



1.pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.

2.dealt with in myth, as a prehistoric period.

3.dealing with myths, as writing.

4.existing only in myth, as a person.

5.without foundation in fact; imaginary; fictitious: The explanation was entirely mythical.

1670–80; < LL mȳthicus < Gk mȳthikós of myths.

Dear diary,

Starting today I am going to be cataloging the strange and (possibly) supernatural happenings in Wicker Hollow. Why, you ask am I doing this? It all started a week ago. Things here in Wicker Hollow have always been a bit odd, but when two guys moved in down the street from me, things got a, erm, little weirder.

First of all, their cousins. Gabe is eighteen, and Aiden is nineteen. They look nothing alike! They're like total opposites!

Gabe has sun-kissed skin, pale blond hair that you just want to run your fingers through, wide baby blue eyes and a smile that will melt your heart. He wasn't one of those pretty boy preppy types though, he's actually more of a beach-bum-surfer sorta guy.

Aiden on the other hand is pale, not in a sickly looking way, just pale. He's got this inky black hair that hangs in his eyes, which are super dark green, three lip rings, and a bad boy vibe that will knock your socks off. Like, black-leather-jacket-slouching-biker-boots-wearing-noisy-rumbling-motorcycle-riding-cynically-smirking-evilly-chuckling-bad-boy vibes. Plus his voice is wicked deep and gravely!

I was walking home from (my best friend) Dalia's house the first time I saw them. They were standing in the drive way arguing about something. I could tell they were arguing from all the yelling, stomping, and obscene hand gestures. At the time I didn't know what exactly was going on.

It looked like "Mr. Angsty biker "(A.K.A. Aiden) Was about to beat the living tar out of "Mr. Surfer Hunk" (A.K.A. Gabe). That's what I called them in my head, since I didn't know their names at the time. I just stood there on the sidewalk with my head tilted sideways in confusion for a moment till they noticed me.

"Domestic violence is never the answer, no matter what the question is." I felt a bit awkward, like I had caught them saying things that weren't meant for me to hear. So I decided to prattle off whatever jumped out of my mouth. This made "Mr. Surfer Hunk" laugh, and let me tell you, no sweeter sound will ever grace my ears. Unless that sound is the sound of "Mr. Angsty Biker's" throaty chuckle. Were I not such a dork already, I would have worried how I looked standing there with my mouth open. Having two gorgeous guys staring at me was a bit unnerving, so I decided to change the subject.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra Ambrose, Candy for short. I live that-a-way." I said pointing my finger in the direction I had been walking in just moments ago.

"Nice to meet you Candy, I'm Gabriel, call me Gabe." Mr surfer hunk-Gabe said as he walked forward to shake my hand. It was warm and felt like heaven against my skin. I didn't exactly want to let go of it.

"The scowling, skulking, rogue over there is my cousin Aiden." Gabe said, pointing over his shoulder at said cousin. Aiden just did that odd head bob/dude nod guys do. I lamely picked up my hand and half-waved."Hey." I said.

"Well it was nice to meet you guys," Even if it was a bit awkward, I thought. "But I gotta get home before dinner if I don't want my dad to pitch a conniption fit. See ya around." I said, waving my goodbyes. They waved me off as I turned around and tromped onwards towards my house.

Its been a week, and I've noticed a few peculiar goings on.

Long story short, I don't think their quite human.
♠ ♠ ♠
R.I.P. Quizilla! You have been my sanctuary for these past few years, you will be deeply missed.