You Sure Are Something Different

“Come on honey you are going to be late for your first day of school!”

“Coming mom hold on!” I shouted down the hall.

I reviewed myself one last time in the mirror. Blonde hair, straightened, Pink striped tee shirt, and my favorite denim shorts.

“Well this is as good as its going to get” I said to myself. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs.

“You look adorable honey” My mother said opening the door.

“Whatever” I said heading towards the car and getting in. Mom got in after me and started the car, “Look I know you’re still mad about the move, but please try to make the beast of it.”

“Make the best of it? We move to a hole other country, and I have to start at a new school in the middle of the year. Yeah, it’s the best.”

“Canada isn’t that far away from America”

“Sure is far from New Jersey though isn’t it”

“Come on wipe the sour look off your face, you don’t want to scare the other kids” She pulled up in front of my new high school.

“Haha very funny.”

“I mean it. Try to have a good day”

“Why bother” I opened the door and got out.

Degrassi community school, I read the big sign on the building.

“Here I go” I took a deep breathe and walked up the steps inside. I herd some whistles as I walked by down the hall. Great, being harassed already I thought. I found my way to the principal’s office. A middle aged man with blonde hair stood at the best talking to a teacher.

“Umm, hi I’m Kim Sherwik, I’m new”

“Oh right” The man said, I’m Principal Simpson, I have your schedule right here. Wait, I’m sure I left it on this desk.”

Minutes of shuffling through papers late he finally found my schedule.

“Here we are, I knew it was somewhere on my desk” He handed me the paper, “And I have assigned a student to show you around to your classes, since she happens to have all the same ones.”

“Oh it’s fine I can find my way around” I said nervously.

“No, we can’t have you getting lost on your first day, ah here she is now” I girl my age with short auburn walked into the office.

“Kimberly, this is Clare” Mr. Simpson said.

“Hi” I said.

“Hey” she smiled, “Well we better go, we don’t want to be late.”

She led me down the hall, “Its really cool we have all the same classes, I have a feeling we’re going to be good friends”

I smiled, “A friend would be great”

“Well you’ll have plenty more, just give it time”

“Hope your right”

“Damn playboy, what’s good?” A boy yelled at me as we walked by, I ignored him.
“Seems like the boys are taking a like to you. That’s fitz by the way, major bully”

“I wish the boys didn’t like me. Its all the same. All the boys like me, and all the girls think I’m a bitch”

“You don’t seem like a bitch” She said, “Oh this room” She guided me into the room. Math lab.

“I’m really not though” I picked up my schedule, “I’m not smart either, which makes me wonder why I’m in these classes”

“Guess you’ll have to work extra hard” She laughed.

“No” I groaned, “I hate working”

That’s when he walked it. A tall boy, with brown hair and a gray hat walked in.

“Who is that” I said to Clare eyeing the boy.

“Oh that’s Adam” She said.

“He’s so hot!” I whispered.

“Umm, yeah…”

“Hey girl, you’re in my spot” I turned to see a girl, much taller then me with brown curly hair standing over me with a pissed look on her face.

“Oh I’m sorry” I said.

“Bianca take a seat” The teacher said walking in. “Class” she said motioning towards me “This is kim, she’s new, Umm I don’t know if we have any open desks” She said looking around.

“There’s one next to the freak over there” she said pointing in Adams direction.

“Shut up Bianca” Clare snapped.

“Girls settle down” The teacher said, “Take that desk over there.”

I walked over and sat down.

“Hi, umm I’m Adam” He said shyly.

“I’m umm, I’m kim” I said blushing. Then looked down and stayed quite the rest of the class.