The One With The Happy Ending

The One Where I Tell You How I've Felt All Along

They’re at a baseball game. The bleachers are on stage right and the players on sitting on the bench. Someone has just finished singing the star spangled banner.
Annie, Anna, Samantha and some extras are sitting in the bleachers. Some extras, Matthew, and Liam are sitting on the players’ bench.
Samantha: You said you didn’t want anything to do with him Annie
Annie: It’s not like he’s going to see me. And I know he’s not playing I just want to watch
Matthew gets a hold of the microphone
Matthew: Hello? Hi, everybody! How’s it goin’? I know I’m not playing, I just wanted to say good luck to my team, I know we’re going to win. But on another note. I have something to get off my chest. I’ve had an unhealthy addition over the past couple of days…
Samantha: (to Annie) Do you know about that?
Annie: Nope
Matthew: It was my best friend Daniel. I let him dictate everything in my life. But now that I’m free of him, I would like to say that I broke up with my “girlfriend” Amy…. And I am in love with a girl named Annie (Annie spits out her water) …GO PANTHERS
Matthew puts down the mic and walks down stage right. The bleachers and the players’ bench is rolled off stage after Annie climbs off the bleachers to meet Matthew down stage right
Annie: Why?
Matthew: In the few days I’ve known you…I’ve come to find that I like how I feel when I’m around you
Annie: That pretty much sums it up doesn’t it?
Matthew: That, and a kiss. And then I’d kiss you and fire works would go off. But that’s a little dramatic
Annie: Yea
Matthew: That’s why I’m not going to kiss you…
Annie: Kisses are fine though. We don’t have to make it as dramatic as you said
Matthew: I think I’ll go with a hug
Annie: Unless I kiss you first
Matthew: That’d work
They kiss. Anna and Samantha walk on stage from stage left.
Anna: Whoa. I’ve never seen Annie suck face like that before…I’ve actually never seen her kiss anyone before
Samantha: Sh! Maybe we should just go back…you could just ignore Dan couldn’t you?
Anna: Not really…I’d rather not be anywhere near him
Annie: What’s going on?
Samantha: Dan is sitting in the bleachers; he started talking to Anna so we left…are we interrupting something?
Annie: No…Matt, you can go back to the game if you want…
Matthew: Nope. This is exactly where I want to be right now
Anna and Samantha: CUTE!
Annie and Matthew laugh.
Samantha: So are you two lovebirds an item now?
Annie: Sure?
Matthew: Yes
Annie: And we aren’t keeping it from the world?
Matthew: No ma’am
Annie: I have to say, I like the sound of that
Anna: Can we go now?
Matthew: You don’t want to stay for Liam?
Anna: I’ll call him later, let’s go to your house Annie
Annie: No, my awkward parents are there
Samantha: We can go to my house.
Anna: Ok, I’ll tell Liam to meet up with us after the game
Matthew: I’ll drive
Annie: Shot gun!
End Scene