Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Lusty Pixies.

They sat me down at the dining room table and I looked at them suspiciously, the grins plastered on their faces seemed fake... plastic, almost.

"Decker," Mom started off. "We have very good news." Dad smiled.

"...What is it?" I crossed my legs and rested my chin in my hand.

"Well, Decker We're happy to announce that..... we think we've found a bride for you." Their smiles faltered for a second as I stared at them, my jaw slack with shock. Confusion. Anger.

"B-But... but who?!" I stood up too quickly, the chair falling down. "Why?!"

"Relax Decker! She's a princess from the far east!" Mom tried to calm me down. "The kingdom needs you!"

"But I can't marry her! I still haven't found the girl!" I blurted out.

"The girl?" My dad stood up.

"The girl, from my dreams! They're so vivid, I just.... I know....She's real, and I have to find her!" I shouted.

"Oh dear.. Decker, do you know how you sound right now?! You sound insane, Decker! You're not seven anymore, you know that dreams are JUST that, dreams. Your acting insane." Mom rolled her eyes at me.

"No, mom, Vampire's are insane!" (Even though I was half vampire..) She looked hurt. "No, mom, pixies are insane!" Some of the servants looked sad. "This is all insane......But believe me, I can feel her, she's so close." My wings flared in anger when they looked disbelieving, the feathers all spreading apart. The silver tint to them turned slightly darker.
"I can't marry this woman." I crossed my arms with a powerful glare behind it.

"Decker, you WILL marry this princess." dad growled, his face turning red.

"Never." I backed up with promise in my words.

Dad let out a fierce growl, and shouted "Get out, out of this room! Go to your room!"

I glared at them and tore up the stairs, kicking the wall next to my door as I did. I left a dent in the metal wall, and then I slammed my door.

How dare they choose a women for me, without asking! Without telling me! How could they be happy about this?! How could they insult Her like that? They didn't even know her!

I didn't even know her..

I slapped my bed frame with the back of my hand and it snapped, the wood nothing but air under my anger. I broke the window, glass shattered down, and I let out ragged breaths, sitting down on my broken bed as the energy of anger rested deep inside me again.

Fuck that princess, fuck my parents, fuck pixies! Fuck my vampire half, fuck my demon half, I was getting out of this shit hole, I couldn't marry yet. Not unless I was married to the one and only.

It occurred to me now, at this time, that I didn't know her name, and this was troubling. I bit down on my lip with one of my fangs, and decided it wouldn't matter. I would find her, with or without her name.

The door opened and in stepped in a sheepish looking pixie, she spoke in a soft shaky voice, and said "Your highness, the queen and king requested that we bring up your meal to you." And entered. I wasn't one for breakfast, but I did need the energy.

I nodded and slowly picked at my food, the pixie looked at me for a long time, and when I looked up at her, she realized she'd been staring. Her pale, blue tinted cheeks, heated up and she hurriedly rushed down the stairs.

Damn these lusty pixies.

As the sun faltered, and went behind the tree's, I could feel the cold seeping into my skin, I leaned farther out the window, and realized I'd been glaring. I could hear my parents whispers if I leaned against the door, and they were pissed. They were now having trouble keeping they're voices down, because they started yelling now, at each other, and things about me.

It was time to go.

I hoisted on my leather bag, over one shoulder and in the middle of two wings, made from very fine animal skin, and could feel it's weight. It wouldn't take that long to get there, but I didn't know what to expect, because rigt now I just needed a place to rest, and the small small small clearing in the forest seemed good enough, when I went there as a child, no one would ever find me. It was like a special place for me, I guess.

The window was big enough for me to stand on as I got out and stood up, breathing in the night air.

"Good bye," I whispered, and flew out into the night sky. The wind rushed by me and flowed by my ears, my eyes were locked onto the small circle in the middle of the forest, and my wings pumped furiously, and then, I folded them in, dropping down like a bullet.

I could feel the wind rushing past my eyes and into my nose, and it felt great. A feeling I hadn't felt in a while.

I snapped my eyes back open, and then spread my wings, gliding down. I landed a little roughly, and I grunted as I fell to the ground, falling to one knee. I brushed myself off and looked around, sitting on log as well. It suddenly occurred to me I had no idea where to find Her, and it made sad to think how long it would take to find her.

I mean, seriously, I wanted her NOW.

I sighed and took off my bag, setting it down beside me. I took out a bottle and gulped some down, then instantly spit it out. "Ugh!" I spit, it tasted horrible. I eyed the bottle and frowned, it was water from the shining lake.. why did it taste so foul?

I dumped the rest of the water between two tree's, and put the empty bottle back in my bag. I went to sit back down, and then stopped dead in my tracks.

The water, was shining.

My eyes grew wide, and I rushed over to it, peering into the mystical circle. The water flowed wider, until it was a large circle, with me in the middle. I bent down and brushed My hand in it, and it felt like air. Hot air. I pulled my hand back and frowned, leaning closer to the hot air circle.

It glowed brighter, turning the color of blood, and I screamed as it sucked me in.
♠ ♠ ♠
DUNDUNDUN...... :)

I see's we only have two subs O.o DANG YOU PEOPLE D: ..Just kidding! I'm madly in love with you for subscribing :] Maybe I'd be even more in love with you if you commented..? *winkwink* AND PLUS, YOU'D GET A COOKIE LARGER THEN YOUR HEAD!!! :D