Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

A Dancing Prostitute.

"Um. I'm pretty sure this is prostitution."

"It is not. And you look hot. And this is totally legal," my best friends contradicts as she smiled and waved at some guy on the other side of the stage.

I was dressed like a slutty fairy courtesy of Fantasy Land Dress-Up and in front of a large-ish crowd of other weird people dressed up. That was the kind of thing that people just did for fun in out town. Dress as freaks and go to a club and then--

"Look, they pay good money for just one dance." she cajoled. "Besides and I will repeat this, You Look. Fucking. Hot."

--Pay money for the girls to dance with freaky men for money. "It's prostitution."

Lillian shook her head. "Is not. Dancing my friend--although is not TOO different--is in fact different than sex."

We were lined up on a raised plat form in the middle of one of the towns many night clubs--Dark Allie-- with a bunch of other scantily dressed women to raise money for better munches at our school districts. Each of us would stand up on the plat form and be auctioned off the men for 2 or 3 dances and then would be returned to the stage for round two.

"This is disgusting. When you said let's go out tonight I was not picturing this."

"Just shut up. You want better pizza too right? Stop. Com. Plaining."

I narrowed my eyes but did as I was told as the announcer took the stage and started to seal my fate.

* ~ * ~ *

"Woooow. Look at this naughty fairy! Let's start the bidding at about... hmm let's see... %0 dollars! Do I hear 50 dollars?"

Micheal Rasoon, a boy from my English class that was chosen to be the emcee for tonight scanned the crowd.


"Okay several 50's how bout 60?"


"Let's hear 70!"

The numbers kept going higher and higher. It was probably the oddest feeling I had ever before went through. Proud for one, but at the same time a little nauseated. Boys were really gonna pay that much money just for a couple dances? I can't even dance!

"Okay! How about 110?"

Finally there was just a sole voice. I turned my head anxious and scared shit less to see who I was supposed to show my two left feet two--and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Okay we got
♠ ♠ ♠

Yeah! We have comments! And subscribers! I loves you guys. And my amazing co-writer of course. There would be nothing without her! And I think it's about time to have Decker and Abby meet eh?