Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

Why I Hate Boys.

Lilia was gorgeous. We all knew this. I mean we allll. knew this. But somehow I was still the one boys honked which made no sense to me.

"Heeey. Abby! Lookin' niiiiice." Some guy yelled out the window of his friends car. The other honking twice.

Lilia laughed. "it's 'cause you have boobs Abbs. And Blonde hair."

I lifted my head from her shoulder to give her a death glare. "You have boobs too Lil."

She grinned dirtily raising he eyebrows. "Not big ones."

I look down at my Ds. I hated them. A lot. I had dirt blonde hair and murky gray eyes, but somehow all of that was canceled out if I had boobs.

We walked down to the ice cream shop ignoring more stares from random guys. Maybe I should have worn a thicker shirt. A Cat Call. And a jacket.

"I'll have cookie dough please," Lillia said to the kid working cash register."And she'll have Bubble gum."

I laugh. "I won't have bubble gum actually I'll have cookie dough too."

She nodded and went to scoop the ice cream.

Lillia stuck out her tongue. "Copy cat."

"Umm. Sure. And I hate bubble gum. You know that."

She laughed, "I do."

We got our ice cream and went out to sit on a bench.

"Hey Abbs?"

My best friends eyes are thoughtful. She's never thoughtful so I slow my ice cream eating. "Huh Lil?"

"Do you ever think there's a guy that's like... meant for you? And no one else."

I close my eyes and think of the winged boy in my dreams. With his dark hair and his bright eyes. I hadn't told anyone about them before. He would get me so distracted even if he was in my head. Lil didn't even know though.

I look up at her. "Maybe."
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Yeah Fourth Chapter!!! Nooo school! Yeah Subscribers!!! Nooo no comments!!!

I hate school. But I loooove subscribers. GIVE ME MORE!!!

I love you all. smiles.