Status: Inactive

Searching for Abigale

The Great Metal Beast.

I trudged down the road, seeing shining lights up ahead. There were large and small buildings, all jumbled together. It was a town of sorts, though much smaller then any of the kind I've seen. My bare feet slapped against the dirt road, just as something with two lights neared me.

I stood straighter, confused by the great beast. It was metal for sure, and it made a strange 'HONK, HONK, HONK,' noise. I squinted at it, blinded by the lights, when it sped up.

I screamed as it tried to trample me.

Snarling at the beast, I braced myself as it neared closer, only speeding up. Then, a voice said, "Move outta the way ya' freak!"

I was shocked that the stupid metal beats could talk.

And then it hit me, but I felt nothing, My hands in front of me, I felt my anger rising, making me strong. The beast had a nasty looking dent in the front, and I wrinkled my lip up in disgust. It also had glass, that was now cracked and broken in places.

I lept to the side of the beast, ready to attack, when I saw a small women, tan skin and brown hair, dripping blood from wear the beast's glass head struck her.

Fuck, the huge metal beast had eaten her!

Her eyes were closed as I pulled her out of the beast, though it didn't have guts or blood, it had seats and junk in it. Weird.

Her breathing was heavy as I pulled her out. She'd hit her head, I could tell from the blossoming bruise. She was wearing a very long skirt, down to her ankles, and a long sleeved shirt, the letters "ILY" printed on the front. Her eyes fluttered open, and she handed me a metal device.

" call 91...1...." She drifted in and out of consciousness. I nodded quickly and layed her gently on the ground, as she stared at me with her weak eyes, she seemed to be glaring.

I opened the small thing she handed me, and saw a light screen, and numbers. I dialed the 9, then the 1, then the other 1, and a voice came from the other end. "Hello, this is 911, whats your emergency?"

I stared at it for a moment, then said loudly, "A women is injured, a great metal beast ate her, and now she is bleeding on a dirt road in front of a very small town." and hung up.

The women was now asleep, and I stepped over her to look in the beast.

Plastic bags lined the back, and I looked in them, finding clothes, women's clothes in particular, nothing I could really use. The only jacket was much too small, so I'd have to stick with the one I had, though there was a shirt in a more fitting size. Maybe she had a lover to buy clothes for?

Going back to the front, I found a strange bag-ish type thing, it was leather, and opened up to reveal green slips of paper. It didn't smell like food, but maybe it would be worth something. There were lots of them, and most of them at 20 printed on the corners.

I went behind the great metal beast, knowing it was dead, and took off my jacket, putting the light blue shirt on, then putting on the jacket. I still looked a bit odd, like a poor faerie. But it would work, for now.

And so I began walking, as some sort of sirens sounded behind me I ran, afraid.

Had they come to punish me for what I'd done to Marty?

I ran, into the town, following the electric shocks still, and was a good ways away from the sirens before I had to stop and rest.

Fuck, I wish I could just fly around. But no, I could not, not with my wings being ab-normal, and one being injured. I hope the blood didn't seep through the jacket...

The leather bag-ish type thing tucked safely into my pocket, I walked the streets, and was alarmed by all the metal beasts lined up. They didn't move though. Didn't make a sound. They must have been sleeping, so I quietly creeped past them, all different shapes and sizes, and walked over to a medium sized building, playing very loud music, and colors flashing through the windows.

I sat on an overly large tin can, the kind with junk in them, and sighed, the shocks were so LOUD now. But how would I find her in a world I knew nothing about...?

I scratched my foot and watched people go into the building, all of which had no wings or anything normal about them. They were dressed in funky costumes though, some very trashy and some hilarious. They laughed and smiled at each other as they went in, some whispered things as they looked at me.

I was curious, what made this building so special? Maybe I could get in, it didn't seem like you needed anything to get in, I wanted to get in.

So, I walked to the door, pushed it open, and walked in.

The music stopped suddenly and girls dressed in both hilarious and revealing costumes came up onto the stage, and an announcer started asking how much they'd pay. Were they selling slaves? There was a sign above the stage, that said "FUND RAISER, HOW MUCH WILL YOU PAY FOR A DANCE??" and I shook my head. Fund raiser? Were the poor?

"50!" The young man yelled out multiple times, people took green slips of paper from their bag-sh looking leather things, waving them in the air, and started shouting.

My eyes widened as I realized it was money, they payed with these kind of things, and I had loads. I pushed my way closer to the stage.

"60!" He yelled at multiple times again. More shouts.

"Let's hear 70!" He shouted, excited.

The numbers just kept raising, and when I looked closer at all the girls up on stage, and the one they were bidding off, the shocks grew not more painful, but loud, so very loud. Warning bells, and then they were silent. My jaw dropped, as I looked at the girl in costume of a fairy.

"Okay! How about 110?" The young man shouted. No one said anything, just looked around. I quickly pulled out the green slips and counted them. I raised my eyes to the stage, and said loudly "Over here," My heart just screaming. I was finally seeing her. Everyone turned their eyes on me.

Abigale put a hand to her mouth when her eyes found mine, and I couldn't help but smile a small, so very small, smile.

"Okay, we got a lucky man right there! Lady, get down there!" The young man smiled at Abigale and she looked slightly panicked as she made her way down to me, everyone else returning their eyes to the other girls. She slowly approached me, as if I would bite her... I mean, I could, but I would NEVER do that, not to her. Never to her.

Could it be she knew who I was?

"Y-Your name." She was now directly in front of me, and her beauty was even more over powering then in my dreams, her skin flawless, beautiful curves, and the most gorgeous eyes. My heart swelled. Her dress came to her mid thigh, and looked like leaves. It had only one strab, and she was wearing (sexy) heals with it. She had make up on, just a bit. But she didn't need it, I was sure.

"Decker." I spoke softly, putting my hand out.

"I'm.... Abigale." She gave me her graceful little hand.

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled, as the other girls were sold off and went down to their dancing mate. Then, a slow, wonderful, song came on. No words, just the soft tinkering of a piano at work. Dramatic, graceful, yet it was a sad sounding song.

I put my hand on her hip and pulled her close. She rested her hand that wasn't in mine on my shoulder, and I slowly moved my wings in more, so herfingers wouldn't touch them. Her touch was so real.

She seemed a little shaken, but was regaining herself. Sort of.

"Uh'm.. thanks." She looked away for a moment. "I'm not usually like this, I mean.... I.." She seemed flustered.

The corners of my lips tugged into a smile again, and I began dancing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I find it funny how clueless Decker is about earth :) LoL, who's with me?!?!

WEWT, comments! WEWT, subscribers! WEWT, cookies for those who commented!! (And I guess the subscribers can have some tuna.... :D YAY FOR TUNA!) Oh, and sorry not much happened between Decker and Abigale in this chapter :( I felt like it was beginning to grow really long -__-" And I didn't want it to be too long, because when I read a too long chapter, I'm always like "Ugh.. I'll read more later." and I didn't want you guys to do that.. and... yeah..