Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale


I slam my locker door shut and lean against it for the few seconds I didn't have to do anything for. This week-end had been dang draining.

"Yeah there's no lunch at second period."

My eyes shot open as Decker finds another time in my life he can sneak in and scare the pants for me. Hah. Pants. I need sleep.

As sigh rushes out of me. "I know. It's like 8:30 in the morning. Why would there be lunch?"

I scoop up my stuff and turn to face the purple haired boy that was messing up my life too much. "You said yesterday when I gave you my schedule to figure out what to do in Second period that I could go to lunch." He shoves a crumpled piece of paper in my face. "There is not lunch in the morning."

I take his schedule out of my face and bring it to a reading distance from my face. "Wow. They skipped second period."

"I told you that yesterday!"

I shake my head. "So go to the counselor and have them give you a second period class. It's not that difficult."

He narrows his eyes and I want to close mine. The loud hallways are clearing and I need to get to class. I don't skip. "Is too. Where is the counselor's office?"

I sigh again, and begin to walk up the stairs for my third period class. What had he done when he didn't have class? Never mind I don't know what to do. "Don't pout, it doesn't do you cute face justice." And with that I was in Science class
Lillian and Pete caught up to me in the hallway for lunch like we did most days. Pete had bright red hair (not died, which is semi rare for our town with a hair that color) and pretty pale. At the same time, he has this alluring I'm-an-Irish-Fairy look to him that girls love. Lillian for example, loves.

"Where's Decker? he has lunch with us. I compared schedule with him after third period."

Lillian grins. "I Like that boy. Most of the time."

Pete looks up from his sneakers. Boy's weird. All I can say. "I met him the counselor's. Messed up his schedule."

I nod. "Did he get that figured out."

I hear a chuckle from behind me. "I did indeed no thanks to you."

Decker stood behind me on arm on hip, the other circled around a girls waist. Naomi Parkers waist.

"Ooh," She cooed at him, pushing some purple hair from his eyes. "this is the Abigale you said was a bitch when it came to help? I could have told you that." She giggled.

Lillian and I passed each other an hello-she-is-eeevil look at ech other before she plastered on a fake smile at them both and walk ed to our table.

"Oh Are you 2 going to sit with us?" She asked grabbing an empty round table is the bright as hell lights of our high-school cafeteria.

Decker raised his eyes brows at the bitch in question. "Do you want to?"

I want to punch him.

Then her.



Naomi looked down at us from her nose and seemed to be thinking it over. "I guess. As Long as Melissa can too."




"Sure," Decker agrees, looking at me and smirks. Asshole. He knows my perfect punishment all right.

"Dude," Pete says looking Decker over. "Did you bring lunch or are you buying?"

Decker looks confused. I don't think he likes being confused. "Umm," He starts but I caught him off.

"He can share with me." (It wasn't my fault I swear. Have you seen his vulnerable eyes? Oh my effing God.)

Deck nods and musters a smile in my general direction but he's slowed down a little. Like a little boy that's been brought down a peg by not being right for the first time. It was cute.

Suddenly loud heals clicked to our table. "Found Melissa. Look, you like, have to meet Decker. He, is like sooo cool."

Lillian kicked me under the table in Morse code. hate them

me too

A less familiar leg started to kick mine. I like them

My head shoots up. "You know MORSE CODE?"

A smirk. A nod.

"She's suck a spaz," Naomi whispered to him.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ha. Jackle. Mine Named Damian. (I've made him a Mii character on Wii so I can have pretend convos with him in person.)

And of course they have Taco Bells in Washington. It's not like were all like Forks or something. (Really Forks isn't even Forks any more because of all the tourist crap. Quite sad actually)

Anyway. I loooves you alll! Comment! I looooves comments!

*And my co-writer. Just not as much*
Haha jusskidding. I love her more. (Sometimes.)

~Sarah the Fish <*))<