lucky they were even considering helping me after what strange things me and Abby had been through... If Lillian was in my magics range, she should have forgotten anything about the store and such, Abigale had been pretty far away though.

Out of range, but I didn't mind. I liked sharing this little secret with her.

"Well... We could go get you signed up for school right now." Abigale shrugged. "I mean, tomorrow's Monday, so I guess that would work out.. if they're still letting people in at this time of year..." I nodded, and stood up. I wanted to sleep....

"But wait, I don't understand.." I crossed my arms.

"Okay, one more time, this? Is your school schedule, it has your classes and shit." Abigale sighed, frustrated.

"But why is second period blank?"

"I don't know, they screwed up. It probably was lunch, so-" She took a black marker and scribbled Lunch on the blank spot.

"Ughr..." I groaned.

"Man, didn't they have school in Alaska?" Lillian snickered.

"I was home schooled." I said, still staring at the schedule. "Fuck that. I'll figure it out later." Abigale rolled her eyes at me and I smirked.

"By the time 'later' comes around, it'll be tomorrow and you'll have no idea what your doing." Abby smirked.

"Well then, maybe I'll just have to bother you all day with pesty questions." I smirked, and Abby's faltered. "Dammit Decker." She growled.

"So... anyway, where am I staying.....?" I looked at Abby. "I don't think at your place, because Reena would reap me of my soul." I chuckled. "And I wouldn't have anywhere to sleep, I'd have to steal your bed.... or you'd have to share it." I winked.

Abigale's cheeks heated up as we passed through the school doors, and pit her lip. She pulled her hood over her face to try and hide it the blush that was creeping around her face, and I smirked.

"What?" I grinned.

"Nothing.." Abby said, her voice giving her away.

"Can't handle a joke?" I teased.

Lillian gave me a dirty look as I snickered, opening the car door and throwing the school schedule on the floor. I climbed into the back, while Abigale and Lillian sat up front.

"Yeah, anyway." My face still smothered with a grin. "I need a place to stay."

"Well, there's an apartment, like, twenty miles from here." Lillian shrugged.

Abigale sighed. "I say we go get something to eat... like taco bell or something."

"Or we could get ice cream." Lillian smiled.

I felt my eyelids fluttering shut, and my chin drooped to my chest. I wondered what a taco was. I wondered what I'd do now that I found Her. I wondered what mom and dad were doing right then.

Most of all, I just welcomed the sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Is there taco bells in washington..? xD) I know, this chapter kindablows.... strangely I kinda like it xD even though it was a filler type deal. But if every moment something actiony and exciting happened, then the story would be too predictable, and would be over too fast! :D

Jackal: Whatever, you suck. I'm going to go eat all your chocolate bars.
Me: SHUT IT, JACKAL!! >:( Nobody likes you!
Jackal: I know right >:D

Yeah.. Jackal's a douche bag.... he's my character guy.. that I made up.. I talk to him.. sometiiimmmeeesss.

I'M NOT CRAZY! xD lol. I might make Jackal a story of his very own someday.. but not, today! >:D

F*ck... I'm rambling again.. sorry -.-