Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale


"Just slightly," I grinned.


Abby dropped her head back down to the table, which made me chuckle. I reached over and tapped her hand, which caused her to move slightly so she could see me, lifting her head just a little.

"Don't slam you head on tables, could give you brain damage."


Lillian rolled her eyes at me and whispered some things to Abby, and she nodded. I decided to ignore them for the time being. Instead, I turned to Pete.

"So, your with Lillian?" I asked.

"Ah, I guess so." He shrugged.

I raised an eye brow, and he shook his head. "Complicated."


"Deeeeccckkkeeerrrrrr," Naomi let out a long wail. "Meet Melissa, she's totally my best friend." She smiled brightly at me.

I looked at Melissa. She had very long dark-almost-brown red hair, and yellow eyes. I frowned.

"Are those yellow...?" I pointed at her eyes.

She laughed. "Yeah, colored contacts. I would hate to wear glasses. And yellow is totally bad ass," Melissa smirked.

I nodded, though I wasn't sure what contacts were, and grabbed Abigale's sandwich as she got it out of her bag, she squawked in protest and I 'shh'ed her. She narrowed her eyes at me. She'd looked fairly tired lately, so I decided to ease up on the teasing. Didn't want to hurt her feelings or anything... Or make her hate me.

I tore the sandwich in half and gave one piece to Abigale. I peeled the bread up to see what was on it, some yellow sauce, meat, and cheese. Nibbling on it, I decided it tasted pretty good.

"Decker, just out of curiosity, do you have a girlfriend? Because your totally cute." Naomi giggled, which caused a smirk to paint my face.

I swallowed. "No, I don't actually. But I'd prefer to stay single," I glanced at Abby. "For personal reasons." I smiled at them.

They both nodded, slightly disappointed. Or at least Naomi was, Melissa looked really distant.

Is Melissa high? Abigale kicked Lillian.

High? I kicked.

"Oh my god, stop it!" Abigale threw balled up plastic wrap at me. I ducked, laughing.

Hmm.... who knew mortals- I was learning much about them- were so attracted to demons? I mean... they didn't know, but still.

It was Tuesday, and I was still having slight trouble figuring all of this out. Pestering Abby had been fun, but it looked like I'd pestered her too much- Or maybe something else was wrong? Hmm..-. The house that Lillian had showed me was fairly pricey, and I still didn't have a job, but I was doing okay.

Blending in.

"Ohmigod! I just got a text from Jason," Melissa squealed, holding a little mettle device I had learned was called a 'cell phone'.

Naomi and Melissa chatted away now, so I turned back to Abigale and Lillian.

"How is school so far?" Lillian asked, blowing hair away from her eyes.

"Alright." I shrugged. "Science is a wretch." I smiled crookedly.

"I kinda like science." Pete commented.

"I like history." I grinned.

"Ughhh, I hate history." Lillian groaned.

Abigale was sitting up now, eating her slice of sandwich. She had been awfully quite today, or as quite as she could be... I had also learned Abigale was loud.

Very loud.

"Ohhhhhh shit... Lillian, come with me. Please." Abigale suddenly jumped up from our table, a worried expression in her eyes.

"Can I come?" I asked.

"What? No, you, stay here." Abby shook her head, frowning. She pulled Lillian, away, and whispered something in her ear.

I decided to peek in on their conversation, just this once.

Listening into conversations was easy, but pulling out was the hard part.

"Oh geez. Did you bring any midol or something? I think I have pads in my bag..." Lillian whispered.


"No, I didn't bring anything!" Abigale said in a strangled whisper. "I didn't know I'd get it now..."

"Maybe the nurse'll have something."

"Ewww, the nurse is a guy though." Abigale wrinkled her nose.

I pulled back, hard, out of their conversation. It was clearly something I wasn't supposed to know...and from what I heard, it sounded like a 'feminine problem'.

Creepy... maybe I should stop butting into peoples conversations.

"Hey man, you gonna eat the rest of that?" Pete pointed to my sandwich.

"Nah." I shook my head. Naomi pulled on my sleeve. "Decker, what class do you have next?" She smiled.

I couldn't wait to be out of here, maybe sleep for awhile. Well... I'd been sleeping in the woods (Nobody knew that, of course.) but still. Maybe I could spend some time with Abigale? That'd be nice.


"I don't care where he is, find him at once!" The queen screeched, guards and servants ran from her room, getting ready to search for their prince. Their new king.

The queen threw the nearest thing to her at the wall, it shattered. She was angered by her husbands sudden death. Angered by her stupid son, running away when they needed their king. Scared by herself. All alone.

How would she rule this kingdom alone?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ughhhh, I know, I kinda took awhile to update, and this chapter sucks D: sorry about that :( But yesterday, I wrote the chapter exactly how I wanted it, I was all happy, and then... POOF. The page exited itself off, as I was thinking of a chapter title....

That really ticked me off... >.<

Oooohhhhh, O__O The peoples are looking for Decker! Dx Oh noooo! :O His dad is dead?! Oh nooo! I'm out of blueberry muffins? OHHH NOOO!!!!!!!!!!! o.O