Clairvoyent Disease


“How do you think he got a job here?”

Gym had finished all too quickly and all of us had moved to grab our things before leaving to the next class. Shelby Chess had immediately struck up contemplation of the new year's rumors with her lapdogs. Julie, her closest follower, shrugged her designer fabric clad shoulders, “Search me,”

“I don’t know what the problem is,” I muttered to Caroline. She gave me one of her knowing smiles, “Of course you would defend the guy. I saw you ogling his ink.” She slung her sharpie painted bag over her shoulder. “I like tattoos,” I shrugged, picking up my own things. I knew she was exaggerating like she always did so i wasn't worried about being caught "ogling" the new teacher.

Caroline rolled up her sleeve to study the schedule she had scrawled out in ink on her skin. She had always been horrible with remembering things.

After skillfully weaving between people and muttering to herself for a full minute, she looked at me with a grin, “I have Mr. Lewis next.” I let out a gasp, “Mr. Lewis!? I’m coming with!” She rolled her eyes, “What happened to not skipping?”

“That’s what your mom told you. My mother didn’t say shit.”

“I think it was implied when they grounded you for half the summer.”

“I didn’t see any red flags,” I responded innocently. She smiled, knowing full well that nothing could talk me out of going to see my favorite teacher.

Though he might be second after today… I thought while my mind conjured up images of hazel eyes and tattoo covered skin.

“I doubt you’ll want to speak to him anyway,” Caroline mused with a smirk that was slowly growing.

“Oh?” She nodded and lowered her voice as we approached the Journalism classroom as if everyone would hear her if she spoke any louder, “I saw him with another woman.” My mouth dropped open.

My Jacoby Lewis?” she nodded seriously, “Your Jacoby Lewis.” I crossed my arms in fake disbelieving anger. Okay, so he wasn’t mine. It was only a joke.

You see, I’ve somehow managed to have Mr. Lewis at least once every year as a teacher. He transferred a lot and took substitute jobs every so often. I joked with him that he was stalking me. I’m pretty sure half the school was convinced of it too. I was an amazing actress.

Over the years that the young, raven-haired man has been teaching me, he became great friends with my parents. Mostly because I always passed every class he taught with flying colors. They were still begging him to teach math.

We came to room number 104 and I threw the door open. Half the class was already in the room, but they were hardly getting any work done or paying attention to my entrance. Until I made it known. “Jacoby Gelert Lewis!”

The familiar pair of shining blue eyes looked up from the paper strewn desk. He’s the only teacher that would look happy or amused at me using their full name. “My favorite student,” he greeted me with a small smile. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the tiled floor. “I hear you have another woman.” His face flushed just a splash and he shook his head, his smile slightly coy now as the entire classroom of kids turned their attention to him, waiting for an answer to my outburst.

“My favorite student,” he repeated under his breath.
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Eh, at least it's an update, right? Hope you liked it and thank you for the comments :)
