Status: Done and Done. <3

Baby's Coming Back

Out of Time, Out of Our Minds

Sixteen days. It had been sixteen days since Dougie heard from Harry. And that wasn't normal in any way, shape, or form. Every since they got off tour Harry seemed off. Normally the two would spend time together, stay over each other's places, and everything else a normal couple would do. After all, that's what they were: a couple.

It didn't matter how unconventional they were or how “disgusting” a gay couple was. In their minds, Some people were gay. Get over it. But lately, Dougie had been questioning whether or not Harry actually cared. Even before tour ended, Harry seemed off. He would go to his bunk right after a show, hang out with Tom all the time (which wasn't very unusual), and seemed to ignore Dougie's presence.

Dougie decided to call Tom, since Harry's phone seemed to be off most of the time.

“Hey, mate.”

“Hey, Tom. Uh... I was wonderin' if I could talk to ya for a bit.”

“Yeah, of course. What's up?”

“Is Harry with you?”

There was a pause.

“Tom, is Harry with you?” This time he said it with more force.

“Uh... yeah he is. Why?”

“Nevermind.” Dougie hung up the phone. He hated this. He hated the feeling of not knowing his own boyfriend anymore. He hated not seeing him. Holding him. Hanging out with him. It wasn't fair. Tom had Giovanna, why did he have to take Harry as well?

Dougie's anger got the better of him and he punched the closest thing to him, which happened to be a wall. Curses spewed out of his mouth as he dropped to the floor in tears. Why was this happening? Why was his life getting fucked up when he didn't even know why? Why didn't Harry love him anymore.

He didn't know how long he'd been there, but when Tom showed up, tears were still pouring out of his eyes and violent sobs shook his body.

“Doug. Doug, get up.”

“What's the point, he doesn't love me anymore. He's the only thing that matters, Tom, and you're taking him away from me.”

“What?” Tom was thoroughly confused. Harry had been coming to him for help, he wasn't trying to steal Harry away from Dougie... even though he thought Fludd kicked Pudd's ass. He loved Giovanna, and if he was going to go out with a guy, it'd be Danny. Hell, he was practically married to the man anyway. “Dougie why would you think he didn't love you?”

“He hasn't called in over two weeks and whenever I call, his phone's off or he tells me he's with you and hangs up on me.”

Tom didn't know what to say. He knew that the two weren't hanging out, but he at least thought Harry was talking to Dougie. And he knew Dougie had the complete wrong idea.

“Look... uh, Dougie, Harry and I, well, I'm just helping him out. I had no idea he was avoiding you. I'll talk to him okay?”

Dougie nodded his head. He could hear that Tom was sincere. “Thanks, mate.”

“Anytime, Doug, you're my brother, we stick together,”

He nodded again.

“I'll call you later, awright?”

“Yeah, awright.”

Tom smiled and stood up. “Come on, let's get you to the tele. Just relax, he loves and he's just being a nutter at the moment.”

“Yeah, sure.” Tom helped Dougie to his feet and brought him to his room. Once Tom thought Dougie was settled, he headed out, determined to slap some sense into Harry.

Another two days past and Dougie hadn't moved from his bed. He knew Tom wouldn't go back on his word, but he couldn't help but feel like he failed. There were a few knocks on the door, but Dougie couldn't be bothered. He was moping and no one could stop that. It wasn't until he heard the door being busted in that he moved.

He picked up one of the many lightsabers Tom bought him and cautiously walked towards the front of his home. He stood, waiting for how ever it was to either stop or break the door. Dougie might have been tiny, but he knew how to defend himself, if need be.

The door cracked and burst open. Dougie was about to attack when he noticed who it was in the shambles of what used to be his door.


“Aye, it's me, Doug.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He was annoyed. First he ignores Dougie at all costs, and now he's breaking down his doors.

“I came to apologize.” He shifted a bit on the floor. “Are you gonna help me up?”

Dougie sighed and bent down to help his boyfriend up.

“What's your excuse Harry. It better be bloody good, or I swear to--”

“It's good,” Harry interviened. “The best decision I've ever made.

“Oh, really? What it is, then?”

“This.” Harry bent down on one knee and pulled out a ring. “Dougie, I've been contemplating this for a while. And I've been really nervous about it. I wasn't sure how to go about doing this. I mean, really, it's quite difficult to find the right moment to propose to your boyfriend. Get permission from his mom, and find the perfect ring. But I know this is right. So Dougie, will you marry me?”

Dougie stood there gaping at the ring that Harry had just produced. It was a platinum band two small topaz stones side by side. One yellow, for Dougie's birthday, one blue, for Harry's.


“Doug, I'm sorry I was an asshole, I was just confused and being fucking stupid.”


“I mean, really fucking stupid.”






“You mean...”


“Holy shit.” A smile spread on Harry's face as he took out the ring from the box and placed it on Dougie's finger.

“God I feel like such a fucking girl right now.”

“Babe, you are the girl in this situation.”

“Fuck you, Harry.”

“You love me.” The two smiled at each other for a while, not caring to move.

“Oh, by the way, you're buying me a new door.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with my other stories so I wrote this.